IAC reportedly looking to sell CollegeHumor for $100 million

Barry Diller’s IAC wants to cash in on the online video boom: IAC is putting CollegeHumor on the block, according to a Fortune.com report. IAC is reportedly looking to make $100 million with the sale, after acquiring CollegeHumor for $20 million eight years ago. However, CollegeHumor isn’t the only comedy site looking for a buyer. FunnyOrDie and the Onion are also on the market, with FunnyOrDie reportedly looking to make as much as $300 million, and the Onion asking potential buyers for $100 million as well.

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Saturday, December 6, 2014
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  1. Salinger’s Ghost Friday, December 5, 2014

    Isn’t that Ricky Van Veen’s site? Reminder – Ricky Van Veen sucks:
