Bill Miller

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Bill Miller is a 35-year veteran of the journalistic trenches and a freelance writer for the past 10 years. In his previous life, Bill was a reporter and editor with the Victoria Times-Colonist, Reuters's Quebec correspondent, Bureau Chief for United Press International on Parliament Hill, and reporter for the Ottawa Citizen. Honesty compels him also to confess that his first full-time job was with The Wall Street Journal in New York City, where he first realized the planet was doomed unless humans changed their ways.

Bill Miller is a 35-year veteran of the journalistic trenches and a freelance writer for the past 10 years.

In his previous life, Bill was a reporter and editor with the Victoria Times-Colonist, Reuters's Quebec correspondent, Bureau Chief for United Press International on Parliament Hill, and reporter for the Ottawa Citizen. Honesty compels him also to confess that his first full-time job was with The Wall Street Journal in New York City, where he first realized the planet was doomed unless humans changed their ways.