“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

A justice system can only work for all people if it is truly just. We stand strongly with the communities of Ferguson, New York City, Cleveland, and those across this nation fighting for justice - justice for the earth, justice for all people. ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬

Click SHARE or LIKE to stand in solidarity.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
A justice system can only work for all people if it is truly just. We stand strongly with the communities of Ferguson, New York City, Cleveland, and those across this nation fighting for justice - justice for the earth, justice for all people. #BlackLivesMatter
Click SHARE or LIKE to stand in solidarity.

WINNING! Renewable energy is surging in the U.S, with wind energy now among the top three energy sources in 17 U.S. states. It's a clear sign of how fast renewable energy is growing - check out which states are clean energy leaders on our interactive map (and which ones are lagging behind...) >> http://ejus.tc/1oXd8WC

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Are you surprised by your state's performance? Do you think it can and should do better?

WINNING! Renewable energy is surging in the U.S, with wind energy now among the top three energy sources in 17 U.S. states. It's a clear sign of how fast renewable energy is growing - check out which states are clean energy leaders on our interactive map (and which ones are lagging behind...) >> http://ejus.tc/1oXd8WC

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Are you surprised by your state's performance? Do you think it can and should do better?

ARE YOU KIDDING? As countries around the world gather in Lima, Peru this week for UN climate talks, there are some who are threatening to derail the progress. Is it oil-rich Saudi Arabia? Unpredictable North Korea? Nope. It's our very own Senate leadership. http://ejus.tc/1vZSs30

Incoming Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, has promised that crippling the EPA would be his first priority - not tackling unemployment, health care, or national security. In fact, when the US ...and China announced their historic, game-changing deal to reduce carbon pollution, McConnell said he was "particularly distressed," even though he had previously used China's inaction as an excuse for the US not to tackle climate change. It seems when you've gotten $3.6 million in political contributions from the fossil fuel industry, hypocrisy is not something to worry about.

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Can you think of anything that might convince the Senate leadership to get on board with the climate fight?

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ARE YOU KIDDING? As countries around the world gather in Lima, Peru this week for UN climate talks, there are some who are threatening to derail the progress. Is it oil-rich Saudi Arabia? Unpredictable North Korea? Nope. It's our very own Senate leadership. http://ejus.tc/1vZSs30

Incoming Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, has promised that crippling the EPA would be his first priority - not tackling unemployment, health care, or national security. In fact, when the US and China announced their historic, game-changing deal to reduce carbon pollution, McConnell said he was "particularly distressed," even though he had previously used China's inaction as an excuse for the US not to tackle climate change. It seems when you've gotten $3.6 million in political contributions from the fossil fuel industry, hypocrisy is not something to worry about.

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Can you think of anything that might convince the Senate leadership to get on board with the climate fight?

VICTORY! Arkansas' stunning Buffalo River - the first national river to be designated because of its gorgeous scenery - scored a big legal victory yesterday when a judge ruled against federal agencies that capriciously gave massive loans to a huge, industrial hog farm sitting on one of the river's major tributaries. http://ejus.tc/15P3FrR

C&H Hog Farms is a giant, 6,500-pig factory farm in Mount Judea, Arkansas, and the putrid waste from the facility is a big potential threat... to the Buffalo River's pristine water quality. When federal agencies doled out $3.6 million in loans to the factory farm without even considering its environmental impacts on the river, Earthjustice and our partners jumped into legal action - yesterday, we prevailed!

Click SHARE or LIKE if you agree that hog farms don't belong near national rivers that offer public recreation! Share your thoughts below.

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VICTORY! Arkansas' stunning Buffalo River - the first national river to be designated because of its gorgeous scenery - scored a big legal victory yesterday when a judge ruled against federal agencies that capriciously gave massive loans to a huge, industrial hog farm sitting on one of the river's major tributaries. http://ejus.tc/15P3FrR

C&H Hog Farms is a giant, 6,500-pig factory farm in Mount Judea, Arkansas, and the putrid waste from the facility is a big potential threat to the Buffalo River's pristine water quality. When federal agencies doled out $3.6 million in loans to the factory farm without even considering its environmental impacts on the river, Earthjustice and our partners jumped into legal action - yesterday, we prevailed!

