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The Opinion Pages

Wesley Allsbrook
Op-Ed Contributor

We Must Stop Police Abuse of Black Men

When I joined the police department, I learned the culture of brutality. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Eric Garner and the Legal Rules That Enable Police Violence

Today's Editorials

It Wasn’t Just the Chokehold

Today's Editorials

Hope and Anger at the Garner Protests

What was once seen as a black issue is on the way to being seen as a central problem for all Americans. comment icon Comments


Why Elders Smile

Why do studies suggest that the happiest age group is people ages 82 to 85? comment icon Comments


Democrats Against Reform

No, Obamacare wasn’t a mistake. Democrats should be celebrating that they did the right thing. comment icon Comments


A Deficit of Dignity

Obama has been insulted, lectured, yelled at and disrespected in public, by public figures, in a way that few if any American presidents have faced. comment icon Comments

Opinionator | Fixes

A Depression-Fighting Strategy That Could Go Viral

In countries where mental health care is non-existent, effective counseling provided by peers has the potential to self-replicate.

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Better News on Jobs, but Not Good Enough

It is still too soon to say with any confidence that the labor market has found its footing.


Still Recovering From Hurricane Sandy

Priscilla Santos and her children lost their home, but the challenges didn’t stop there.

Gray Matter

Why Save a Language?

Hint: It’s not to preserve a different way of seeing the world.

News Analysis

British Noses, Firmly in the Air

What snobs really think about the little gits and plebs.

Taking Note

Is Chris Christie’s Bridge Problem Over?

A new report found no evidence that he knew of the lane closures beforehand. He did, however, have the opportunity to know.

Taking Note

Homeless Removal in Silicon Valley

The mass eviction followed what the city said was a year and a half spent trying to find homes for as many “Jungle” residents as possible.

Opinionator | The Stone

White Anxiety and the Futility of Black Hope

What would it mean to face up to the fact that white societies don’t and might not ever value black lives?

Room for Debate

A Special Prosecutor for Police

Should a prosecutor independent of local district attorneys always be given responsibility when police are accused of excessive force?

Op-Ed Contributor

High Rises vs. Honky Tonks

As Nashville grows richer, it risks losing touch with its roots. comment icon Comments

Studio A, Nashville.

What the Eric Garner Video Couldn’t Change

For many, the failure of a grand jury to reach an indictment in Mr. Garner’s death shows that video footage alone won’t bring about racial justice.

Taking Note

Alternative Takes on Eric Garner

Representative Peter King said Mr. Garner would not have died if he had not been obese.


Is America Ready for Healthy Convenience Food?

While debates around home cooking often center on health, are they about morality as well?

Taking Note

Women on Submarines, Filmed in the Shower

There is an urgent need to radically change the way the military deals with sexual harassment.


Confidence-Killing Tax Deals

The European Commission leader must recuse himself on tax-evasion matters.

Op-Ed Contributor

Where Dutch Racism Lurks

In the Netherlands, Black Pete is meant to be dark with chimney soot, but he looks like the caricature of a slave.

Taking Note

Facts & Figures: America’s Unique Take on Maternity Leave

In the U.S., paid parental leave is more of a perk than a guarantee.

Opinionator | Menagerie

What the Rabbits Taught Us

We were figuring out our own relationship, and we learned from our pet bunnies.

A concrete dome covers radioactive soil at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands.
Op-Ed Contributor

A Pacific Isle, Radioactive and Forgotten

Rising seas could spread plutonium left by U.S. nuclear tests in the ’40s and ’50s.

Today's Editorials

A Search for Justice in the Eric Garner Case

A grand jury’s decision to not bring criminal charges in the death of Eric Garner should not be the end of his case. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

What ‘Chespirito’ Left Us

A television star’s gentle comedy became an icon for the Hispanic middle class.


The Next Tax Fight

Congress is back to debating tax breaks, mostly for corporations and the wealthy.


Whitewashing History in Japan

Despite revisionist scheming, the truth stands: thousands of women were forced to serve in wartime brothels.

Opinionator | Disunion

Lincoln, God and the Constitution

Even the famously skeptical president was turned toward religion by the Civil War.


Can Sarkozy Give France a ‘New Start’?

Will Nicolas Sarkozy make a successful comeback in France? Observers have their doubts about him — and about the country’s leaders in general.

Turning Points 2015

Jerome Corgier

Julian Assange, Tony Blair and Jim O’Neill find little to celebrate, and lots to be done. Plus, Margaret Atwood on the future of robotics, and Pharrell Williams on happiness.

Turning Points

Who Should Own the Internet?

The destruction of privacy widens the existing power imbalance between the ruling factions and everyone else. comment icon Comments

Turning Points

Are Humans Necessary?

Every technology we develop is an extension of one of our own senses or capabilities. comment icon Comments

Taiye Selasi

Who Am I? Who Are You?

The idea of the modern nation-state — a sovereign state governing a cultural nation — is 350 years old and showing its age.

Jim O'Neill

Who Defines the Next Economic Giants?

As patterns of world trade change, which nations will emerge on top?

Turning Points

Happiness Matters

It might sound crazy what I’m about to say.

Turning Points

Is Democracy Dead?

The basic principle that the people should elect their government remains popular and obviously right, but its implementation seems to have gone awry.

Op-Ed Contributor

What Next for Hong Kong?

Ending the occupation won't be a capitulation, especially not for the young, who have had a political awakening. comment icon Comments


Will the Oscars Go to Heaven (‘Interstellar’) or Earth (‘Birdman’)?

Frank and Ross debate Christopher Nolan’s politics and swap some favorite performances (Rene Russo and Benedict Cumberbatch). And one columnist wants Nolan to stop letting his pretensions get in the way of his adventures.

Opinionator | Couch

The Secret Therapist

Sometimes, being a primary care doctor isn’t enough.

Opinionator | Private Lives

A Story of Gentrification in Brooklyn

The patch of dirt may have been covered in weeds and candy wrappers, but it was mine.

Taking Note

Was Michael Brown a ‘Teenager’?

Some Times readers took issue with calling the 18-year-old what he was.

Op-Ed | T. M. Luhrmann

Wheat People vs. Rice People

Some cultures are more individualistic, and others more interdependent. Agriculture may explain why. comment icon Comments

Taking Note

The Editorial Page Editor's Blog

Is Chris Christie’s Bridge Problem Over?

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