Architect Submits A Plan to Save Brutalist Building in Orange County

An architect who has offered to buy and restore a controversial Orange County, N.Y. government building, designed by Paul Rudolph but panned by many as an eyesore, presented detailed plans Friday for his proposal to turn it into an arts center.

The county has been debating whether to demolish the building, which had been used as its government center, or perhaps renovate it. The architect, Gene Kaufman, a partner at Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman Architects in New York City, had previously announced that he hoped to restore the building. The plans presented Friday to Orange County leaders gave his detailed vision of what he hopes to do.

The 1967 building owned by Orange County would be turned into a 150,000-square-foot center for “artist live-work units, artist work studios and event space,” the sort of place where famous artists from the visual and performing arts could serve as anchor tenants. Guest curators such as Bonnie Clearwater, director of the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, have agreed to curate exhibitions at the center, to be called Orange Arts, Mr. Kaufman said.

Mr. Kaufman has also offered to design a new government center on the land that is now the building’s parking lot.

The building has been a cause celebre for preservationists who argue that it is an important example of Brutalist architecture. Others consider the building out of a place in a town distinguished by its historic harness-racing track and Greek Revival, Federal and Victorian houses.

Calling the building “an architectural masterpiece,” Mr. Kaufman said in his proposal that arts have a rich history in the area, given the Hudson River School of painting and that Goshen “needs a major facility for the arts to compete with the towns along the Hudson.”

Mr. Kaufman’s firm would purchase the building for $5 million.