Click SHARE or LIKE if you agree that hog farms don't belong near national rivers that offer public recreation! Share your thoughts below.

GREAT NEWS! We've made history by submitting a record-breaking 8 MILLION comments to the EPA asking for a strong clean power plan to fight climate change and spearhead clean tech. Earthjustice and all of our partner groups would not have been able to shatter that record if you guys did not take action, so huge kudos all around! http://ejus.tc/1sBHg8A

Click SHARE or LIKE to celebrate our united voice in the face of climate change, and don't forget to check out how each U.S. state is doing in the clean energy race >> http://ejus.tc/1oXd8WC

GREAT NEWS! We've made history by submitting a record-breaking 8 MILLION comments to the EPA asking for a strong clean power plan to fight climate change and spearhead clean tech. Earthjustice and all of our partner groups would not have been able to shatter that record if you guys did not take action, so huge kudos all around! http://ejus.tc/1sBHg8A

Click SHARE or LIKE to celebrate our united voice in the face of climate change, and don't forget to check out how each U.S. state is doing in the clean energy race >> http://ejus.tc/1oXd8WC

GIVING TUESDAY: For anyone who has ever been caught in a mob of shoppers on Black Friday, Giving Tuesday is an oasis of sanity and selflessness where you can give a little back to nonprofits like Earthjustice who work hard to make the world a better place >> http://ejus.tc/1B7ivqn

Many people don't think twice about buying a new flatscreen TV or a $4 latte, but for nonprofits, every dollar matters. Since Earthjustice never charges our clients (be they children living with asthma or a pack of wild wolves in Wyoming), we rely on your generosity to continue being the best lawyers for the earth.

Click SHARE or LIKE and please consider giving us some love on Giving Tuesday... >> http://ejus.tc/1B7ivqn

GIVING TUESDAY: For anyone who has ever been caught in a mob of shoppers on Black Friday, Giving Tuesday is an oasis of sanity and selflessness where you can give a little back to nonprofits like Earthjustice who work hard to make the world a better place >> http://ejus.tc/1B7ivqn

Many people don't think twice about buying a new flatscreen TV or a $4 latte, but for nonprofits, every dollar matters. Since Earthjustice never charges our clients (be they children living with asthma or a pack of wild wolves in Wyoming), we rely on your generosity to continue being the best lawyers for the earth. 

Click SHARE or LIKE and please consider giving us some love on Giving Tuesday... >> http://ejus.tc/1B7ivqn

NO MEANS NO: Sometimes mining companies just don't get it. When a district court in Arizona upheld a ban on new uranium mining near Grand Canyon National Park, you would think the uranium industry would get the picture that Americans don't want the threat of toxic mining waste near one of their favorite national parks. But they didn't, and now they are appealing that ruling in hopes of overturning the ban. http://ejus.tc/1FJ8HCP

That's why Earthjustice attorneys are teaming u...p with Native American and conservation groups to defend that ruling in court. While it may seem like common sense that uranium mining does not belong near a national park filled with wildlife and waterways, sometimes you need the courts to hammer in that point. And that's what we intend to do by fighting the uranium industry's legal challenge.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you agree that special places like the Grand Canyon region should be off-limits to new mining! Share your thoughts below.

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NO MEANS NO: Sometimes mining companies just don't get it. When a district court in Arizona upheld a ban on new uranium mining near Grand Canyon National Park, you would think the uranium industry would get the picture that Americans don't want the threat of toxic mining waste near one of their favorite national parks. But they didn't, and now they are appealing that ruling in hopes of overturning the ban. http://ejus.tc/1FJ8HCP

That's why Earthjustice attorneys are teaming up with Native American and conservation groups to defend that ruling in court. While it may seem like common sense that uranium mining does not belong near a national park filled with wildlife and waterways, sometimes you need the courts to hammer in that point. And that's what we intend to do by fighting the uranium industry's legal challenge.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you agree that special places like the Grand Canyon region should be off-limits to new mining! Share your thoughts below.

