List of Bans Worldwide

Food and Water Watch maintains a state-by-state, up-to-the-minute list of actions passed against fracking in the U.S., and a useful set of activist tools.


[Update:  November 20, 2014]

Voters Ban Fracking In Texas, California, And Ohio, Mike Gaworecki, DeSmog Blog, November 5, 2014.

Some Good Election News: Fracking Bans Pass in Texas, California and OhioAnastasia Pantsios, EcoWatch via AlterNet, November 5, 2014

“Grassroots ballot initiatives do well, even in the heart of oil country.”


San Benito County’s Measure J: Voters back anti-fracking plan, by Howard Mintz, San Jose Mercury News, November 4, 2014.

Fracking bans pass in 2 counties, fail in Santa Barbara, Molly Peterson, KPCC, November 5, 2014.

“In San Benito and Mendocino Counties, voters approved bans on high-intensity oil production techniques.”

Nevertheless, Oil Company Tries to Shake Down California County for $1.2 Billion for Banning Fracking, Mark Karlin, for Buzzflash at TruthOut, November 20, 2014.


Democracy at Its Best: Boulder County Extends Fracking Ban, Gary Wockner, EcoWatch, November 14, 2014.


Denton fracking ban passed in landslide, Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe, Dallas News, November 5, 2014

Texas city bans fracking in its birthplace, court battles loom, Reuters via The Chicago Tribune, November 5, 2014

And, of course, Texas Republicans work to squash local fracking ban, Laura Clawson, DailyKos, November 17, 2014



Nova Scotia to ban frackingBruce Erskine, The Times Chronicle, September 3, 2014.

“ ‘Nova Scotians have indicated that by a wide margin they are concerned about hydraulic fracturing and they do not want it as part of onshore development of shales in Nova Scotia at this time,’ Younger said during a news conference, to the loud applause of environmentalists in attendance.”

[U.S. UPDATE:  June 9, 2014]


Canandaigua, New York

Canandaigua joins fracking bansSteve Orr, Democrat & Chronicle, June 6, 2104

Last week the city of Canandaigua, NY voted 8-0 to permanently ban fracking as well as the storage, treatment and disposal of fracking wastewater!” via New Yorkers Against Fracking

Amherst Town Board agrees to draft a local law banning “fracking”, Jay Rey, The Buffalo News, April 29,2014

Numerous Town Bans and Moratoria  In New York State, now listed and mapped by

Kirkland, New York

Town of Kirkland Bans Hydrofracking by Philip A. Vanno, Observer Dispatch, Utica, January 7, 2014

After months of hammering out, and concern from residents, the town of Kirkland officially put a law on the books banning hydrofracking.

Dryden, New York

The Little Town That Took On Fracking And Big Oil”  Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC, August 17, 2013:

In 2011, rural Dryden, in upstate New York, banned hydraulic fracking, prompting an oil corporation which had spent millions of dollars buying up leases in Dryden, from private home and farm owners, to sue. The energy company wanted the court to force the town to accept industrial gas drilling including fracking, within town limits. Not only did the town fight back, it garnered the support of 20,000 people to support them in their fight. But the battle is not over. The panelists discuss.


Santa Cruz becomes first California county to ban fracking, Rory Carroll, Reuters, May 20, 2014

Beverly Hills:

California City Becomes First To Vote To Ban Fracking, Lydia O’Connor, The Huffington Post, April 24, 2014


California city halts new oil drilling over fracking concernsRory Carroll, Reuters, March 19, 2014

 The council of the Los Angeles County city of Carson, California, has unanimously approved a 45-day moratorium on new oil and gas drilling…”

Los Angeles:

L.A. City Council takes step toward fracking banEmily Alpert Reyes, Los Angeles Times, February 28, 2014

Los Angeles joins Dallas, NY, VT, Colorado cities to halt fracking, Karen Hansen, Examiner, February 28, 2014

Breaking: Los Angeles Passes Fracking MoratoriumBrandon Baker, EcoWatch News, February 28,2014

Los Angeles Becomes Largest City to Approve Fracking MoratoriumCarol Linnitt, DeSmogBlog, February 28, 2014

Los Angeles becomes largest US city to prohibit fracking, RT, March 1, 2014


A moratorium on the practice of hydraulic fracturing to retrieve natural gas passed The Pennsylvania State Democratic committee caucus by a standing vote of 115 in favor to 81 opposed.

Marcellus Moratorium,, July 15, 2013

58% of Pennsylvanians Support a Statewide Moratorium

VIDEO: EPA Pulls Plug On Fracking Studies As Polls Show Support For Moratorium by Steve Doty, The Washington Examiner, July 31, 2013

Delaware River Basin – Moratorium

Delaware River Basin Commission: Battleground for Gas DrillingStateImpactPA: Background 

The de-facto moratorium imposed by the Commission prevents drilling for natural gas in Pennsylvania’s Wayne and Pike counties, as well as parts of southern New York, until the DRBC establishes its own regulations for gas drilling…  After reviewing more than 60,000 public comments, the DRBC posted its revised draft regulations online in early November, 2011. Environmentalist groups, such as the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, criticized the draft rules and continued to lobby for a more extensive environmental impact study. Environmentalists say the new rules do not go far enough to protect drinking water supplies.” 

170+ Groups Urge Delaware River Basin Commission to Maintain Ban on Fracking, Food and Water Watch via EcoWatch, September 13, 2012

“More than 170 consumer, faith, business and environmental organizations from four states delivered a letter to members of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) on Sept. 12, urging them to maintain the current ban on hydraulic fracturing throughout the Delaware River Basin. The commission is currently considering the possibility of opening up the basin to fracking, which would put the entire region at risk of numerous health and environmental hazards associated with the highly controversial natural gas drilling method. In particular, fracking has been known contaminate rivers and groundwater, and if allowed to occur in the basin would threaten drinking water supplies for 15.6 million residents.”


D.C. Passes Resolution Prohibiting Fracking in George Washington National Forest, Earthworks via EcoWatch, March 5, 2014

The Washington, D.C. City Council yesterday passed a resolution opposing hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling for natural gas in the George Washington National Forest due to concerns that such development might contaminate drinking water supplies. The 1.1 million-acre forest—located in Virginia and West Virginia—contains headwaters of the Potomac River, which is the sole source of drinking water for the nation’s capital.


City of Dallas Effectively Bans Fracking, RT USA, December 13, 2013.

Did Dallas Just Ban Fracking?, Andrew Breiner, ThinkProgress, December 12, 2013.


Council OKS Ban On Fracking by Erin Miller, Hawaii Tribune Herald, October 26, 2013.

Hawaii County Council spends less than 3 minutes discussing and voting to BAN FRACKING on Hawaii Island.


NOTE : Voters in Bowling Green Ohio did NOT agree to ban the practice hydrofracking. It was narrowly defeated in the November ballot measure. There were some early misunderstandings on the outcome of this vote.

EARLIER POST: Bowling Green City Council Passes Fracking Ban, The BG News, September 18, 2013


New Mexico County First In Nation To Ban Fracking To Safeguard Water by Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times, May 28, 2013


Ballot Measure on Colorado Fracking Ban In The Works” by Curtis Wackerle, Aspen Daily News, August 17, 2013


[GLOBAL UPDATE: May 5, 2014]


Moratorium on fracking announced by Newfoundland government, The Telegram, November 4, 2013


The United Kingdom – Ban Overturned

UK lifts ban on fracking to exploit shale gas reservesLauren Smith-Spark and Jim Boulden, CNN, May 3, 2013

Half of Britain to be offered for shale gas drilling as fracking areas face 50 trucks passing each day: Ministers “stepping up the search for shale” with new exploration rights to be offered to fracking firms next summer, Emily Gosden, The Telegraph UK, December 17, 2013

Cantabria, SPAIN

Shale-Rich Spanish Region Votes To Ban Fracking”,, April 9, 2013

Lawmakers in Spain’s northern Cantabria region unanimously voted on Monday (8 April) to ban hydraulic fracturing on environmental concerns, shooting down the central government’s hopes for a project to boost jobs in a region believed to be rich in shale gas.



