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National Nurses United: Nurse’s Toolkit

Nurses across the country are telling President Obama: Our nation’s hospitals are not ready for Ebola. 

National Nurses United – the largest union and professional organization of registered nurses in the U.S. with 185,000 members — calls for all hospitals to have in place the highest standard of optimal protections to protect all hospital personnel who confront Ebola.

  • Full body hazmat suits that are Body Fluid, Blood and Virus Impervious
    • Meet ASTM F1670 standard for blood penetration
    • Meet ASTM F1671 standard for viral penetration
    • Powered air purifying respirators with assigned protection factor of at least 50, with full hood
    • Leave no skin exposed or unprotected
  • Frontline hospitals workers must have ongoing, interactive education and hands-on training with the ability to ask questions. Additionally, they should have training that includes drills with other hospital personnel, including practicing donning and doffing of appropriate HazMat suits and other personal protective equipment (PPE).