“We never rail at the storms, the furious winds, the biting frosts and snows... Bright days and dark days are both expressions of the Great Mystery.” - Chief Luther Standing Bear

We know many of you may be blanketed in snow or bracing wind and rain this weekend. But whatever the weather is, we hope you all stay safe and warm...

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread the good cheer! TELL US >> What is your favorite type of weather and why?

“We never rail at the storms, the furious winds, the biting frosts and snows... Bright days and dark days are both expressions of the Great Mystery.” - Chief Luther Standing Bear

We know many of you may be blanketed in snow or bracing wind and rain this weekend. But whatever the weather is, we hope you all stay safe and warm...

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread the good cheer! TELL US >> What is your favorite type of weather and why?

COVER UP? Federal investigators are being accused of suppressing evidence showing structural problems with BP's Atlantis oil platform currently operating in in the Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantis shares similarities with BP's Deepwater Horizon rig that exploded four years ago in the nation's worst ever oil spill. http://ejus.tc/1vOvsUz

Earthjustice attorneys first discovered the findings after filing a Freedom of Information Act request in September. We discovered that all three... of the structural engineers who took part in a federal investigation of Atlantis voiced safety problems, but their concerns never made it in the final report. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) is now leading the investigations of this potential wrongdoing.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think federal investigators need to be transparent about any safety concerns with drilling in the Gulf! Share your thoughts below.

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COVER UP? Federal investigators are being accused of suppressing evidence showing structural problems with BP's Atlantis oil platform currently operating in in the Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantis shares similarities with BP's Deepwater Horizon rig that exploded four years ago in the nation's worst ever oil spill. http://ejus.tc/1vOvsUz

Earthjustice attorneys first discovered the findings after filing a Freedom of Information Act request in September. We discovered that all three of the structural engineers who took part in a federal investigation of Atlantis voiced safety problems, but their concerns never made it in the final report. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) is now leading the investigations of this potential wrongdoing.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think federal investigators need to be transparent about any safety concerns with drilling in the Gulf! Share your thoughts below.

GOLD STAR FOR CALIFORNIA: It's no surprise that California is winning the clean energy race, but it's not because it has more sun and wind than other states. New Mexico, for example, enjoys much more sunshine than California. What the Golden State does have that other states lack is forward-thinking energy policies. http://ejus.tc/15zixKw

Take, for example, California's plan that by 2020, utilities must get at least 33% of their energy from renewable sources and cut greenhous...e gases to 80% below 1990 levels. These smart policies spur innovation and investment in clean energy and energy efficiency, enabling California to harness the sun and wind while other equally sunny states like New Mexico are still tethered to dirty fuels like coal.

Check out how California, New Mexico, and other states are doing in the clean energy race on our new interactive map! >> http://ejus.tc/1oXd8WC

Click SHARE or LIKE!

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When it comes to renewable energy, California leads the nation. You might assume that California has taken the lead because of its abundance of natural resources, such as sun and wind, that power renewable energy. But California isn’t the only state where the sun shines and the wind blows.

6 REASONS TO BE THANKFUL: This year, we have many reasons to be thankful for! Here's six that we have to mention:

1. Winning endangered species protection for wolves in Wyoming.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1qrk1cc


2. Defending the local right to ban fracking within their borders.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1zSTuM9

3. Stopping offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1y9ubWP

4. Upholding strong clean air standards on mercury & other toxics.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1uSzHfY

5. Preserving Canyonlands National Park from noisy offroading
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1vGZwAU

And the final, most important reason....

6. YOU! With more than 1 MILLION supporters like you, Earthjustice will continue to be the best lawyers for the Earth! Thank you for your unwavering support and Happy Thanksgiving!

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> What are you grateful for this year?