[Original Post,  Date: 2012]

Global List of Fracking Bans and Moratrium by Johnny Linehan and Marina Stefan, Fracking Hell (UK) (Files)  

The Fracking Hell list is updated regularly. Visit for most current list, or add a ban of your own to the comments.

  • Countries with a Ban or Moratorium:

    • France .                   
    • June 30 2011: The French parliament voted to ban the controversial technique for extracting natural gas from shale rock deposits known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Oct. 4 2012: France will maintain a ban on fracking until there is proof that shale gas exploration won’t harm the environment or “massacre” the landscape, President Nicolas Sarkozy said.
    • The new Minister of Ecology in Mr Hollande’s Socialist government , Ms Brick, is fiercely against fracking and the opponents of fracking are asking that Parliamentary Bill 377 be put on the top of the stack for action. .
    • 13th Nov 2012: The Luxembourg Parliament voted against a motion to extract underground shale gas due to concerns over the environmental impact of the process. Fracking, also known as induced hydraulic fracturing, uses fluid pressure to break open rock formations, in order to release gas or fuel trapped underground. *
    • Bulgaria
    • 18 January 2012: Bulgaria has become the second European country after France to ban exploratory drilling for shale gas using the extraction method called “fracking”.
    • Bulgarian MPs voted overwhelmingly for a ban on Wednesday, following big street protests by environmentalists.
    • Bulgaria has revoked a shale gas permit granted to US energy giant Chevron.
    • 17th May 2012: Temporary Parliamentary Commission for study, analysis and discussion of best practices and regulatory solutions for exploration and mining has decided at its meeting today that the moratorium on exploration and extraction of shale gas has to drop some of the provisions. Environmentalists have threatened new protests.
    • The Bulgarian minister of economy, Delyan Dobrev, commented on the adopted changes in the shale gas moratorium stating that ‘the moratorium shall remain, as long as the people are not properly assured that shale gas production does not pose a threat to them or the environment’.
    • 14th June 2012 Bulgaria’s 41st National assembly passed an Act to ban fracking in all its forms in all its territory including testing and exploration and has absolutely banned any kind of extraction using the pumping of water or gel or anything into the ground. The partial bans, and condititional moratorium was not enough for activists who succeeded in persuading the Assembly that an absolute ban was neccessary.
    • Romania
    • May 16, 2012: In response to a petition that garnered the support of 50,000 residents concerned about the environmental impact of drilling, along with the criticism of several regional governors, Environment Minister Rovana Plumb (Social-liberal Union) has said she will propose a moratorium on shale gas exploration for up to two years until clear rules for the sector are established.
    • South Africa 
    • South Africa’s Mining Minister Susan Shabangu has decided to extend the ban on the practice of hydraulic fracturing used to break through shale rock formations underground to tap once inaccessible gas reserves. The moratorium will last another six months, while the nation’s appointed team to investigate the safety of hydraulic ‘fracking’ continues its research.
    • Germany

    May 8th 2012: Germany has apparently halted plans to use fracking (hydraulic fracturing), a controversial method used to extract natural gas in difficult places to reach. According to Spiegal, Environment Minister Norbert Rottgen and Economy Minster Philipp Rosler have been sceptical of the process and have decided to oppose it for the time being. Germany

    • The Czech Republic

    May 11, 2012: The Czech Republic is considering a moratorium on fracking. The moratorium would last two years ad would give the Czech environmental ministry time to determine what regulations should be in place for gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing. 

    3rd September 2012 PRAGUE – The Czech government has proposed a temporary ban on shale gas exploration until a new law is passed that would address extracting the new energy source.

    Environment Minister Tomas Chalupa said Monday the current law is insufficient and a moratorium till the middle of 2014 would give authorities time to propose legislation that would “take into account the current technologies and their environmental impact.”

    The government is expected to discuss the proposal next month.

    • Argentina
    • Fracking banned by the Cinco Saltos community local government, Patagonia, Argentina….
    • 20/12/2012 The Five City Breaks (province of Black River) became the first municipality to ban the exploration and development of unconventional oil through the fracking technique. The ordinance was introduced by Councilman Jose Chandía Communist Party and approved unanimously.”
    • Spain 
    • VALLADOLID, July 5 (EUROPE PRESS) - Valle de Mena (Burgos) has declared the municipality “fracking free” because of the absence of “informaion and transparency” This was passed by the autonomous government against the possible exploitation and extraction of gas in the area of Great Enara, which includes the town.
    • CANTABRIA – Oct 2012 – “President of Cantabria, Ignacio Diego, presented to the Governing Council a first draft of the bill to ban the use of the technique of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the Autonomous Region for both gas extraction as in investigations which is used in practice. (….) According to Diego, Cantabria needed economic activity, “but not at any price.” In this sense, has stressed that the conclusion reached by the Cantabrian Government is the result of a study conducted “with great interest” and various technical analysis.
    • Switzerland
    • The Canton of of Fribourg has banned fracking.
    • Austria
    • August 16th 2012: The Governor of Lower Austria has called for legislative changes to be introduce to preclude the drilling for shale gas due to concerns over the potential impact of hydraulic fracturing.
    • Italy
    • Bomba, a tiny city in the south of Italy has refused a drilling project – drilling in Pantelleria Island, between Sicily and Tunisia, has also been stopped by a governement’s decision
    • Northern Ireland
    • 7 December 2011: Northern Ireland’s Assembly has voted for a moratorium on “fracking”, a method of extracting natural gas from shale, pending an environmental assessment. The Minster has still failed to enact the moratorium.
    • Ireland
    • May 12, 2012: Minister For Energy Pat Rabbitte has reiterated that no hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” for gas would take place in Ireland pending further “detailed scientific analysis and advice”. 
    • Roscommon County Council unanimously support aban on fracking
    • Leitrim County Council voted for a moratorium on fracking
    • Clare County Council unanimously support a ban on fracking and unanimously voted to amend the county development plan
    • Donegal and Sligo: Ban on fracking
    • (16-01-2012) Sligo Borough Council supports the proposal from Clare County Council and Sligo County Council calling on the Government and the Minister for Communications, Energy and natural Resources to BAN the practice of fracking/hydraulic fracturing.
    • Fermanagh District Council have also voted for a moratorium on fracking.
    • The British Government has rejected shale gas technology as a solution to Britain’s energy crisis, conceding it will do little to cut bills or keep the lights on.
    • Supporters of the fracking technology – which blasts water, sand and chemicals at extreme pressures to release gas trapped deep in rock – argue it could be the single greatest factor in transforming Britain’s energy market, reducing our reliance on foreign imports and dramatically reducing costs.
    • But The Independent on Sunday has learned that industry experts made clear at a meeting attended by senior ministers, including David Cameron and Ed Davey, the Lib Dem energy secretary, that the UK’s reserves were smaller than first thought and could be uneconomical to extract.
    • Now senior coalition figures have agreed that shale gas has the potential to be deeply controversial without securing major benefits in lowering carbon emissions or reducing energy costs.
    • Keynsham Town Council have unanimously voted NO! to UK Methane’s planning application, which is a fantastic success and a big part of the puzzle.The next stage is now for B&NES Planning Committee to vote on the planning application at their Development Control Committee Meeting. Currently it is on the agenda for the 21st Nov but may be pushed back to December or maybe even January.
    • The Netherlands
    • A court in the southern Dutch city of Boxtel recently ruled that a temporary planning for an exploratory borehole was invalid. THe judge ruled that exploratory wells are by definition not temporary – if gas is discovered the intention is to extract it. This landmark ruling against UK fracker Cuadrilla sent shivers up the fracking industry’s spine – without the ability to secure temporary plannings it’s difficult to see how frackers can perform the exploratory testing required.
    • Australia 
    • New South Wales - Moratorium on fracking extended from Dec 2011 until July 2012, subject to ‘satisfacory’ national regulations. Ban has expired now and job adverts and notices of proposed drilling have started to be seen.
    • 24th August 2012 State of Victoria on Friday put a hold on hydraulic fracturing, a technique used to produce hard-to-reach gas deposits, and a halt on new coal seam gas exploration licenses.
    • The moratorium would remain until a national regulatory framework for regulating coal seam gas and hydraulic fracturing was put in place by Australia’s federal government, state energy and resources minister Michael O’Brien said in a statement.
    • Dunoon 11th June 2012 12:00 PM
    • DUNOON is the latest Northern Rivers community to declare itself CSG- free. Dunoon is now one of several communities that have declared themselves or are in the process of declaring themselves CSG-free. Others include The Channon, Modanville, Whian Whian, Rosebank and Numulgi.
    • Marrick  Council in Sydney, unanimously voted on Tuesday 9/5/2012 to impose a condition prohibiting CSG mining from going ahead at the site as part of the development application.
    • 23rd May 2012: CANADA Bay Council has joined other inner-west Sydney councils in opposing coal seam gas mining in the area.Greens Cr Pauline Tyrrell said Dart Energy’s coal seam gas (CSG) exploration licence covered the whole of the Sydney metropolitan area, including the Canada Bay Council area. Cr Tyrrell raised a motion against CSG mining which was passed at the council meeting last week.
    • June 30, 2012 at 4:55 pm The small town of Tyalgum made history today, as the first community in the Tweed Valley in NSW, to declare itself CSG free. It’s hoped other towns in the region will follow suit.
    • 17/02/2012 – Poowong, Victoria declared itself CSG-FREE after a poll returned 95% in favour of a ban.

