Vladimir Putin - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2009

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    DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 28JAN09 - Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation captured during the 'Opening Plenary of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009' at the Annual Meeting 2009 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 28, 2009.

    Copyright by World Economic Forum
    swiss-image.ch/Photo by Remy Steinegger

    1. stonewall jack 27 months ago | reply

      Pictet & Cie. Bank – list of crimes.

      1996 --- Breach in London.
      2003 --- FSA --- States rogues operating in Pictet’s –London
      Office . Ivan Pictet said documents were forgeries but
      were lated proved to be genuine. Had documents held
      in London office destroyed. (hoping to hide crimes.)

      2007 --- Japan. ---- The Securities and Exchange Surveillance
      issued a recommendation that the Prime Minister and
      The Commissioner of the FSA to take disciplinary
      action against Pictet Asset Management. Japan Ltd.

      2008 --- Dec. ---Pictet Bank state --- “ we have never chosen
      any funds linked to Madoff.”

      2011 --- Madoff Trustees sue Pictet & Cie. For $156 Million.

      2011--- Bank at centre of Bribery and money laundering case.
      Being sued for $350 million. ( In U.S.A.)

      2012.--- April.-- Geneva Bank Pictet used in Offshore Tax
      Scheme U.S. Authority states.

      2012.--- July.-- De- Spiegel -- States-- Pictet Bank uses a
      letterbox company in Panama and a tax loophole
      involving investments in London to gain German
      millionaires as clients.

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