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6 REASONS TO BE THANKFUL: This year, we have many reasons to be thankful for! Here's six that we have to mention:

1. Winning endangered species protection for wolves in Wyoming.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1qrk1cc

2. Defending the local right to ban fracking within their borders.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1zSTuM9

3. Stopping offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1y9ubWP

4. Upholding strong clean air standards on mercury & other toxics.
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1uSzHfY

5. Preserving Canyonlands National Park from noisy offroading
>>>>> http://ejus.tc/1vGZwAU

And the final, most important reason....

6. YOU! With more than 1 MILLION supporters like you, Earthjustice will continue to be the best lawyers for the Earth! Thank you for your unwavering support and Happy Thanksgiving!

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> What are you grateful for this year?

FOUR IN TEN: That's how many Americans live in areas with unhealthy levels of smog (a.k.a ozone). That's over 120 million people! And that's why today's announcement by the EPA that they are tightening national smog standards is a step in the right direction.

While the EPA's new recommendations don't go as far as many health experts would like, it will help protect the health of those most vulnerable to air pollution - such as children, the elderly, and those suffering from asthma. In the coming months, our attorneys will continue to press EPA to adopt stricter standards as it finalizes its plan.

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Do you experience smog where you live?

FOUR IN TEN: That's how many Americans live in areas with unhealthy levels of smog (a.k.a ozone). That's over 120 million people! And that's why today's announcement by the EPA that they are tightening national smog standards is a step in the right direction.

While the EPA's new recommendations don't go as far as many health experts would like, it will help protect the health of those most vulnerable to air pollution - such as children, the elderly, and those suffering from asthma. In the coming months, our attorneys will continue to press EPA to adopt stricter standards as it finalizes its plan. 

Click SHARE or LIKE and TELL US >> Do you experience smog where you live?

NEW SMOG STANDARDS - ARE THEY ENOUGH? To combat the smog problem that still envelopes too many American cities, the EPA has issued new stronger recommendations but health and environmental experts warn the new standards may not be enough. http://ejus.tc/1yc40hg

Smog is caused by ozone (which comes from cars, factories, and other fossil-fuel burning sources). Ozone can greatly impair our breathing, especially for children, the elderly, and people with asthma. Scientists had recommended the EPA strengthen the ozone standard to as low as 60 parts per billion, but the new standards of 65-70 parts per billion fall short.

EPA took a step in the right direction, but they can do more! Click SHARE or LIKE and send EPA a quick note asking for stronger smog standards that will make a difference -----> http://ejus.tc/11WLqOx

NEW SMOG STANDARDS - ARE THEY ENOUGH? To combat the smog problem that still envelopes too many American cities, the EPA has issued new stronger recommendations but health and environmental experts warn the new standards may not be enough. http://ejus.tc/1yc40hg

Smog is caused by ozone (which comes from cars, factories, and other fossil-fuel burning sources). Ozone can greatly impair our breathing, especially for children, the elderly, and people with asthma. Scientists had recommended the EPA strengthen the ozone standard to as low as 60 parts per billion, but the new standards of 65-70 parts per billion fall short.

EPA took a step in the right direction, but they can do more! Click SHARE or LIKE and send EPA a quick note asking for stronger smog standards that will make a difference -----> http://ejus.tc/11WLqOx

GIVE THANKS TO FARMWORKERS: As we sit down for our Thanksgiving feast this year, please remember to give thanks for the hardworking men, women, and children who grow and harvest much of our food in the U.S. http://ejus.tc/1HDJStI

Farmworkers are one of the lowest paid, most exploited groups in the U.S. Like all workers, they deserve safe, fair working conditions, and that includes protection from dangerous pesticide exposure. Check out our campaign Stand For Farmworkers to see how you can help! http://ejus.tc/1HDJStI

SHARE this graphic to celebrate International Food Workers Week and leave your thoughts below.