    Aotearoa (New Zealand) *

    • 14 April 2012: “The Christchurch City Council has declared their city a ‘fracking-free zone’ in a unanimous vote this afternoon. “It is a very strong sign from the Council that we do not want fracking taking place in this city. “We hope that the strong stand we are taking is picked up by councils in other areas,” he says.” 
    • 18 April 2012: Kaikoura District Council voted 6 to 2 to declare itself a frack-free zone (NZ). It will be revisited after the independent investigation by Dr Jan Wright of the Parliamentary Commission for the Environment (PCE) due out at the end of the year. This resolution followed a request in February for a moratorium from Central Government until the study but that was denied.



    • British Columbia
    • First Nations people in NW British Columbia enacted a four year moratorium against drilling for natural gas by Royal Dutch Shell in the Sacred Headwaters. Members of the Tahltan First Nation are blockading Shell’s coal bed methane project in the Sacred Headwaters, the birthplace of the Skeena, Nass and Stikine Rivers.
    • Nova Scotia
    • Nova Scotia citizens call for ban on Nova Scotia fracking. Graham Hutchinson says the province should impose a moratorium on the controversial practice. The group recently presented a petition to Energy Minister Charlie Parker calling for a ban.
    • Québec
    • March 17, 2011: Nathalie Normandeau, Quebec’s natural resources minister, announced Wednesday that the province would no longer authorize hydraulic fracturing operations in the province in the hunt for oil and gas.

    The USA

    • The State of Vermont
    • May 17, 2012: Vermont became the first state to ban the controversial natural gas drilling practice known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Governor Peter Shumlin signed the ban into law Wednesday afternoon.
    • New Jersey, NJ
    • May 17, 2012: TRENTON, N.J. – The New Jersey Legislature has accepted Gov. Chris Christie’s recommendation for a one-year ban on a natural gas drilling process known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, rather than continue to pursue a permanent ban.
    • June 30, 2012 New Jersey Legislature Bans All Fracking Waste Mindful of a court ruling in 1978 striking down a law they passed banning waste disposal from other states, New Jersey legislators this week passed a new law banning all disposal of fracking wastewater within its borders, even if the waste water is produced within New Jersey. The new law is aimed at prohibiting shipment of 1.3 billion gallons of fracking waste water already generated in neighboring Pennsylvania from being shipped into New Jersey for deep well injection.
    • July 15, 2012  Secaucus, NJ –  bans ‘fracking’ (Local officials also call for statewide and national ban.) The mayor and Town Council banned fracking and fracking waste water in Secaucus at the June 26 council meeting in a resolution that states that the drilling process causes environmental hazards.
    • Pittsburgh, Pa
    • November 16, 2010: In a historic vote, the City of Pittsburgh today adopted a first-in-the-nation ordinance banning corporations from natural gas drilling in the city (Pittsburgh is finding it difficult to enact the ban because of ‘variances’ issued by the State’s Public Utilities Commission overruling their decisions) 
    • Morgantown, WV
    • June 6th 2011: Morgantown City Council went ahead on Tuesday evening with its proposed ban on fracking concerning the drilling of Marcellus Shale. The council approved the first reading of the ordinance which would prohibit fracking in the city and within one mile of the city limits as well. 
    • 15th August 2011: On Friday, Monongalia County Judge Susan Tucker ruled Morgantown’s ordinance to be invalid, clearing the way for Northeast to resume drilling. In the court’s opinion, Tucker said the state had exclusive control of regulation. Tucker also noted strides made by the state to implement comprehensive rules for drilling.
    • North Carolina, RALEIGH 1st July 2012-- Governor Bev Perdue vetoed the controversial fracking bill Sunday, the last day she had to act before it would have become law.The governor said she supports hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking,” but believes additional safeguards are needed in the bill. Without those safeguards in place to protect drinking water and the health of North Carolina families, Perdue said she was forced to veto the bill.
    • New York State
    • New NEW YORK town bans are being passed regularly. The latest is Red Hook, NY.
    • Syracuse, N.Y.
    • October 24, 2011: SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Syracuse common councilors ban hydrofracking in the city.
    • Woodstock enacts ban on hydrofracking – Jul 22, 2012
    • The Town Board on July 17 delivered the first blow of a proposed two-punch combination aimed at banning hydrofracking in Woodstock, unanimously adopting a zoning amendment that prohibits the controversial natural-gas extraction method and related activities within the town’s borders.
    • By a vote of 5-1-1, Village of Owego passed a 1-year moratorium – 31st July 2012 
    • 20th Dec 2012 – WAWARSING, New York State – The Wawarsing Town Board is the latest to adopt a ban on hydro-fracking to extract natural gas from shale formations.
    • The unanimous vote came Thursday night. A public hearing was held prior to the vote with no one supporting the process.

    Animated film of bans, moratoriums and groups in New York State


    • Two legislative bills on hydrofrack drilling were considered by the legislature. The Assembly passed an extension of the current moratorium through June of 2012. The Senate did not act on a parallel bill and the issue is closed for the present.

    • NYS Executive Order calling for a drilling moratorium by former Governor Paterson has been affirmed by Governor Cuomo.

    • Yates County resolution unanimously passed calls for similar protection treatment of their watershed as that in NYC and Syracuse watersheds.

    • The Town of Jerusalem (Yates) enacted a moratorium ordinance for their entire township. The one-year moratorium begins when the Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) relating to the extraction of natural gas by the process of high-volume hydraulic fracturing now under review by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is finalized.

    • The Town of Milo is drawing up a moratorium statement for board action.

    • Dewitt, Tully, Marcellus and Skaneateles have enacted moratoria laws.

    • Highland, (Sullivan Co) is developing a moratorium statement.

    • Buffalo has banned hydrofrack drilling and wastewater disposal in their city.

    • Sullivan County is the first county in New York State to enact a moratorium.

    • Lumberland (Sullivan Co) is considering a moratorium statement.

    • Town of Ulysses is establishing “industrial zones” attempting to restrict the negative impact of drilling in their water supply.

    • Tompkins County has enacted a ban on fracking on county land.

    • Broome County: Ban on hydrofracking on county lands. Waste restrictions for fracking cuttings and flow back water established.

    • Ontario, Sullivan and Onondaga Counties have enacted bans on fracking on county owned land.

    • Ulster County has banned hydrofrack drilling on county owned lands.

    • Gorham in Ontario County enacted a moratorium ordinance.

    • The towns that ring Cooperstown’s reservoir, Otsego Lake — Middlefield, Otsego, Butternuts, and Cherry Valley — are moving to ban or restrict natural gas drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing.

    • Springfield has adopted local laws prohibiting heavy industry, including gas drilling.

    • The Medical Society of the State of New York has gone on record supporting a moratorium on gas drilling using high volume hydraulic fracturing.

    • Cooperstown’s Chamber of Commerce has issued a position statement supporting a total ban on fracking due to the impact it will make on their watershed, farming and tourism.

    • A group of residents have launched a petition drive designed to ban the use of high-volume, slick water hydraulic fracturing in the Town of Caroline, Tompkins County.

