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Hollywood Source: Producer of New TWA 800 Movie Received Threat

Paul Joseph Watson | Makers of conspiracy thriller which links CIA to crash told it would be in their “best interests” to stop filming.

Hell No GMO!

Prison Planet.com | Darrin McBreen talks with Anthony Gucciardi about Monsanto’s dirty tricks exposed in GMO labeling battle.

Josh Earnest tells Fox News: Criticizing Obama not ‘good for the country’

BizPac Review | White House press secretary Josh Earnest questioned Thursday morning whether criticism of President Barack Obama is “good for the country.”

Welcome To Post-Obama America Where Chicken Is The New iPhone

Zero Hedge | Dozens of young people camping out at the front of a popular store… can only mean one thing?

World ominously close to nuclear war – Noam Chomsky to RT

RT | The world has come ominously close to a nuclear war in the past and it could happen again.

Former ECB Head Bullied Ireland into Bailout: Trichet “Held a Loaded Gun to Their Heads”

Mac Slavo | The authoritarian and undemocratic nature of the European Union has once again reared its ugly head.

American Upper Middle Class Share of Wealth is Worse than Every Country Besides Russia and Indonesia

Michael Krieger | The results are not pretty.

Black Chicago Pastor Received Death Threats for Supporting Republican Candidates

Mikael Thalen | South side native forced into safe house after church burglarized.

Economist: Financial Collapse Will Cause Civil Unrest to Erupt in America by 2016

Paul Joseph Watson | Rampant corruption combined with economic woes to spark “revolution.”

Obama: Dictatorship Is Democracy

Kit Daniels | But America was founded as a republic.

  • Lame duck

On the Thursday, November 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones exposes the establishment media's agreement “not to report” on suspected Ebola cases in the U.S., a collusion which entails downplaying the possible threat posed to public health. Alex also looks at how, on the heels of huge democrat losses, Obama is now asking Congress for permission to escalate the war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. On today's show, Jones welcomes renowned medical doctor and leading scientist Dr. Steven Hatfill to discuss how the CDC is misleading the American public by withholding information about Ebola and its potential to go airborne. We'll also be taking your calls on this worldwide transmission.


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Obama Administration Caught Ordering Press To Cover Up Ebola See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.

Will Republicans Impeach Barack Obama? See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.


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