Welcome to NCBI

The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

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  • Tools: Analyze data using NCBI software
  • Downloads: Get NCBI data or software
  • How Tos: Learn how to accomplish specific tasks at NCBI
  • Submissions: Submit data to GenBank or other NCBI databases

NCBI Announcements

  • New NCBI Insights blog post: Designing exon-specific primers for the human genome

    Dec 2, 2014

    The latest blog post on NCBI Insights shows you how to use NCBI Reference Sequences and Primer-BLAST, NCBI's primer designer and specificity checker, to design a pair of primers that will amplify a single exon, using the human breast cancer 1 gene (BRCA1) as an example.

  • NCBI to hold two-day genomics hackathon in January

    Nov 26, 2014

    From January 5th to 7th, NCBI will host a genomics hackathon focusing on advanced bioinformatics analysis of next generation sequencing data. This event is for students, postdocs and investigators already engaged in the use of pipelines for genomic analyses from next generation sequencing data. Working groups of 5-6 individuals will be formed for DNA-Seq/multiomics, RNA-seq, metagenomics and Epigenomics. These groups will build pipelines to analyze large datasets within a cloud infrastructure.

  • NCBI BioSample includes curated list of over 400 known misidentified and contaminated cell lines

    Nov 24, 2014

    The NCBI BioSample database now includes a curated list of over 400 known misidentified and contaminated cell lines. Scientists should check this list before they start working with a new cell line to see if that cell line is known to be misidentified.

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