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  • From the fern leaf in your bouquet of roses to the landscape plants that help beautify your life, they were all grown and harvested by people and places affected by the toxic process. Meet the agricultural workers who endure chemical-filled workplaces before the green goods reach the market.
    Dave Getzschman for Earthjustice
  • Andrea Cabrera Hubbard is a former farmworker who now helps women protect themselves from pesticide exposure and domestic abuse. See Andrea's story and the stories of nine other farmworkers in California.
    Dave Getzschman for Earthjustice
  • Farmworkers are the population most overexposed to pesticides, and for far too long, farmworkers have worked with fewer protections than other workers.
    Dave Getzschman for Earthjustice
  • Changes are needed to strengthen protections for farmworkers and reduce the risk of immediate and long‐term illness to farmworkers and their families, and improve protections for human health and the environment.
    Dave Getzschman for Earthjustice
Farmworkers feed us all. Yet they are exposed to pesticides throughout their workday. It’s time to strengthen the rules protecting them in the field. Take Action

Our Food, Toxic Fields.

Farmworkers represent the backbone of our agricultural economy and their work is some of the most physically demanding labor in any economic sector. They are also among the least protected from hazards on the job and have one of the highest rates of chemical exposures among all U.S. workers. Off the job, they often live in or near treated fields, where harmful pesticides can drift into their homes.

Poisonous Impacts.

Among farmworkers, 10,000–20,000 pesticide poisonings occur every year. Beyond the acute poisonings, there are long-term, chronic health effects such as cancer, Parkinsons’ Disease, asthma, birth defects and neurological harms, including developmental delays and learning disabilities.

Children of farmworkers are particularly at risk. Pesticides cling to workers' skin and clothing long after they return home, putting their children at risk.

Protections Must Be Strengthened.

A healthy, safe, and fair food system would protect us all and safeguard the health and economic needs of farmworkers, farmers, rural communities and consumers. Shifting away from reliance on hazardous pesticides is a key step toward this goal. But as long as harmful pesticides are in use, farmworkers need better protections in the field.

Let’s Get It Right.

After more than a decade of broken promises and delays, EPA is now poised to strengthen the rules protecting farmworkers—but the agency needs to do so now and it needs to get it right. We’re working in Congress, at the EPA and in the White House to ensure the strongest protections are put in place. But we can’t do it alone. Join us by taking action today.


The Toxic Secret of California’s Salad Bowl

The farmworkers who help bring fresh fruit and produce to your table aren’t protected by the safety standards most workers in the U.S. enjoy. The farmworkers’ reality is often a nightmare of back-breaking work and repeated exposure to toxic chemicals. Earthjustice is featuring their stories with the help of our partner organization Lideres Campesinas.

Leveling the Playing Fields for Farmworkers

In a Q&A interview, Legislative Representative Andrea Delgado shares how her early introduction to politics and ease among unfamiliar audiences serve her well in advocating on Capitol Hill for stronger environmental health regulations for all people.

1.1 Billion

Pounds of pesticides applied to crops annually in the U.S., resulting in 10,000–20,000 pesticide poisonings among farmworkers each year.