Reaction to Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision

The police led away protesters after arresting them on the West Side Highway near West 57th Street.Credit Robert Stolarik for The New York Times

Protesters gathered in Midtown Manhattan on Wednesday night after a Staten Island grand jury voted not to indict a police officer in the chokehold death of Eric Garner. See related article.

Chanting “I can’t breathe” — Mr. Garner’s dying words — and carrying signs, they blocked traffic in Times Square, pushed against police barricades near the Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center, and lay down en masse at Columbus Circle.

At least 30 protesters were arrested, the police said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said he understood the protesters’ anger but urged them to remain peaceful.

“Anyone who believes in the values of this country should feel called to action right now,” the mayor said.

Mr. Garner, 43, died in July after officers tried to arrest him for selling untaxed cigarettes. The medical examiner concluded that Mr. Garner died from a chokehold applied by Officer Daniel Pantaleo and the compression of his chest by police officers.

The decision was awaited across the country as tension lingered from a Missouri grand jury’s refusal last month to indict an officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson. Mr. Garner was also black and unarmed. His fatal encounter with the police was captured on video.

These updates are done for the day. The Times’s coverage of the aftermath of the Garner grand jury decision will resume in the morning.

12:23 A.M. Protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge

Hundreds of protesters marched across the Brooklyn Bridge shortly after midnight on Thursday morning.

A group of about 500 protesters headed south from Grand Central late Wednesday night, sitting briefly at 23rd Street and Seventh Avenue before continuing downtown, past City Hall. Traffic on the bridge was shut down as hundreds were allowed to enter the bridge.

A small contingent also remained in Midtown.


11:18 P.M. Report: Car Set on Fire Near Brooklyn Station House

A car was set on fire outside the 77th Precinct station house in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, according to WPIX-TV and other outlets.

It was not clear if the car belonged to a police officer, or if the arson was related to the Garner case.

But it was parked up on the curb perpendicular to the station house, at Utica Avenue and Bergen Street. Typically, only law enforcment personnel park in those spots.

The shell of the car could be seen in photos posted to Twitter.


10:56 P.M. What the Jury Had to Consider

While the evidence and testimony given to the grand jury was not made public, the jury members would have had to consider certain legal issues in their decision, such as Eric Garner’s demeanor when the police confronted him and what he said to them.


11:05 P.M. Protests Close Lincoln Tunnel Tube

The outbound north tube of the Lincoln Tunnel was briefly closed to traffic as the police blocked protesters from entering it.

Shortly before 11 p.m., three rows of officers stood about 25 feet from the mouth of the tunnel, facing off against about 150 protesters, many of them sitting in the street.

By 11:11 p.m., the tube had reopened, 1010 WINS radio reported.


10:24 P.M. Traffic Blocked on the West Side

Protesters marched on the West Side Highway on Wednesday night and staged a “die in” by sitting in the street. Some drivers who were stuck in the traffic honked in approval, according to journalists at the scene.


10:18 P.M. About 30 Arrests, Bratton Says

Police Commissioner William J. Bratton told CNN that about 30 protesters have been arrested tonight, “with probably more to come.”

“If they stop, lie down on the street or attempt to block traffic by forming chains, then we would make every effort to arrest them,” he said.

Mr. Bratton stressed that the demonstrators were nonviolent.

“We have no reports of violence, no reports of vandalism,” he said.

“We’re working to allow them to have their protest but at the same time, to the greatest degree possible, minimize inconvenience to the rest of the city.”


9:30 P.M. Protesters Tie Up Traffic on R.F.K. Bridge

9:21 P.M. A Police Twitter Effort Lands With a Thud

Shortly after the grand jury announced its decision this afternoon, Chief Joanne Jaffe of the Police Department’s community affairs division sent out a tweet aimed at keeping the peace.

“The #NYPD is committed to rebuilding public trust,” it read, closing with the hashtag “#Wehearyou.”

The message garnered hundreds of retweets — many of them scathing.

“Just like cop heard ‘I can’t breathe’ 11x before killing him,” wrote Jia Tolentino, in a tweet noted by The Daily Dot.

A twitter search on #WeHearYou turns up many similar examples.

This was not the first time a Police Department public-relations campaign backfired on Twitter. In April, the department asked New Yorkers to post photos of themselves with officers.

Many people posted rather unfavorable images — photos of officers mistreating protesters, shooting a dog or sleeping on subway trains.


8:44 P.M. Garner’s Stepfather: ‘Don’t Cause a Problem’

Benjamin Carr, the stepfather of Eric Garner, gave a statement on Staten Island.Credit Michael Appleton for The New York Times

A couple dozen protesters were milling about this evening at the scene of Mr. Garner’s death, sporadically chanting, “No justice, no peace, no racist police.” But mainly the scene was quiet.

Benjamin Carr, Mr. Garner’s stepfather, was standing off to the side, bristling.

“When we needed them out here, we didn’t get them,” he said, referring to the protesters. “Now the cameras are out here.”

“Don’t cause a problem now,” he told a protester with a megaphone.


8:53 P.M. Hundreds March on West Side Highway

Just after 8 p.m., several hundred people who had been roaming Midtown and parts of the Upper West Side marched west on 52nd Street and on to the West Side Highway. A line of police scooters briefly blocked the group from proceeding, then retreated, leaving the highway to the marchers.

With a shout, the protesters continued on. But at 48th Street, the protesters encountered another line of police scooters.

As a helicopter hovered above, the headlights of halted traffic illuminated the highway. The protesters stood for several minutes chanting “Hands up, don’t shoot.”

The line of police officers remained impassive. Then many of the marchers turned around and left the highway at 49th Street. Others stayed and eventually began moving north.


8:21 P.M. Garner’s Widow Speaks

Esaw Garner, the widow of Eric Garner, broke down as she spoke at the headquarters of the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network Wednesday night.Credit Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

Eric Garner’s widow and mother said on Wednesday night that the fight for justice in his death was not over – it was just starting.

His wife, Esaw Garner, said she was determined to get justice for her husband at a news conference organized by Al Sharpton.

“As long as I have a breath in my body, I will fight the fight until the end,” she said.

His mother, Gwen Carr, said she was happy that the federal government was investigating his death and she urged protesters to be peaceful.

“We want you to rally, but rally in peace,” she said. “Make a statement, but make it in peace.”


8:02 P.M. Justice Department to Launch Investigation

“Our prosecutors will conduct an independent, thorough, fair and expeditious investigation,” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Wednesday evening. Federal investigators will also conduct a complete review of the material gathered in the local investigation.


7:51 P.M. Protests Head Up West Side

7:45 P.M. A ‘Die-In’ Near Radio City

7:40 P.M. At Rockefeller Center, ‘No Justice, No Tree’


7:31 P.M. On Staten Island, Protests, but No Violence

A protester yelled outside the 120th Precinct station house on Staten Island.Credit Richard Perry/The New York Times

On Staten Island, there were demonstrations at the site of Mr. Garner’s fatal encounter with the police, and at the station house where the officer who choked Mr. Garner was based. But there was no violence as of 7 p.m.

All afternoon, NY1 News showed a clip of someone overturning a trash can near the site of Mr. Garner’s death minutes after the grand jury decision was announced.

But one Twitter user responded, “Can we also take a moment to acknowledge that the man who threw the garbage came back out and picked it up?”


7:58 P.M. Protesters Arrested in Midtown Manhattan

Demonstrators on 47th Street and Sixth Avenue.Credit Robert Stolarik for The New York Times

By 7:45 p.m., 16 protesters had been arrested, according to The Wall Street Journal.

6:54 P.M. Mother of Garner’s Daughter Offers Bitter Words

Near the site of the fatal encounter, Jewell Miller, 27, who has an infant daughter with Eric Garner, had a message for Officer Pantaleo.

