Uber to Portland: We’re Here. Deal With It.

Rules, schmules.

As many people in Portland, Ore., left work to return home on Friday evening, Uber, the ride-hailing start-up, began offering rides in that city for the first time, despite loud protests from local officials who have deemed the service illegal.

That devil-may-care approach to dealing with city officials — entering a city without permission and dealing with regulatory issues after its services are well established and locals are already hooked — has become a hallmark of Uber’s strategy.

In October, Uber began its service in Las Vegas, where it was deemed illegal; multiple drivers were cited within hours of the company’s debut there. Similar scenarios played out in Austin, Tex., Philadelphia and other cities around the country.

But Uber’s move in Portland comes just days after it vowed in a blog post to become a “smarter and more humble company.” Uber, which is now valued at more than $40 billion, is reeling from a string of recent embarrassments that have critics questioning its ethics. The company’s executives have been accused of taking a lax approach to customer privacy, among other criticisms.

In Portland, the commissioner in charge of the city’s Bureau of Transportation was furious enough at Uber that he suggested Portland should amend its regulations to allow Lyft — one of Uber’s biggest competitors — instead of Uber, to operate in the city. On his Facebook page, the mayor threatened fines for the company and its drivers.

“People should know that Uber’s action is illegal,” Mayor Charlie Hales said in the post. “The city will enforce existing regulations. That could include fines for the company, as well as fines for drivers.”

Uber’s service, which allows users to summon a private car with a smartphone app, has become hugely popular in the five years since it was started. The service has ballooned and now operates in more than 250 cities in 50 countries.

Uber’s arrival in Portland has been something of an inevitability. The service has been available in more than a dozen cities surrounding the greater Portland area for months, and the company has been in talks with Portland.

“We’ve been talking to them for over a year, and we will continue to talk with them,” said Eva Behrend, an Uber spokeswoman.

But Portland transportation officials have fought to examine current regulatory statutes before allowing the service to operate in the city.

Steve Novick, the commissioner of the Bureau of Transportation, said he learned of Uber’s intentions to set up shop earlier today when he received a text message from a reporter that said, “Uber tells me they’re launching at 5, do you have anything to say?”

Not long after, Mr. Novick and Mr. Hales were on a conference call with Uber’s senior vice president for policy and strategy, David Plouffe, the former political strategist who ran President Obama’s 2008 campaign.

“Plouffe said, ‘Well, you know we’re active in these markets and we’re providing a service and there is great demand in Oregon and blah blah blah,’ ” Mr. Novick said. “I said, ‘Mr. Plouffe, announcing that you’re going to break the law is not civil.’ ”

Mr. Novick added: “This is not about whether we should have a thoughtful conversation about changing taxi regulations — we’re up for that. This is about one company thinking it is above the law.”

If and when Portland amends its regulations to allow ride-sharing services like Uber, Mr. Novick said he wished there were some way for him to still prohibit Uber from coming to Portland.

“I don’t know if this is legally feasible, but my inclination would be to allow Lyft here a long time before Uber,” he said. “Lyft seems like a respectable company, and Uber seems like a bunch of thugs.”

But Uber does not show signs of slowing down.

“The statement by Commissioner Novick shows a real disregard for consumer demand, choice and what the people of Portland want,” Ms. Behrend, the Uber spokeswoman, said.