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Friday, December 5, 2014


Allison Williams, left, as Peter Pan and Taylor Louderman as Wendy Darling in the musical “Peter Pan Live!” on NBC on Thursday.
Virginia Sherwood/NBC

Allison Williams, left, as Peter Pan and Taylor Louderman as Wendy Darling in the musical “Peter Pan Live!” on NBC on Thursday.

The biggest challenge for the NBC musical “Peter Pan Live!” was contending with the outsize expectations set up by the network’s barrage of publicity.

‘Peter Pan’ Is No ‘Sound of Music’ but Still Draws a Crowd to NBC

The live musical, starring Allison Williams, drew about nine million viewers, about half the audience for the live version of “Sound of Music” with Carrie Underwood.

Television Review

A Biblical Girls’ Club

“The Red Tent,” a two-part adaptation of Anita Diamant’s novel about a biblical story, is being broadcast on Sunday and Monday on Lifetime.

Entries in the Silver Bell Sweepstakes

Holiday movies usually share similar lessons but not necessarily the same merits. Here is a sampling — good and bad — from the past 25 years.

Nancy Snyderman to Return to ‘Today’ After Ebola Quarantine Flap

The appearance will end an extended absence by Dr. Snyderman, who drew a chorus of criticism for breaking a self-imposed quarantine after returning from Liberia.

Flying by the Seat of Their Pants

A computer-generated Tinker Bell, moving sets and a contraption-heavy pirate ship are among the technical hurdles that face NBC in presenting a live “Peter Pan.”

Sweden’s Storybook Heroine Ignites a Debate on Race

Pippi Longstocking’s language has become part of a growing and often uncomfortable debate about ethnicity in Sweden.

Stranger Than Fiction? Try Fact

HBO plans to broadcast a six-part documentary on Robert Durst, the real estate heir notorious for leading the police on a nationwide manhunt after decapitating his neighbor.

Santa, Please: Ignore the Existential Questions

“Toy Story That Time Forgot” and “The Robot Chicken Lots of Holidays but Don’t Worry Christmas Is Still in There Too” are just two of the recent holiday television specials.

Critic's Notebook

Celebrating Singers, Current and Not So Much

PBS does music, with specials highlighting Bing Crosby, Bruce Springsteen and Peter, Paul & Mary.

Opaque Justice in China

The mini-series “One Child” sends a young Chinese-British woman into the heart of China’s capital punishment system.


Acting Out a Nightmare

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare: You momentarily drop your child’s hand, and in a heartbeat he vanishes into the ether.

‘The Goldbergs’ Focuses a Nostalgic Lens on Family Dysfunction

In its second season on ABC, “The Goldbergs” has built a solid following and improved ratings by adhering to a formula now scarce on TV.

A Sport Looks to the Next Media Frontier

The elite racing series of Formula One, which went global via television, is now turning to new technologies to continue that expansion.

Jimmy Fallon’s Name Goes on 30 Rock Marquee

The marquee, consistent with the building’s Art Deco architecture, announces that it is home to “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.”

Critic’s Notebook

Angry Turkeys, Meet Grumpy Cats

The airwaves will teem with programming about animals in coming days, from another “Big Cat Week” on Nat Geo Wild to Destination America’s take on aggressive turkeys.

Sometimes, Old-Fashioned Pays Off

Ben McKenzie, back in New York after more than a decade, relishes his role as a detective with integrity in “Gotham.”


Hey, I’m Going 55. Cough Up the Cash.

“Crowd Control,” a 12-part series on the National Geographic Channel, explores unconventional ways to get people to do what they are usually reluctant to do.

Fall Arts Preview - Times 100

How to wade through the crush of culture coming your way this season? Here’s a guide to 100 events that have us especially excited, in order of appearance.

Current Series Recaps
‘Sleepy Hollow’ Recap: A Not-So-Shocking Death

In the fall season finale, a question of where the series has many places to go.

‘The Newsroom’ Recap: The Wedding and Then the Slammer

Did anyone find this episode’s sequence of events a bit strained?

‘Gotham’ Recap: Gordon Plays a Rigged Game

Wanted: More of Gordon’s inner recklessness.

‘Homeland’ Recap: Was Saul Heroic? Or Something Else?

Carrie, at least, seems to have grown up.

‘The Good Wife’ Recap: Alicia, the Scary Parent

And does anyone really think Cary is going to jail?

‘The Affair’ Recap: Alison Hits Brooklyn, ‘Girls’ Style

The show moves back to Brooklyn, with a different look and tone.

‘Boardwalk Empire’
‘Sleepy Hollow’
‘The Knick’
Television Review

Paper Cuts Don’t Faze Them

In “The Librarians,” a new TNT series, an underground trove of powerful artifacts is protected by a special team.

Excerpt: ‘Bad Judge’

Kate Walsh is a judge in this new NBC series.

Tonight in Prime Time