“I hope you really see the lives that you destroyed, he didn’t just destroy a life, he destroyed lives,” she said. “When he looks at his family, his parents, his children, his grandchildren, I hope he can tell them the truth.”

Ms. Miller mingled with protesters at the site where Mr. Garner died. She pushed their daughter, Legacy, in a stroller. She wept, as she did here in July.

“Again the system has failed us,” she said. “How? How? I don’t know how.”

She again addressed Officer Pantaleo.

“I think he has done the job that he was trained to do, and I think he did a good job – to kill us,” she said. “That’s what he was trained to do.”


6:44 P.M. Graphic: Fatal Police Encounters in New York City

Some of the most notable deaths since 1990 involving New York Police Department officers include a 13-year-old boy, an immigrant from Guinea and an unarmed security guard. Most of these deaths did not lead to criminal charges; even fewer resulted in convictions. View the graphic.


6:48 P.M. Widow: Federal Investigation Offers ‘Some Type of Hope’

Eric Garner’s widow and mother vented their disappointment on Al Sharpton’s show on MSNBC, “PoliticsNation.”

His mother, Gwen Carr, said she could not believe the decision.

“Were they looking at the same video that the rest of the world was looking at?” she asked.

Mr. Garner’s widow, Esaw Garner, said she was angry about the decision, but felt that the family might get justice after speaking on Wednesday to the United States attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., who has said there would be a federal investigation into Mr. Garner’s death.

“After speaking to Eric Holder, I feel some type of hope,” Ms. Garner said.


6:41 P.M. Marchers Try to Push Through Barricades

Shortly after 6 p.m., hundreds of people left Times Square and began marching north along the Seventh Avenue sidewalk.

The group turned east, declaring their intention to go to Rockefeller Center, where the Christmas tree lighting ceremony was scheduled. But a maze of metal police barricades on Avenue of the Americas kept the marchers away.

At two points, marchers attempted to push through barricades while chanting, “We have a right to public space,” and “We have the right to cross the street.”

In both instances, police officers pushed back on the barricades and kept the marchers on the sidewalk.

At 53rd Street, however, marchers escaped the barricades and took to the roadways, marching down the center of the street before turning south and marching against traffic on Madison Avenue.


6:37 P.M. Protesters Close Broadway to Traffic

6:22 P.M. Protesters Gather Near Rockefeller Tree Lighting

Protesters mixed with the holiday crowd near the Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center.Credit Todd Heisler/The New York Times

Protesters gathered outside Radio City Music Hall, apparently as close as they could get to the site of tonight’s Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center.

6:17 P.M. Widow: Officer’s Apology ‘Means Absolutely Nothing’

Mr. Garner’s widow, Esaw Garner, appearing on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC program, disdained the words of condolence offered today by the officer who choked Mr. Garner.

“His apology to me now means absolutely nothing,” Ms. Garner said on “PoliticsNation.” “Because my son is left without his father, my grandkids are left without their grandfather, and I am left without my husband.”

5:55 P.M. Large Crowd Gathering in Times Square

By 5:30 p.m. hundreds of people had gathered in Times Square. Members of the crowd brandished signs that read “Black Lives Matter” and “We Want Justice.” They chanted “I can’t breathe,” a reference to words that Mr. Garner spoke before he died, and “We want a public trial, no indictment is denial.”

Stan Williams, 32, a union organizer from Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said that he was stunned by the news that the grand jury in Staten Island had not returned an indictment.

“Bratton needs to be fired by de Blasio, but de Blasio has said that he supports broken windows policing,” he said. “This is a clear-cut case of death by broken windows policing.”


5:48 P.M. Mayor: Believers in U.S. ‘Should Feel Called to Action’

Credit Richard Perry/The New York Times

Mayor de Blasio said that peaceful protest, not violent protest, was the only effective way that people could bring change.

“Anyone who believes in the values of this country should feel called to action right now,” he said

“We are dealing with centuries of racism that has brought us to this day,” the mayor said. “That is how profound the crisis is.”