GIVE THANKS TO FARMWORKERS: As we sit down for our  Thanksgiving feast this year, please remember to give thanks for the hardworking men, women, and children who grow and harvest much of our food in the U.S. http://ejus.tc/1HDJStI

Farmworkers are one of the lowest paid, most exploited groups in the U.S. Like all workers, they deserve safe, fair working conditions, and that includes protection from dangerous pesticide exposure. Check out our campaign Stand For Farmworkers to see how you can help!  http://ejus.tc/1HDJStI

SHARE this graphic to celebrate International Food Workers Week and leave your thoughts below.

COMMON SENSE PREVAILS: We're grateful to report that Colorado's Roan Plateau, a stronghold for wildlife, rare plants and some of the state's last pristine wildlands, has been protected thanks to a court settlement that stopped the threat of rampant oil & gas development in the area. http://ejus.tc/1Fk4OlC

For many years, our attorneys and partners fought to protect this spectacular region of Colorado. Last week, the BLM finally agreed to cancel the majority of oil and gas lea...ses on the Roan and forbid new leasing, while conserving important big game habitat at the base of the plateau. The BLM is now considering only limited development on remaining leases, which would allow responsible levels of energy development in less sensitive areas.

It's a victory for all of you who have helped us fight to protect magnificent places like the Roan. Click SHARE or LIKE and share your comments below!

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COMMON SENSE PREVAILS: We're grateful to report that Colorado's Roan Plateau, a stronghold for wildlife, rare plants and some of the state's last pristine wildlands, has been protected thanks to a court settlement that stopped the threat of rampant oil & gas development in the area. http://ejus.tc/1Fk4OlC

For many years, our attorneys and partners fought to protect this spectacular region of Colorado. Last week, the BLM finally agreed to cancel the majority of oil and gas leases on the Roan and forbid new leasing, while conserving important big game habitat at the base of the plateau. The BLM is now considering only limited development on remaining leases, which would allow responsible levels of energy development in less sensitive areas.

It's a victory for all of you who have helped us fight to protect magnificent places like the Roan. Click SHARE or LIKE and share your comments below!

THE SURPRISING WAR ON COAL: The coal industry is facing a potentially crippling blow, and this time it's not from environmental organizations or President Obama. It's from China. ejus.tc/1xSsT1r

To meet its breakthrough agreement with the U.S. to curb carbon emissions, China has announced plans for coal use to peak by 2020, (financial analysts warn it could be as early as 2016). This sudden announcement is sending shockwaves across the coal industry as investors are labeling... the fossil fuel a "sinking ship." Without Chinese demand, global coal prices would plummet, shutting down coal mines across the world.

It's a staggering reversal of fortunes for a polluting industry that once bet on China's insatiable appetite for coal. Thanks to the recent agreement between the U.S. and China to fight climate change, the coal industry may have lost its most powerful patron.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think the era of coal needs to come to an end! Share your thoughts below.

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THE SURPRISING WAR ON COAL: The coal industry is facing a potentially crippling blow, and this time it's not from environmental organizations or President Obama. It's from China. ejus.tc/1xSsT1r 

To meet its breakthrough agreement with the U.S. to curb carbon emissions, China has announced plans for coal use to peak by 2020, (financial analysts warn it could be as early as 2016). This sudden announcement is sending shockwaves across the coal industry as investors are labeling the fossil fuel a "sinking ship." Without Chinese demand, global coal prices would plummet, shutting down coal mines across the world. 

It's a staggering reversal of fortunes for a polluting industry that once bet on China's insatiable appetite for coal. Thanks to the recent agreement between the U.S. and China to fight climate change, the coal industry may have lost its most powerful patron.

Click SHARE or LIKE if you think the era of coal needs to come to an end! Share your thoughts below.

MUSIC TO OUR EARS >> On the heels of the most successful climate march ever in NYC, a group of music leaders and artists have just produced the album "HOME" (Heal Our Mother Earth) to help inspire the growing movement for climate justice! http://ejus.tc/1xN9Vcn

Featuring top artists like Common, Ne-Yo, Elle Varner, and others, the songs all feature strong environmental messages (such as a lively rendition of Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi" by Karmin). Earthjustice is proud to partner with the Hip Hop Caucus in promoting this exciting project!