    • The Village of Penn Yan will not accept any hydrofracking wastewater for processing at the village wastewater treatment plant.

    • New York City has called on the US Congress to remove hydrofrack drilling’s exemption from the Safe Water Drinking Act.

    • The Skaneateles Town Board has initiated plans for a ban in their township.

    • The Otsego County Planning Board approved changes to Middlefield’s master plan and zoning law that would specifically prohibit heavy industry, including gas and oil drilling.

    • The Board of Trustees of Bassett Medical Center, based in Cooperstown, New York, views the issue of hydrofracking as a public health issue of the highest priorityand resolves that the hydrofracking method of gas drilling constitutes an unacceptable threat to the health of patients, and should be prohibited until such time as it is proven to be safe.

    • A consortium of interested citizens is planning for a unified moratorium and eventual ban of hydrofrack drilling in the entire Keuka Lake watershed region. To date the towns of Barrington, Milo and Jerusalem have adopted ordinances on a moratorium. Wayne has prepared a resolution for consideration.

    • Lebanon town board members adopted a memorializing resolution that calls on the New York State Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo to repeal and reform compulsory integration laws in the State of New York that currently govern natural gas development.

    • A petition drive has resulted in the Dryden Town Board unanimously passing a resolution to move forward with an ordinance to ban fracking.

    • The Croton Watershed Clean Water Coalition, Inc. has sued the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in New York State Supreme Court to declare High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing in New York State Forests contrary to the New York State Constitution and applicable environmental laws.

    • The Otsego Town Board clarified a long-standing prohibition against heavy industry, including fracking for natural gas, in the town’s land use law. By this vote the town, which includes most of the Village of Cooperstown, reaffirmed its home rule right to prohibit drilling through local ordinance. They also approved revisions to its land-use law that strengthen a ban on gas drilling and hydrofracking within the town. The law now specifies that while the removal of gravel, rock, stone, sand, fill, topsoil or “unconsolidated” minerals has been allowed, extraction of natural gas and petroleum is not permitted.

    • The Common Council of Oneonta voted to ban all forms of natural gas drilling in city limits.

    • The Town of Wales adopted a community rights ordinance that bans “fracking.” The ordinance establishes a Bill of Rights for Wales residents and “recognizes and secures certain civil and political rights of the residents to govern themselves and protect themselves from harm to their persons, property and environment.”

    • The exploration of land for natural gas by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing is prohibited in the Town of Camillus.

    • Brighton became the first municipality in Monroe County to take a position on hydrofrack drilling calling for a state-wide moratorium.

    • Kirkland has adopted a one-year moratorium on hydrofracking.

    • New Hartford has adopted a six-month moratorium on hydrofrack drilling for natural gas

    •   October 24, 2011: SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Syracuse common councilors ban hydrofracking in the city.


    August 14th 2012 Saint Johnsville Village, NY, USA unanimously passed a one year moratorium on hydrofracking and its related activities.

    • Buffalo, NY
    • Feb 8, 2011 6: The City of Buffalo, New York, banned the natural gas drilling technique of hydraulic fracturing on Tuesday, a largely symbolic vote that demonstrates concern about potential harm to groundwater from mining an abundant energy source.The city council voted 9-0 to prohibit natural gas extraction including the process known as “fracking” in which chemicals, sand and water are blasted deep into the earth.
    • Albany, NY (Capitol of NYS) banned hydraulic fracturing within the city limits of the City of Albany in May, 2012. Mayor Jennings didn’t veto it.
    • Sept 2012 The Rochester Town Board voted to ban hydraulic fracturing at its August 30 meeting, to the applause of a town hall packed with residents eager for the decision. Although passing the ban was one of the first things the board did that evening, celebrants were still toasting with champagne in the town hall parking lot when the meeting adjourned over an hour later.
    • The town joins an estimated 35 that have passed an outright ban on the controversial gas-mining practice in the state. A hundred other municipalities have moratoria in place while they study the issue, and 60 more have passed resolutions either in support of the practice, or opposing a statewide ban. Governor Cuomo is expected to announce a decision on whether it will be permitted in New York State or not in the very near future.


    In February, the legislature passed Act 13, which eliminated local zoning for natural gas operations, which include drilling, compressor stations and pipelines. Passed with support of Republican lawmakers from the Southeast, Act 13 was hailed by the governor, lawmakers and the natural gas industry as crucial because it provided uniformity and consistency for developing shale gas drilling policy.

    Effectively, this has deprived all the communities from having any power to protect themeselves from the rape of their land, posioning of their water, and harm to people, animals and crops.

    •  Pittsburgh adopts the first-in-the-nation community rights ordinance which elevates the right of the community to decide, and the rights of nature over the “rights” associated with corporate personhood. The City Council unanimously adopted this ordinance banning corporations from conducting natural gas drilling in the city.
    • •Lehman Township in Luzerne County PA NEVER passed a moratorium or ban, the township supervisors voted down CELDF ordinance to protect and preserve township land and water.
    • The Board of Supervisors for Licking Township, Clarion County, PA, voted unanimously on Wednesday to adopt an ordinance banning corporations from dumping “fracking” waste water in the township. The Licking Township Community Water Rights and Self-Government Ordinance is the first ordinance of its kind adopted in Pennsylvania to confront the threat of Marcellus Shale drilling.
    • Cresson has enacted legislation banning fracking.
    • Washington Township has banned fracking.
    • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Council unanimously passed the pro-moratorium Resolution on Marcellus Shale Drilling Environmental and Economic Impacts.
    • The Borough Council of West Homestead, Pennsylvania, unanimously adopted an ordinance that enacts a Local Bill of Rights, along with a prohibition on natural gas extraction to protect those rights. The bill, titled “West Homestead Borough’s Community Protection from Natural Gas Extraction Ordinance; establishes specific rights of West Homestead residents, including the Right to Water, the Rights of Natural Communities, the Right to a Sustainable Energy Future, and the Right to Community Self-Government.
    • Philadelphia refuses to purchase Marcellus Shale gas as the dumping of flow back waters is polluting their water supply.
    • Collier Township upgraded its natural gas drilling ordinance to enhance their Marcellus Shale ordinance that would push drillers farther away from schools and provide baseline measurements for noise levels at drilling sites.
    • United Methodists representing 950 churches across central and Northeast Pennsylvania passed a resolution calling for a temporary halt in gas well drilling in the Marcellus Shale as well as an impact tax on those places where drilling already has taken hold.
    • Religious groups such as the Sisters of Saint Francis of Philadelphia have advocated against fracking and in April, 2011, America, the national magazine of the Jesuits editorialized very critically about the process.
    •  Baldwin Borough Council adopted a community rights ordinance that bans the corporate extraction of natural gas.
    • 30th June 2012 Legislators Pass Moratorium on Gas Drilling in Bucks, MontCo The provision was attached to a state budget measure which lawmakers approved late Saturday night. Companies that want to drill for natural gas in Bucks or Montgomery counties will have to wait. State lawmakers on Saturday night approved a moratorium on gas drilling in Bucks, MontCo and parts of Lehigh, Berks and Chester counties. The moratorium will affect any oil or gas operations in the South Newark Basin, which underlies a swath of territory extending from Bucks through MontCo and into Berks County.


    • A class-action lawsuit has been filed against companies that drill for natural gas in central Arkansas. The suit is asking for millions of dollars in relation to the earthquakes associated with the fracking process the companies use. The damages enumerated in the suit are property damage, loss of fair market value in real estate, emotional distress, and damages related to the purchase of earthquake insurance.

    • Arkansas has a ban on 4 out of more than 500 frack fluid waste-water injection wells because of their 4.7/9 earthquake.


    • The first community in Maryland, Mountain Lake Park, adopted an ordinance banning corporations from natural gas drilling.

    • Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler has sent a letter to Chesapeake Energy Corporation and its affiliates, notifying the companies of the State of Maryland’s intent to sue for violating the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Clean Water Act (CWA).

    • Governor Martin O’Malleyhas signed an executive order for a three year moratorium on drilling in MD while studies continue.

    New Jersey

    • The New Jersey Assembly voted to ban hydraulic fracturing in NJ in a bipartisan overwhelming vote (58 to 11, 8 abstained), following the landslide vote 32-1 earlier in the day by the NJ Senate. New Jersey is the first state legislature to ban fracking.