He added: “Anyone who says this is a problem pertinent only to young people of color misses what’s going on here. This is a problem for all New Yorkers.”

5:41 P.M. Cuomo Says Federal Inquiry May Be Appropriate

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo called the death of Eric Garner a tragedy and suggested that the circumstances should be investigated by the federal government.

Mr. Cuomo’s statement follows:

“Eric Garner was a husband, father and member of the New York family.

“The circumstances surrounding his death were nothing short of tragic. And while there will be people who disagree with today’s grand jury decision, it is important that we respect the legal process and rule of law. At the same time, the justice system also allows for additional investigations and reviews, and it may be appropriate for the federal government to do so in this case. And if there are improvements to be made and lessons to be learned, we at the state level are ready to act to better the system.

“I stand with the Garner family and urge those wishing to voice their opposition to today’s ruling to do so peacefully.

“My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Garner’s family and friends as they continue to grieve during this difficult time.”

5:31 P.M. ‘There’s a Lot of Pain,’ de Blasio Says

Mayor de Blasio spoke at a church on Staten Island Wednesday evening.Credit Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times

Mayor de Blasio spoke about the grand jury’s decision at Mount Sinai United Christian Church on Staten Island, a few blocks from where Mr. Garner died.

Watch it live.

“There’s a lot of pain and frustration in the room this evening, and at the same time a lot of purposefulness,” Mr. de Blasio began.

“It’s a very painful day for so many New Yorkers,” he continued. “That is the core reality.

“We’re grieving again for the loss of Eric Garner, who was a father, a husband, a son and a good man who should be with us and isn’t.”

The mayor said that when he had spoken to Mr. Garner’s father he could not help but think how he would feel if he lost his own son, Dante.


5:26 P.M. Justice Department Is Investigating, CNN Reports

4:58 P.M. ‘We Are Not Going to Let Up,’ Obama Says

President Obama spoke at the White House Tribal Nations Conference.Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times

President Obama reacted swiftly to the grand jury decision, saying it underscored the frustrations that many African-Americans felt about their treatment by the police and a legal system they believed was stacked against them. Though he declined to address the details of the case, Mr. Obama spoke of a crisis of confidence.

“When anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law, that is a problem, and it’s my job as president to help solve it,” Mr. Obama said to American Indian leaders in Washington.

He added, “We are not going to let up until we see a strengthening of the trust and strengthening of the accountability that exists between our communities and our law enforcement.”


4:51 P.M. Garners Will Speak About Talk With Holder at 6 P.M.

4:53 P.M. Protesters Lie Down in Grand Central Terminal

Protesters held a "lie-in" at Grand Central during the evening rush on Wednesday.Credit Todd Heisler/The New York Times

Shortly before 4:30 p.m., about two dozen people lay down in silence near the information booth in Grand Central Terminal to protest the Staten Island grand jury’s decision. Many wore red. One woman wore a button to protest the stop-and-frisk police tactic, and a man had a sign beside him that read, “Black Lives Matter.” The number of protesters increased steadily to about 50 on Wednesday night.

“I’m tired of hearing about police abusing, killing minorities all over the country,” said one protester, Christopher Cannon, 20, a student at Fordham University.

One protester, a man who appeared to be in his 50s or 60s, tied a scarf around his neck and yanked up on it.

“He was choked,” the man said. “A modern day version of lynching.”

Talibah Newman, 30, began tearing up when asked why she was protesting.

“I have two Ivy League degrees and I cannot believe I live in a country where this is happening in 2014,” she said.


4:19 P.M. Senator Gillibrand ‘Shocked’

Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, said that she was shocked by the decision and that Eric Garner’s death “demands accountability.”

“While this decision is shocking, I want to echo the statement of a wide range of leaders inside and outside of government who are urging that protests remain peaceful in the aftermath of this decision,” Ms. Gillibrand said. “The death of Eric Garner is a tragedy that demands accountability. Nobody unarmed should die on a New York City street corner for suspected low-level offenses. I’m shocked by this grand jury decision, and will be calling on the Department of Justice to investigate.”

