Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy last revised August 6, 2010.

This is the official Privacy Policy for Sierra Club websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to information gathered through these sites and does not necessarily reflect our practices with respect to information gathered through off-line means.

This Privacy Policy is part of the terms and conditions which are set forth in our Terms and Conditions By using this site, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use our site. The Sierra Club reserves the right to modify or amend the terms of our Privacy Policy from time to time without notice. If you continue to use our site after we post changes to this Privacy Policy, it will mean that you accept those changes.

Normal website usage

The Sierra Club has a firm commitment to internet privacy. You can visit most portions of without telling us who you are and without revealing any personal information. The only information we collect from a normal web site visit is the name of your internet service provider, the browser and type of machine you are using, the web site that referred you to us, the pages you request and the date and time you request them. We use this information to generate statistics and measure site activity to improve the usefulness of the site to our visitors.

Collection and use of personally identifiable information

The Sierra Club may collect email addresses and other personally identifiable data about visitors when such data is voluntarily submitted to For example, our site uses order forms for visitors to request information, products, and services, or to become a member. Contact information from the order form is used to send orders and information about the Sierra Club to our visitors. Financial information is used to bill visitors in connection with their orders. Some of the activist functions of our site also require registration of personal information. We use this information to make these functions more effective and provide participants with additional information about conservation issues.

We occasionally have third parties perform services on our behalf, such as data processing, marketing, analytics, credit card processing, shipping or stocking orders, providing customer service, advocacy and outreach, etc. These third parties have access to your personal information only as needed to perform their services for the Sierra Club and are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of the personal information.

We sometime partner with other advocacy organizations on Sierra Club endorsed activities. When we do, we may present you the with the option to to share your email and personal information with the partner organization and to opt-in to their program.

We may also use or disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) conform to applicable law or comply with legal process served on us or this site; (b) protect and defend our rights or property, this site or our users, and (c) act under emergency circumstances to protect the personal safety of us, our affiliates, agents, site users, or the public.

The Sierra Club uses industry accepted data collection and encryption methodologies in an attempt to ensure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive user information. While we try our best to safeguard your personal information once we receive it, no transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

The Sierra Club does not sell or otherwise disclose your personal information outside the organization without your explicit permission. However, if you become a member of the Sierra Club, some information on our membership lists, such as your name and mailing address, may be exchanged with other organizations. Members may opt out of such membership list exchanges by following the Opt-Out Procedures, below.

"Remember me" feature:
On some of our forms, we offer an optional "remember me" feature that can recall your information for greater ease on subsequent visits to the site.

Use of cookies and tracking technology:
When clicking on links on the Sierra Club website, third parties may be placing and reading cookies on your browser for the purposes of tracking sales that are referred by Sierra Club, and using web beacons or other tracking technology. A "cookie" is a small string of text that is sent to your computer or device that can collect data regarding your operating system, browser type, device type, mobile device ID, screen resolution, IP address and other technical information. These cookies are placed in connection with our participation with third party affiliate networks (such as AvantLink, Commission Junction, Google and LinkShare). These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information (PII); however, by clicking on a logo or link for a third party offer or website, you will leave the Sierra Club website and will be redirected to that party's site, where you will be subject to that site's terms of use and privacy policy. You can remove, block, or disable cookies using the settings in your web browser.

Your California Privacy Rights

Residents of the State of California have the right to request a list of all third parties to which a company conducting business in California has disclosed personal information during the preceding year for direct marketing purposes. Alternatively, the law provides that if the company has a privacy policy that gives either an Opt-out or Opt-in choice for use of your personal information by third parties for marketing purposes, the company may instead provide you with information on how to exercise this choice.

The Sierra Club qualifies for this alternative option; it has a comprehensive privacy policy and provides you with details on how you may either Opt-out or Opt-in to the use of your personal information by third parties for direct marketing purposes. Therefore, we are not required to maintain or disclose a list of the third parties that received your personal information for marketing purposes during the preceding year.

Opt-Out and Correction Procedures

To opt out of having your membership information exchanged with other organizations, or to unsubscribe from Sierra Club communications, send us email or postal mail as follows:

Email to

Send postal mail to:
Sierra Club
85 Second Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, California 94105

In your letter or email, make sure to give us your:
·Full Name
·Mailing address (including City, State and Zip Code)
·Indication that you do not wish to have your membership information exchanged with other organizations, and/or other instructions.

The Sierra Club may contact you by email to communicate advocacy and educational messages, and other information that may be of interest to users of this site. There are several ways in which you can opt-out of receiving such future email communications from us:

  1. We provide you with the opportunity to opt-out at the point where we request information from you, such as when you take action through our site.
  2. When you set up an account on our Member Center, you also have the opportunity to specify the email subscriptions that you wish to receive or not receive. You can update your email subscription preferences through your account at the Member Center at any time. We also permit you to correct or update certain personal information that you have provided by editing your profile on your account at the Member Center.
  3. You also have an opportunity to opt-out of receiving future email communications from us by following the "unsubscribe" or "remove" instructions contained in emails we send you.

We may continue to contact you via email for administrative or informational purposes, including follow-up messages regarding the administration of your account, renewal of your membership, contests you have entered or other transactions you have undertaken.

Complaint Procedure

If you suspect that we have handled your personal information in a manner that doesn't comply with the Privacy Policy, please contact us by e-mailing an explanation to