    22nd August 2012: Wellsburg City Council approved an ordinance prohibiting natural gas drilling in or within one mile of the city as concerns mounted about the city’s water being contaminated by procedures in hydrofrack drilling. A reservoir serving the city is beside property that Chesapeake Energy is leasing for drilling.

    A pair of proposed deep brine injection wells in Weathersfield Township got the attention of residents and trustees. Now, opposition is growing next door in Niles. “The property’s adjacent right to Niles, also it’s five blocks from downtown so we’re very concerned,” Niles Mayor Ralph Infante said. Niles joined Weathersfield Township trustees on Wednesday, passing a resolution to ban all injection wells in the city and township. That includes the proposed site off state Route 169 next to Niles Commerce Park.

    • 28th August 2012 – Jefferson twp in Crawford county passed an extraction and injection well resolution banning fracking activity in the township
    • On Oct. 1, 2012, the Yellow Springs Village Council voted 3-2 to adopt a Community Bill of Rights ordinance banning corporations from conducting shale gas drilling and related activities in the village.
    • The ordinance was drafted by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) at the invitation of the community group Gas and Oil Drilling Awareness and Education (GODAE), a group of citizens concerned about the potential effects of gas and oil drilling on the environment.

    Yellow Springs is the first municipality in the state of Ohio to enact a local Bill of Rights and protect those rights by prohibiting shale gas drilling and fracking and the ensuing injection wells. The first of its kind in Ohio local law asserts the fundamental rights of residents to clean air and water, and to protect the rights of nature.


    • George Washington National Forest has disallowed horizontal drilling for natural gas within its 1.1 million acres of territory while opening up segments of the forest to the potential for wind energy construction.


    • Texas Gov. Rick Perry has signed a bill requiring drillers to publicly disclose the chemicals they use when extracting oil and gas from dense rock formations, the first state to pass such a law.

    • Moratorium in the city of Grand Prairie, TX (a suburb of Dallas) until January 2013 on drilling activities within 3,000 feet of water retention structures. It’s been called potentially catastrophic by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Chesapeake and XTO placed the community in jeopardy by already drilling and fracking in very close proximity to the local Joe Pool Dam. Right hand did not know what the left was doing….it’s a mess.

    West Virginia

    • Wellsville has banned fracking.

    • Lewisburg has banned fracking within their city limits.

    • Morgantown banned fracking in the city and within one mile of the city limits as well.

    8 April 2012: Kaikoura District Council voted 6 to 2 to declare itself a frack-free zone (NZ). It will be revisited after the independent investigation by Dr Jan Wright of the Parliamentary Commission for the Environment (PCE) due out at the end of the year. This resolution followed a request in February for a moratorium from Central Government until the study but that was denied.


    WAUKON, Iowa (WXOW) – There will be no frac sand mining in Allamakee County. The county passed an 18-month moratorium Monday 4th February 2013. Frac sand is becoming a hot commodity because it’s being widely used in a process called hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” to extract natural gas in other parts of the country.

    Read the text of the moratorium here:


    Any more bans or maratoriums, please post them on the Fracking Hell site or mesage them to me, Johnny Linehan

109 Responses to “List of Bans Worldwide”

  1. The Year Fractivism Exploded « Keep Tap Water Safe Says:

    […] 3.  List of Bans Worldwide […]

  2. Baltų žinyčios vartai » Kas yra „Chevron“? Says:

    […] 31) Šalys visiškai ar dalinai uždraudusios arba sustabdžiusios skalūninių dujų gavybą: Prancūzija, Bulgarija, Rumunija, Pietų Afrikos respublika, Vokietija, Čekija, Ispanija, Šveicarija, Austrija, Italija, Šiaurės Airija, Airija, Jungtinė Karalystė, Olandija, Australija,Naujoji Zelandija, Kanada, JAV List of Bans Worldwide […]

  3. Kas yra “Chevron”? | Douktris's Blog Says:

    […] 31) Šalys, visiškai ar dalinai uždraudusios arba sustabdžiusios skalūninių dujų gavybą: Prancūzija, Bulgarija, Rumunija, Pietų Afrikos respublika, Vokietija, Čekija, Ispanija, Šveicarija, Austrija, Italija, Šiaurės Airija, Airija, Jungtinė Karalystė, Olandija, Australija,Naujoji Zelandija, Kanada, JAV […]

  4. G. Ring (@ecolingo) Says:

    Another ban to add to your list! New regional ban in Cantabria, Spain, voted unanimously by Parliament on Monday 8 April 2013!

  5. myersville marches on | ClimateHoward Says:

    […] towns will rise up against FERC. The courts will rule on Myersville’s unique circumstances. But towns such as Dryden and Syracuse, NY, Pittsburgh and Highland, PA, and many others are saying no to […]

  6. Nancy Denker Says:

    Mora County New Mexico enacted a ban, as well as a resolution to change the state constitution to put community rights above corporations.

  7. EU climate chief: Forget US-style shale gas revolution « Route Magazine Says:

    […] The complete list of countries that banned fracking can be found here. […]

  8. Fracking- is it benefitial, or ultimately destructive? « Mónica Ortega's Blog Says:

    […] health, regardless of the economical benefits that it brings. The world has realized that, and countries have started to ban fracking. However, other countries have only limited or regulated fracking in order to contaminate less. […]

  9. Worldwide List of Bans on Fracking | Olympia Port Fracking Resistance Says:

    […] From Keep Tap Water Safe, a list of dozens of places around the world where fracking has been banned. Ranging from municipalities in the USA, to entire nations overseas, fracking has been subjected to wide-ranging bans: […]

  10. A riposte – Charioteering - My Telegraph Says:

    […] […]

  11. Welcome to Gasfield Free Sussex. | Gasfield Free Sussex Says:

    […] well established. Fracking in particular has been banned outright in France and Bulgaria and there is much caution being observed by other member States of the EU in embracing this extraction method as a safe and viable part of long-term energy strategy. Indeed […]

  12. Fracking in New York Says:

    […] and townships have been increasing limitations on fracking in recent years.  Areas that have banned fracking outright include the state of Vermont; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Morgantown, West Virginia; and […]

  13. 6/21/2013: Environmental Protection Agency scraps plan for scientific study of Wyoming ... | Pittsburgh News Says:

    […] concerns about the technology, which have divided communities states and even countries. France has banned the technology. So has Vermont; New York State has a moratorium and Illinois just […]

  14. Why would countries, states, counties and towns ban fracking if it is clean and safe? | mennoniteinthecity Says:

    […] Sources: […]

  15. Anti-fracking Says:

    […] successful. France, Bulgaria, Romania, South Africa, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Tunisia have banned fracking altogether (though South Africa’s moratorium was recently lifted). An assemblage of other […]

  16. Frack off Lord Howell, you greedy, Tory, nasty, NIMBY snob. | kittysjones Says:

    […] hydraulic fracturing has come under international scrutiny, with some countries suspending or prohibiting it. However, some of those countries, including most notably the United Kingdom, have recently […]

  17. Ask Umbra: What’s so bad about fracking? | Grist Says:

    […] it would seem that your assertions are correct, and this list of fracking bans around the world indicates that you are far from alone in your concern. I am not convinced that your friend will […]

  18. Trojan Horace Says:

    This info on the UK is now out of date. Thy have just allowed a bunch of licences – highly controversial

  19. 13th August 2013 | The Daily Cameron Says:

    […] […]

  20. Pablo Says:

    Allen city, Rio Negro Argentina banned fracking, see you!

  21. Pablo Says:

    Please add
    -Concepción del Uruguay City, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina
    -San Jaime de la Frontera, Entre Rios Province, ARG
    -La Paz, Entre Rios Province, ARG
    -Colón, Entre Rios Province, ARG
    -Diamante, Entre RiosProvince, ARG,
    – Colonia Avellaneda, Entre Rios Province, ARG,
    -Rosario de Tala ,Entre Rios Province, ARG,
    – Villaguay ,Entre Rio Provinces, ARG,
    -San Carlos, Mendoza Province, ARG
    -Tunuyán, Mendoza Province, ARG
    -Carmen de Patagones, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

  22. Paul Felix Schott Says:

    Should not the title of this be Ed Rendell Backs His Own Pocket Book.