Click SHARE or LIKE and don't forget to download the first four songs for FREE! (The entire album will be released Dec 2). TELL US >> What's your favorite environmentally themed song?

MUSIC TO OUR EARS >> On the heels of the most successful climate march ever in NYC, a group of music leaders and artists have just produced the album "HOME" (Heal Our Mother Earth) to help inspire the growing movement for climate justice! http://ejus.tc/1xN9Vcn

Featuring top artists like Common, Ne-Yo, Elle Varner, and others, the songs all feature strong environmental messages (such as a lively rendition of Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi" by Karmin). Earthjustice is proud to partner with the Hip Hop Caucus in promoting this exciting project! 

Click SHARE or LIKE and don't forget to download the first four songs for FREE! (The entire album will be released Dec 2). TELL US >> What's your favorite environmentally themed song?

RED OR BLUE - IT'S ALL THE SAME: As Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina showed, it doesn't matter if you live in liberal blue New Jersey or solid red Louisiana - the frequency of intense storms will only get worse if we don't stop climate change. That's why you need to speak up for the Clean Power Plan >> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

Why is the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan a potential game changer? Because for the first time ever, dirty coal-fired power plants would be required to cut their carbon pollution. Without this big step, we won't be able to stop climate change. It's that simple.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this action and remember to send your message of support for a strong Clean Power Plan! http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

RED OR BLUE - IT'S ALL THE SAME: As Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina showed, it doesn't matter if you live in liberal blue New Jersey or solid red Louisiana - the frequency of intense storms will only get worse if we don't stop climate change. That's why you need to speak up for the Clean Power Plan >> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

Why is the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan a potential game changer? Because for the first time ever, dirty coal-fired power plants would be required to cut their carbon pollution. Without this big step, we won't be able to stop climate change. It's that simple.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this action and remember to send your message of support for a strong Clean Power Plan! http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

11 DAYS LEFT! That's how much time we have to tell EPA we support a strong Clean Power Plan to slash the carbon pollution that's causing climate change! 7.7 MILLION people have already sent their message - add your voice now! >> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

This is one of the most important actions we have ever asked. Why? Because for the first time ever, dirty coal-fired power plants would be required to cut their carbon pollution. Without this big step, we won't be able to stop climate change. It's that simple.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this action and remember to send your message! ------->> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

11 DAYS LEFT! That's how much time we have to tell EPA we support a strong Clean Power Plan to slash the carbon pollution that's causing climate change! 7.7 MILLION people have already sent their message - add your voice now! >> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

This is one of the most important actions we have ever asked. Why? Because for the first time ever, dirty coal-fired power plants would be required to cut their carbon pollution. Without this big step, we won't be able to stop climate change. It's that simple.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this action and remember to send your message! ------->> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

CLIMATE CHANGE DOESN'T CARE: It's bewildering when people say they don't "believe" in climate change. That's like saying you don't believe in gravity - gravity doesn't care. That's why we need to pull our heads out of the sand and throw our support behind one of the most important proposals to fight climate change - the Clean Power Plan >> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

Why is the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan a potential game changer? Because for the first time ever, dirty coal-fired power plants would be required to cut their carbon pollution. Without this big step, we won't be able to stop climate change. It's that simple, so take action now.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this action and remember to send your message of support for a strong Clean Power Plan! http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

CLIMATE CHANGE DOESN'T CARE: It's bewildering when people say they don't "believe" in climate change. That's like saying you don't believe in gravity - gravity doesn't care. That's why we need to pull our heads out of the sand and throw our support behind one of the most important proposals to fight climate change - the Clean Power Plan  >> http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi

Why is the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan a potential game changer? Because for the first time ever, dirty coal-fired power plants would be required to cut their carbon pollution. Without this big step, we won't be able to stop climate change. It's that simple, so take action now.

Click SHARE or LIKE to spread this action and remember to send your message of support for a strong Clean Power Plan! http://ejus.tc/1uggbVi