Letter from the editor: Peace out, Girl Scouts

By on December 5, 2014

Melissa Wylie / Editor-in-chief

I’ve waited my entire life to finish school. But sometimes I look around and wonder if I’ll miss all this. I wonder if I’ll miss UNT, where it’s hard for me to walk around campus without running into someone I know. I think back to my first semester two years ago as a transfer student, when I didn’t know a soul, and I realize the answer is yes, I will miss this.

Mostly, I will miss working at the North Texas Daily, though I’m sure I’ll be just fine without the unimaginable amount of stress.

Since the fall of 2012, I’ve been proud to be a part of creating a publication that serves the UNT community. I’ve witnessed drastic changes within the NT Daily, including a switch in format from a daily broadsheet newspaper to a bi-weekly tabloid and a new faculty advisor.

After a few transitional semesters, the NT Daily has found its rhythm, while remaining relevant and impactful. I can only credit this to the countless hours of effort from current and previous staff members, and everyone who had a part in creating the existing product should be proud.

This semester, reporters and photographers vigorously illustrated the biggest stories students were talking about. Everything from fracking to Ferguson, Sack & Save to street preachers, filled our pages and website.

Social media interaction this fall has been great. Our goal is to serve our audience, and I applaud and appreciate readers who reached out. Good or bad, we always welcome feedback.

I’ve been fortunate to work in a few other newsrooms, and I know that what we have at the NT Daily and within the Mayborn is special. A certain camaraderie exists in the basement of the General Academic Building among students and faculty that I would be so lucky to find again.

Thank you to all of my professors, who guided me and pushed me to write one more sentence, to take one more photograph.

Professor Gary Ghioto, the Daily’s new faculty advisor, has been an invaluable voice of encouragement and criticism this fall. I’m sure his presence will continue to sharpen the newspaper for many semesters to come.

I cannot express enough gratitude to the editorial board. This talented group has worked tirelessly to improve the newspaper while improving themselves as well.  They’ve also allowed me to grow, as an editor and as a person, and there are not enough words to show my appreciation to them for sticking with me.

As graduation approaches and I prepare to leave behind the luxury of my very own office, I have full confidence in its next occupant, Caitlyn Jones. She has a skilled eye for finding stories that deserve to be told.

This is an exciting time for the NT Daily and I look forward to becoming a member of the audience and seeing the newspaper thrive.

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