    WE THE PEOPLE need to send Ed Rendell and all local officials that have anything to do with Poisoning are ground and water a message stop worrying get to love Jail.


    Hydraulic Fracturing a Danger to us All.

    Why would anyone think we have water to waste.

    Some one forgot to tell all about all the poison chemicals that this ungodly Lisa Jackson gave a green light to put in are ground and water.
    And help the Industry, so to they will never have to disclose all the poison chemicals they have used. Thank GOD Texas overturned this unjust law.

    Only the wicked in mind Leaders in this Nation and around the world would let anyone Pipe Pollution into the ground to get gas in return from the Ground. Most all scientist have know this for many years that this will end safe drinking water for all that are in the area of where they are fracturing, in which Millions of Gallons of Dangerous Poison Chemically Treated Water are forced underground to break up rock and free gas.

    We need regulations from GODLY People that will stop 10,000+ wells a year drilled using hydraulic fracturing to free and make the Dangerous Poison Chemicals underground into gas. The primarily affect will be unsafe drinking water and many will become sick.

    THE HEALTH OF MANY WILL DETERIORATE because of A Few Wicked Greedy Leaders. Those who have made these decisions do not know Jesus Christ. Soon He will say i know you not. They belong in jail soon it will be hell for them. What sick in mind would let or want anyone to put Dangerous Poison Chemicals underground or into the ground anywhere.

    The wicked are trying to sell and tell all if it is not near your home or land it is safe. This is the biggest ling of horse manure. Do they think most of We The People are that dumb or that most Americans lack any intelligence at all. What ever is put on or in the ground makes it way to our underground Aquifers, Rivers, Lakes and the Oceans. Every Scientist on Earth knows this and most all that have made it to eighth grade in school.

    So why would any Leader with a good healthy mind ever say or want this?

    Vote any wicked that has anything to do with this out of office they work for WE THE PEOPLE. Then need to go to jail. Soon it will be not jail but Hell. Revelation 11:18

    Wicked Leaders telling their friends as long as you can cover it up and it will not get back to me it is ok with me. Are you sure we will not go to jail for making money by Polluting the ground and water. Of course not we make the laws to fit our needs not the health and welfare of others or as they used to say We The People. Its now the Wicked Leaders and rich Rule. Till our Lord GOD comes!

    Solar Energy the way to go.
    Many States Are and are Banning Fracking or Fracturing.

    Banned Hydraulic Fracturing

    South Africa
    Aotearoa (New Zealand)
    Nova Scotia
    Mora County New Mexico enacted a ban, as well as a resolution to change the state constitution to put community rights above corporations.
    The State of Vermont

    The list is to long, to list all that have
    Banned Hydraulic Fracturing.

    Archimedes and Albert Einstein These two are at the top of the list of the World’s Greatest Scientists, Viewed by Scientist around the World.
    Sad that for the last 25 years or so of every teacher asked no matter what Grade k through 16. At least 80% of them did not know Archimedes.

    Even sadder 90% of them could not tell you what one of the most Brilliant Scientist to ever live on Earth.
    Won the Nobel Prize for.
    It was for the work Albert Einstein did to show the World it could get Free Energy, Electric from the SUN.

    We still do not teach this to are YOUNG in SCHOOLS why?
    Church’s all over the Globe have Gone SOLAR why have not are SCHOOLS ?
    There is enough Energy from our SUN to power all are needs and more. Albert Einstein

    United We Stand In GOD We Trust

    The Lord’s Little Helper
    Paul Felix Schott

  23. DataFracking | Fracking en el mundo: estado de situación Says:

    […] […]

  24. Liz Rosenbaum Says:

    Bowling Green City Council passes fracking ban, Sept 18, 2013

  25. Why "Fracking" should be against the Law (Giesen) | Informed Comment Says:

    […] Many countries have looked into this technology and, alarmed, have banned it or declared a moratori…, including France, Germany, and South Africa. […]

  26. Arab News Blog » Why “Fracking” should be against the Law (Giesen) Says:

    […] Many countries have looked into this technology and, alarmed, have banned it or declared a moratori…, including France, Germany, and South Africa. […]

  27. European Union Votes for Mandatory Fracking Impact Studies | EcoNews Says:

    […] to fracking has been growing across Europe. France and Bulgaria have banned fracking, according to Keep Tap Water Safe, and Romania and Ireland are considering moratoriums while research continues into the alleged […]

  28. У Києві відбулася акція «Сланцевим чорнобилям – ні!» | СВЖ «Природа над усе» Says:

    […] Зовсім нещодавно перемогу здобув анти-фрекінговий рух Франції – у країні введено повну заборону на використання фрекінгу. В той же час, незважаючи на протистояння промислових кіл, Європейський парламент зобов’язав компанії проводити оцінку впливу на довкілля перед тим, як починати буріння свердловин. А у Литві компанія Шелл відмовилась від намірів добувати сланцевий газ вже після того, як виграла тендер, посилаючись на занадто суворе регулювання зі сторони держави. Раніше, Екзон Мобайл, Талісман та Марафон відкликали свої плани з видобутку в Польші, також звинувачуючи національне законодавство. На сьогодні видобуток сланцевого газу знаходиться під повною чи частковою забороною у багатьох містах і штатах США, містах і країнах Європи. […]

  29. Eoin Says:

    Hi there,

    For the info above in the ban/moratorium section, the U.K. needs updating – please see this link:


  30. Julie Lyford Says:

    Gloucester in NSW Australia is about to face fraccing of 4 wells (3 in a floodplain) in a 110 – 330 CSG well proposal that has been approved by the state and federal govts…and the science is not in yet! 85% of Gloucester residents do not want this, a well will be 300m from family homes…all next to an open cut coal mine and in the most beautiful valley of Gloucester. Look it up..Australia is in a terrible place with its total reliance on fossil fuels and exporting climate change to the world.
    There is overwhelming activism arising from ordinary people who are disgusted with govt and industry lies and the risks they are taking with the water, air and environment. We have tried the political process for years……..there is no trust or faith now in NSW in Govt and industry – check out the complete industrialisation of the Gloucester valley…….it is the perfect storm and a full on tragedy.

  31. Lucas Chiappe Says:

    Epuyén es el primer municipio chubutense libre de fracking

    Por Puerta E

    El Concejo Deliberante aprobó el viernes pasado, por unanimidad, la ordenanza que prohíbe la fractura hidráulica en el ejido municipal. La normativa invita al resto de los cuerpos deliberativos de la provincia a adherir a esta prohibición

    Con la aprobación de una ordenanza modelo, Epuyén se convirtió en el primer municipio de Chubut en prohibir “la exploración y explotación de gas esquisto y petróleo bituminoso con la utilización del método conocido como ‘fractura hidráulica’, ‘fracking’, ‘estimulación hidráulica’ o cualquier otro método parecido”.
    Así lo establece la normativa –sancionada por unanimidad el viernes pasado- que dispone esta prohibición en el ejido municipal- basándose en el respeto del “principio precautorio establecido en la Ley General de Medio Ambiente Nº 25675”.
    La ordenanza prohíbe además “el uso del bien común ‘agua’ en todo tipo de actividad de Investigación, Exploración y Explotación de gas, petróleo y otros hidrocarburos no convencionales mediante la técnica de Fractura Hidráulica (Fracking)”.
    Asimismo se establece que el Poder ejecutivo, la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y el Concejo Deliberante del Municipio serán los órganos de control y los encargados de hacer cumplir la norma.
    Finalmente, se propone invitar al resto de los Concejos Deliberantes de la Provincia “a adherir a la presente Ordenanza”.
    Según trascendió, la ordenanza fue redactada por vecinos autoconvocados de Epuyén e integrantes del “Proyecto Lemu” a instancias de la presidenta del Concejo Deliberante de esa localidad.

    La ordenanza completa está disponible acá:


    Argentina-Chubut: El HCD de la localidad de Epuyen prohibe el Fracking dentro de su ejido.