4:16 P.M. Outrage From New York Congressional Delegation

Several members of the New York Congressional delegation gathered Wednesday evening at the Capitol building in Washington to condemn the grand jury decision.Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

Several members of the New York Congressional delegation gathered Wednesday at the Capitol in Washington to condemn the grand jury decision and call for an investigation by the federal Justice Department into the death of Mr. Garner.

Representative Charles B. Rangel, a Democrat, said the circumstances of the case could not have been more clear.

“He was surrounded by policemen,” Mr. Rangel said. “No one else touched him and the grand jury did not say he committed suicide.”

How, he asked, could the grand jury “possibly stretch the imagination to reach that decision.”

Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of Brooklyn, said that the failure to hold the officer accountable for Mr. Garner’s death was incomprehensible.

“What more does America need to see?” Mr. Jeffries said. “We are better than this as a country.”

Several of the delegation members noted with outrage that the officer who put Mr. Garner in a chokehold, Daniel Pantaleo, is not being charged with any offense at all, not even misdemeanor assault.

Representative Yvette D. Clarke, another Brooklyn Democrat, said, “I can’t believe we can’t get a simple indictment in the murder of a man that was caught on tape.”


4:13 P.M. Officer to Remain Suspended

4:05 P.M. NAACP Legal Fund Calls Decision ‘Horrific’

A top official from the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc. called the grand jury decision “horrific” and “extraordinarily disappointing,” and described it as part of a broader problem exposed by the shooting death of a black man by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo.

“It’s indicative of this presumption of criminality of black people, and black men in particular, that plagues our society,” said the official, Janai Nelson, associate director-counsel of the fund. “I’m hoping that the frustration and anger and outrage that results from yet another miscarriage of justice will be channeled toward really exposing how this bias affects our entire criminal justice system, and that we can really get some reform.”


4:02 P.M. Timeline of the Garner Case

The grand jury’s decision today comes 139 days after Mr. Garner died at the hands of officers on Bay Street in Tompkinsville on Staten Island.

See timeline of developments in the case.


3:57 P.M. De Blasio Urges That Protests Be Peaceful

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is expected to speak this afternoon about the grand jury’s decision, issued a statement saying that “today’s outcome is one that many in our city did not want.” Mr. de Blasio noted that many New Yorkers would be angry by the decision and would have a right to publicly display their displeasure, but he urged demonstrators to be peaceful. He also said the city would fully cooperate with an ongoing federal investigation.

Mr. de Blasio’s full statement:

“This is a deeply emotional day – for the Garner family, and all New Yorkers. His death was a terrible tragedy that no family should have to endure. This is a subject that is never far from my family’s minds – or our hearts. And Eric Garner’s death put a spotlight on police-community relations and civil rights – some of the most critical issues our nation faces today.

“Today’s outcome is one that many in our city did not want. Yet New York City owns a proud and powerful tradition of expressing ourselves through nonviolent protest. We trust that those unhappy with today’s grand jury decision will make their views known in the same peaceful, constructive way. We all agree that demonstrations and free speech are valuable contributions to debate, and that violence and disorder are not only wrong – but hurt the critically important goals we are trying to achieve together.

“These goals – of bringing police and community closer together and changing the culture of law enforcement — are why we have introduced so many reforms this year. It starts at the top with Commissioner Bratton – a strong, proven change agent. We have dramatically reduced the overuse and abuse of stop-and-frisk. We have initiated a comprehensive plan to retrain the entire N.Y.P.D. to reduce the use of excessive force and to work with the community. We have changed our marijuana policy to reduce low-level arrests, and we have launched a new pilot program for body cameras for officers to improve transparency and accountability.

