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Intelligence Squared Debate on Fracking

Managing Attorney Deborah Goldberg joined Katherine Hudson of Riverkeeper to debate New York Times Op-Ed columnist Joe Nocera and former Department of Energy Asst. Sec. Susan Tierney in a nationally broadcasted event presented by Intelligence Squared U.S., in partnership with the Aspen Ideas Festival. Deborah and Katherine debated in favor of the motion, "No Fracking Way: The Natural Gas Boom is Doing More Harm Than Good."

A 53 to 42 percent tally of audience members at the live taping of the public radio debate program Intelligence Squared, made it official. Goldberg and her debate partner, Katherine Hudson of Riverkeeper, had defeated New York Times business columnist Joe Nocera and former Clinton administration energy appointee Sue Tierney—who had argued that fears of fracking were overblown.

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Teleconference: Fracking And Community Control

On June 20, 2014, in advance of a decision from New York’s high court over a pair of zoning-based oil and gas development bans, experts from New York, Colorado, California, Pennsylvania and Texas hosted a teleconference on the growing trend of community control over fracking.

Helen Slottje: Fighting Fracking, And Winning

In this Down to Earth episode, Helen Holden Slottje, a lawyer in upstate New York, discusses her pioneering legal strategy to keep the controversial oil and gas development process known as "fracking" out of communities.