    El Viernes 27 de Septiembre será recordado en la Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42º como otro hito en la historia reciente de las poblaciones que habitan en esta privilegiada biorregión del N.O. de Chubut.
    Es que en esa soleada mañana, el HCD de Epuyen aprobó por unanimidad la primera Ordenanza en la provincia que prohibe, en todo su ejido, la aplicación del “Fracking”, también conocido como “fractura hidráulica”… una tecnología sumamente riesgosa para la salud de las personas y la conservacion del entorno, que están promocionando las corporaciones energéticas trasnacionales, a fin de “rascar el fondo de la olla” del petróleo y gas que aún no ha sido extraido y comercializado.
    De esta manera los pobladores de Epuyen vuelven a marcar el rumbo de la precaución y la reflexión en un Planeta Humano que parece haber perdido la brújula y el sentido común, en su frenética búsqueda de recursos económicos a cualquier costa, sin importar las consecuencias ambientales y sociales a corto, mediano y largo plazo…
    Ojalá la clara y firme postura asumida por todos los Concejales que componen el Poder Legislativo de esta pequeña localidad cordillerana, vuelva a ser un llamado de atención para las personas que administran momentáneamente nuestros bienes naturales, y que los argumentos que fundamentan esta Ordenanza ayuden a esclarecer el debate oscurecido por el reciente ofrecimiento del Gobierno, de aumentar las regalías que otorga la Provincia, en las localidades que acepten voluntariamente la aplicación de esta tecnología.. a pesar de poner en riesgo la saud y la autonomía en las decisiones a futuro que tomen sus habitantes… Pobladores que, es bueno recordarlo, en su gran mayoría buscan diferenciarse del perfil industrial y contaminante que asola la región alrededor de las cuencas petroleras y gasíferas de toda la Patagonia.
    Proteger los pocos valles fértiles de este territorio, los ríos y lagos de aguas cristalinas y los frondosos bosques templados que garantizan una excelente calidad de vida a sus residentes, es sin dudas una apuesta a futuro que agradecerán las próximas generaciones que habiten estos suelos.

  32. Elisabelle Bourgue Says:

    We have realised this document, since 2011 :

  33. Lista de países que prohibieron el ‘fracking’. Antecedentes para la discusión - CHAJARIVIRTUAL Noticias | - Estás informado ... Says:

    […] decisión de las autoridades nacionales. Para actualizar la información visitar el siguiente sitio: […]

  34. David Redwood Says:

    Unfortunately New Zealand Government is promoting “fracking” and off shore drilling saying “it is safe” despite concern on the eastern side of the country who really on aquifer water and are subject to earthquakes where the Pacific meets the Australian plates. Heaven help us?

  35. Paul Howes is a Feeble-Minded Frackwit | Archie Butterfly Says:

    […] concerns about fracking that have halted CSG operations in NSW and developed countries around the world, the uneducated prat is running around shouting from the rooftops that Australia should […]

  36. Radio interview, San Francisco with Josh and more | Fracking Free Ireland Says:

    […] Keep Tap Water Safe: List of Fracking Bans Worldwide […]

  37. The US Dirty Little Secret… Africa & It’s Diaspora Should Know | The Marcus Garvey Initiative Agency Says:

    […] are largely unnecessary. Several towns, regions, and nations, like this recent example and this partial list, have banned or put a moratorium on fracking and are still covering energy needs. Countries like […]

  38. Char Flum Says:

    If you consider the amount of methane being released from fracking you will know that Obama is not interested in a long term solution to global warming and he will continue on this path as long as the oil companies run the government.

  39. Karen Edelstein Says:

    Bowling Green is in Ohio, not in Wisconsin. And voters there did NOT agree to ban the practice hydrofracking. It was narrowly defeated in the November ballot measure. There were some early misunderstandings on the outcome of this vote.

  40. smokinjoewiseman Says:

    These companies will poison the water table without remorse – Please share the song.

  41. Work to Stop Hydraulic Fracturing in Illinois « Eco-Justice Collaborative Says:

    […] But fracking threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we all depend. That’s why over 250 communities in the U.S. have passed resolutions to stop fracking, and why the state of Vermont and countries including France and Germany have stopped it. (see: List of Bans Worldwide). […]

  42. Eleven Things to Give #climatethanks for | Political Ration Says:

    […] province, state or region who banned or upheld moratoriums on fracking this year: Thank you France, Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Vermont, New Jersey, Quebec, Cantabria in Spain and the island of […]

  43. Eleven Things to Give #ClimateThanks For | Says:

    […] province, state or region who banned or upheld moratoriums on fracking this year: Thank you France, Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Vermont, New Jersey, Quebec, Cantabria in Spain and the island of […]

  44. Vera Scroggins Says:

    good to see bans and moratoriums ; some hope for humanity…thanks,…..

  45. TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » Pungesti: Romania’s Battlefield against Chevron Says:

    […] is inexplicable since other European countries, such as France, Germany and Bulgaria, have placed either bans or moratoriums on […]

  46. Nasul TV » Al Jazeera: Pungeşti, câmpul de luptă al României împotriva Chevron Says:

    […] inexplicabilă, de vreme ce alte ţări europene, precum Franţa, Germania şi Bulgaria, au impus interdicţii sau moratorii în privinţa […]

  47. basia Says:

    Is there an updated list? This info is old….see UK. David Cameron now bribing councils to go ahead with fracking.

    • Liz Rosenbaum Says:

      The Facebook group FrackingHellUK keeps a list — if you click on the “files” tab, you’ll find a wealth of information. I’m also updating the list for a re-post soon. I’d be interested to learn about any new bans currently being sought – so people can support the monumental effort required to achieve one.

  48. Part 1: What Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, And Why Don’t I Care? | limitless life Says:

    […] has elicited enough outrage to make certain politicians impose temporary moratoriums and even bans on that climate-warming, chemical-spewing, flammable faucet-making […]

  49. The Progressive Mind » Article: Part 1: What Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, And Why Don’t I Care? | OpEdNews Says:

    […] has elicited enough outrage to make certain politicians impose temporary moratoriums and even bans on that climate-warming, chemical-spewing, flammable faucet-making […]

  50. Terry Douglas Says:

    Are they Fracking in these countries Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Panama.

  51. Protecting the Rez: Protecting Mother Earth Campaign Part 2: Ban Hydraulic Fracturing by Matt Remle | Last Real Indians Says:

    […] For a list of Worldwide Bans against Fracking go to […]

  52. Los Angeles Becomes Largest City to Approve Fracking Moratorium | Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News Says:

    […] L.A. is now the largest city in the U.S. to refuse the dangerous extraction process. Local bans have become an effective protective measure against fracking, and are in place in numerous jurisdictions worldwide including Vermont, Hawaii, areas of New York State, Quebec, and France among many others. […]

  53. L.A. City Council bans fracking Says:

    […] L.A. is now the largest city in the U.S. to refuse the dangerous extraction process. Local bans have become an effective protective measure against fracking, and are in place in numerous jurisdictions worldwide including Vermont, Hawaii, areas of New York State, Quebec, and France among many others. […]

  54. Los Angeles moves closer to fracking ban Says:

    […] Delaware Watershed organization Keep Tap Water Safe has been keeping a running tab on activity on local fracking bans, as well as moratoriums and organized movements to ban […]

  55. Frack Bans Expanding | Keep Tap Water Safe Says:

    […] been updating the List of Bans Worldwide page regularly. Thankfully, the list will never be finished. Bans against hydraulic fracking, […]

  56. NewsSprocket- U.S. Geological Survey confirms: Human activity caused 5.7 quake in Oklahoma | NewsSprocket Says:

    […] of safety measures which cost money and diligence and sometimes falls through the……I guess I just see it as not so black and white. We could both be right, as […]

  57. Resource Media - Drilling vs the American Dream: Fracking impacts on property rights and home values Says:

    […] and federal regulations, however, more and more communities are starting to fight back by passing local laws restricting or banning fracking within their borders. Pittsburgh became the first to take matters into its own hands with an ordinance in 2010. Since […]

  58. “Our Fears Have Not Been Allayed”: The Limits of Regulatory Powers Over Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction Techniques | Streetsblog Los Angeles Says:

    […] it could be effective, she said, ticking off a long list of other communities whose residents, apparently frustrated at the slow pace of regulation and the interference of […]