“These are the long-term reforms we are making to ensure we don’t endure tragedies like this one again in the future. But we also know that this chapter is not yet complete. The grand jury is but one part of the process. There will still be an N.Y.P.D. internal investigation. And we know the U.S. attorney is continuing her investigation. Should the federal government choose to act, we stand ready to cooperate.

“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – one of our nation’s most profound thinkers on these issues – taught us something very simple: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The problem of police-community relations and civil rights is not just an issue for people of color – or young people – or people who get stopped by police. This is a fundamental issue for every American who cares about justice.

“All of us must work together to make this right – to work for justice – and to build the kind of city – and nation – we need to be.”

3:48 P.M. Prosecutor Seeks Release of Grand Jury Proceedings

The Staten Island district attorney, Daniel M. Donovan Jr., said he had sought a court order that would allow him to release the proceedings of the grand jury.

Mr. Donovan said he had done so because “unlike other jurisdictions that have statutes that permit a district attorney to disclose specific details regarding what took place during a grand jury proceeding, New York law does not permit a district attorney to engage in such

State law does make an exception, Mr. Donovan said, “upon a showing of a compelling and particularized need for access.” Mr. Donovan said his request was being considered.

Read Mr. Donovan’s full statement.


3:37 P.M. New York Law Limits Release of Grand Jury Records

William Fitzpatrick, president-elect of the National District Attorneys Association and the district attorney in Syracuse, said recently that under New York law, it was not possible to release grand jury materials as Missouri prosecutors had in the Michael Brown case.


3:26 P.M. Garner’s Stepfather Pleads for Peace

Benjamin Carr, the stepfather of Eric Garner, on Staten Island on Wednesday.Credit Richard Perry/The New York Times

Benjamin Carr, the stepfather of Eric Garner, said he hurt anew.

“It’s just like getting a knife stabbed in my heart,” Mr. Carr said. “You might as well choke me.”

Around him, a sparse crowd yelled, “No Justice,” “I Can’t Breathe,” and obscenities about the police.

Mr. Carr said that he had expected this outcome.

“I’m not surprised,” he said. “The federal government got to do something about it.”

He took a phone call, and his tone turned from sad to pleading.

“Tell everybody else, don’t start nothing,” he said. “Please, Eric wouldn’t want it, and I don’t want it.”


3:21 P.M. Mayor de Blasio to Speak at 4:45 P.M.

Mayor de Blasio will hold a news conference on the grand jury decision at 4:45 p.m. at Mount Sinai United Christian Church on Staten Island, not far from where Mr. Garner died.

The mayor will not be in Rockefeller Center tonight for the Christmas tree lighting.

3:19 P.M. Protests in Manhattan This Evening

3:17 P.M. Officer in Chokehold Case Grieves for Garner’s Family

Shortly after the grand jury reached its decision, Officer Daniel Pantaleo, the officer who used a chokehold on Eric Garner, issued the following statement:

“I became a police officer to help people and to protect those who can’t protect themselves. It is never my intention to harm anyone and I feel very bad about the death of Mr. Garner. My family and I include him and his family in our prayers and I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss.”


3:12 P.M. Officer Still Faces Police Department Inquiry

While Officer Daniel Pantaleo, the officer who used the chokehold that led to Eric Garner’s death, may not face an indictment, he still faces an internal inquiry by the Police Department.

“The officer is currently on suspension and will remain on suspension while the department moves forward with its administrative process,” said Police Commissioner William J. Bratton, responding to a question, hours before the decision, about what would happen to Officer Pantaleo if the grand jury did not indict.

“In other words,” he said, “if there are no criminal charges filed against the officer, the next action will be in the department for us to review if there were any violations of administrative processes.”


2:59 P.M. ‘Not a Whole Lot of Surprise,’ Sharpton Says

The Rev. Al Sharpton, with Eric Garner's relatives on Nov. 24, said on Wednesday, "we have no confidence in the state grand juries."Credit Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

Reached by phone at 2:35 p.m. on Wednesday, the Rev. Al Sharpton said that lawyers for Mr. Garner’s relatives had been notified by the Staten Island district attorney’s office that there was no indictment in the case.