  59. Catherine Cheung Says:

    Your list of states and countries where fracking has been banned or a moratorium has been put in place is very useful. Rather than duplicating effort and information, we’ve provided a link to your page on our website: We’d like to point out that the Victoria state of Australia has had a moratorium since 2012:

  60. Dear Fracking Industry: It's Time for a New Story - Future 500 Says:

    […] city to place a moratorium on fracking, joining Dallas, Hawaii County, Vermont, New York and many other cities and countries skeptical that the technique is safe for communities and ecosystems. And even as the momentous […]

  61. You can stop fracking right now! Its easy as 1, 2, 3! – E is for Energy Says:

    […] can add the UK to a growing list of places around the world that have already BANNED […]

  62. Obama’s in Brussels to Negotiate a ‘Polluters Pact’ | Tameside Green Party Says:

    […] fight against fracking is being won, at least for now. 9 European countries have implemented either regional bans or national moratoriums (Luxembourg, France, Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Austria, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Denmark). In a world […]

  63. Jacquie Vigneux Says:

    In Canada, Newfundland Nov 04, 2013

  64. European Alternatives » Shale gas, global capital, global resistance Says:

    […] houses in areas around shale gas exploitation and hundreds of towns and communities have voted to ban the method on their territory while others have simply left […]

  65. Terree Hugger Says:

    Hi, I was keen to use this document, for obvious reasons, but was a bit disappointed to note a mistake –

    ‘The United Kingdom
    The British Government has rejected shale gas technology as a solution to Britain’s energy crisis, conceding it will do little to cut bills or keep the lights on.’

    This is absolutely not the case and our UK government are currently using police brutality to force test-drilling through at sites here. No offence, but would you be able to amend this point and check your other details – pro-frackers leap on any mistakes we make and we need to keep our arguments water-tight. Many thanks for the document, however, and good luck!

  66. Terree Hugger Says:

    Very grateful, Liz. Many thanks.

  67. France Simply Won't Give Into Fracking - CleanTechies Says:

    […] Other nations in the European Union such as Bulgaria and Germany have banned fracking. Many more countries in the region and around the world are considering forbidding the technique. […]

  68. Jacquie Says:

    Thanks Liz for the phenomenal work you do.

  69. Unconventional Shale Gas- Should India pursue it? | For the Changing Planet Says:

    […] 4. […]

  70. Raymond Cusson Says:

    Please add Newfoundland, Canada who has declared a ban on fracking since November 2013
    Raymond Cusson

  71. Rusty Kilpatrick Says:

    Sadly local councils may ban fracking in Australia, but that does not over ride state or federal laws about mining and who can mine what anywhere in Australia. There is a big blockade protest action happening right now at Bentley northen NSW where they are trying to get a CSG mine in and I hope they don’t and that we get a Moratorium on fracking again and we can then get a ban on it fully in this state and federally.

  72. How Fracking Destroys the American Dream | Chicago Activism Says:

    […] federal regulations, however, more and more communities are starting to fight back by passing local laws restricting or banning fracking within their borders. Pittsburgh became the first to take matters into its own hands with an ordinance in 2010. Since […]

  73. 7. Um welche Regulierungsbereiche geht es genau? « Says:

    […] gescheitert. Sowohl innerhalb der EU als auch in einigen Regionen der USA gibt es jeweils ein Moratorium auf Fracking. Zu den Ländern in der EU mit einem Moratorium gehören neben deutschen Bundesländern (wie z. B. […]

  74. Shale rush in Argentina as oil majors spend billions on fracking. : Jeremy Leggett's Triple Crunch Log Says:

    […] “While many countries, including France, Germany and South Africa, have banned or delayed their embrace of fracking, one country is taking a full-steam-ahead approach to the unconventional […]

  75. Fracking Impacts on Property Rights and Home Values Says:

    […] and federal regulations, however, more and more communities are starting to fight back by passing local laws restricting or banning fracking within their borders. Pittsburgh became one of the first to take matters into its own hands with an ordinance in 2010. […]

  76. Louise Bailey Says:

    Need to update North Carolina

  77. The War On Fracking Is Over — And The Greens Lost | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) Says:

    […] Fracking opposition has been strong in isolated locations across the world. Bans or moratoriums are in place in Bulgaria, France, Germany, and South Africa. Protesters are blocking fracking operations in England and Poland. Selected US counties and communities have imposed fracking bans. The state of New York established a fracking moratorium in 2008 and has delayed approval of fracking for more than five years. Ironically, natural gas provides a growing majority of New York’s energy: […]

  78. List of Fracking Bans Worldwide « Truth Is Rising Says:

    […] List of Fracking Bans Worldwide […]

  79. Environmental groups have lost the war against fracking | Communities Digital News Says:

    […] opposition has been strong in isolated locations across the world. Bans or moratoriums are in place in […]

  80. Marta Badon Says:

    someone reported this site as a “suspicious threat” on webroot

  81. Foster Gamble: No Fracking Way! : Conscious Life News Says:

    […] Here’s a list of fracking bans worldwide. […]

  82. Fracking Canada – FRACKING ROCKY VIEW COUNTY | Says:

    […] countries and other jurisdictions around the world say no to hydraulic fracturing and the toxic industrialization of their communities, Alberta has embraced […]

  83. NSW Government has approved fracking of four existing wells in the Gloucester area. | Cairns News Says:

    […] […]

  84. canyonguy Says:

    Does anyone have a current “totals’ list an actual number of how many countries / states / counties have banned or placed a moratorium on Fracking?

  85. Karen Edelstein Says:

    We (FracTracker Alliance) maintains interactive maps for NYS and globally.
    The count in NYS is 79 bans and 99 moratoria (some of which may have been updated or else expired).

  86. Resistance Is, Perhaps, Not Futile | Annoyed Omnivore Says:

    […] fracking last year.  And the list goes on.  Food and Water Watch said that as of June, 2014, the list of actions passed against fracking in the U.S. has risen to […]

  87. Resistance Is, Perhaps, Not Futile | Says:

    […] fracking last year. And the list goes on. Food and Water Watch said that as of June, 2014, the list of actions passed against fracking in the U.S. has risen to […]

  88. Fracking Ridiculous! | Ponderings from Paisley Says:

    […] […]

  89. Deep Divide: What are the environmental implications of Measure J?Visit California | Visit California Says:

    […] […]

  90. List of Bans World Wide | Fracking Free Ireland Says:

    […] […]

  91. Mary Says:

    Thank you for this listing. As a resident of the State of Colorado, USA I would love to see you update your listing. There is a great deal of activity here on the front range. Fort Collins, Broomfield and Boulder City have all implemented extended moratoria. Longmont and Lafayette have passed citizen initiated bans. And the citizens of Boulder County have initiated Home Rule to establish a rights based ban on fracking for the County.

  92. Fracking Lessons for the Global South | Global Rights Blog Says:

    […] governments across the world, including in Spain, Argentina, Italy and Australia have also banned fracking. Many of these, […]

  93. No Fracking Way | japan casino legislation Says:

    […] Here’s a list of fracking bans worldwide. […]

  94. Kathy Says:

    Please keep listing cities, towns, countries banning fracking. We need to hear the good news, too, where the light is bright!

  95. ZipW Says:

    Hi Mary, Yes, these cities did have bans, but sadly, several of those Colorado city bans are now being overturned by judges who are in the pockets of the oil and gas industry. The judge ruled that cities can’t override by a local ban something that the State has already approved. Sad times for Colorado.
    I live in Illinois but dream of retiring in Colorado in about 10 years. Fracking will definitely affect my decision whether to retire there. I wish you all luck in keeping your bans in effect and getting them re-instated!! It ends up affecting all of us everywhere.

  96. Marjorie Robertson Says:

    This is excellent.. Keep posting bans worldwide. Here in Newfoundland ,Canada there is due to be an external review on Fracking. We are hoping to keep our moratorium but the pressure from oil and gas companies and climate deniers is immense. Port au Port \Bay St George Fracking Awareness Group is working hard to keep Fracking out of Western Newfoundland Canada..check out our Facebook page. We need support….solidarity.

  97. 'Fracking unsafe in Kent' says EU Commission adviser - E is for Energy Says:

    […] France has BANNED FRACKING FOREVER! They are not the only country to do this. The UK WILL do the […]

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