Mr. Sharpton could not immediately describe their reaction, but said, “I can just tell you that there was not a whole lot of surprise because we have been saying all along that we have no confidence in state grand juries.”

That is why, he said, he had met with federal prosecutors from the United States attorney’s office in the Eastern District, to ask them to take over the case.

“People thought we were being extreme,’” Mr. Sharpton said. “But now, I think you can see, we have no confidence in the state grand juries, whether in Ferguson or in New York, because there is an intrinsic relationship between state prosecutors and the police; they depend on the police for their evidence, they run for office and depend on the unions for endorsements.”

Mr. Sharpton said the nation’s attention was drawn to such issues, since so many fatal encounters between the police and civilians have occurred in a short period of time.

“How many people have to die before we wake up and understand this?” Mr. Sharpton said.

He said he would appear at 7:30 p.m. at the headquarters of the organization he leads, the National Action Network, along with Mr. Garner’s relatives to discuss the grand jury’s decision.


3:01 P.M. 20 Years Ago, Different Outcome in a Similar Case

The decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo is a stark contrast to how a similar chokehold case played out in the Bronx 20 years ago — one that was widely seen as a possible signpost for how the Garner grand jury might act.

In 1994, Anthony Baez, 29, was playing a late-night game of football when a stray toss landed on a police car. Officer Francis X. Livoti confronted Mr. Baez and placed him in a chokehold. Mr. Baez, who had asthma, died of asphyxiation. The case closely resembles the one on Staten Island, minus any video.

A grand jury in the Bronx indicted Officer Livoti on charges of criminally negligent homicide. He elected to have his case heard by a judge, not a jury.

Officer Livoti faced the lesser charge of manslaughter, in which the defendant is accused of killing a person while intending to cause serious injury. In a negligence case, the prosecution need not prove that the defendant had any such intent, but rather, failed to perceive the risk in his actions, a risk a reasonable person would have foreseen.

The judge, Gerald Sheindlin, acquitted Officer Livoti — perhaps a lesson in how difficult it is to get a conviction in these circumstances.


2:57 P.M. Garner Family Is Stunned by Jury’s Decision

“We’re astounded by the outcome of the grand jury process and that after hearing months of evidence and having deliberated that they would find no true bill as to any potential criminal charge,” Jonathan C. Moore, the lawyer for the Garner family, said in a brief phone interview.

“It’s very upsetting to us – we obviously hope that the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District, Loretta Lynch, will take a close look at this.”

“We think people should express their objections to this grand jury verdict, but we urge on behalf of the family that any protest be peaceful,” Mr. Moore added.


2:50 P.M. Police Prepare for Protests

The police starting set up barricades outside the Staten Island courthouse before the grand jury's decision.Credit Richard Perry/The New York Times

The authorities are bracing for demonstrations in response to the grand jury decision.

Near the site of Mr. Garner’s death on Bay Street, New York 1 shows footage of garbage that has been thrown in the street.

2:31 P.M. Bratton at a Press Conference Earlier

Police Commissioner William J. Bratton, speaking at a press conference earlier in the day, said that he expected any protests to be peaceful and the police were prepared to deal with anyone seeking to cause trouble.

“We have had quite a bit of time to prepare for the events that will unfold here for the next few days,” Mr. Bratton said.

Since the decision not to indict the white police officer who shot an unarmed teenager in Ferguson, Mo., prompted protests across the nation, there have been 31 arrests of protesters in the city, he said.

While seeking to ensure that people can voice their opinions, Mr. Bratton said the police would “take forceful action” against those who used the protests to break the law.


2:42 P.M. Mayor Cancels Hearing to Address Garner Decision

Mayor Bill de Blasio abruptly canceled a bill signing after news broke that the grand jury would not indict the officer. Phil Walzak, his spokesman, said the mayor was in City Hall and that his schedule would be updated shortly to address the news. He would not confirm the decision.