
Current Futures, Daily and Bidweek Henry Hub Prices


New England Gains Lead Market Higher; Futures End Loss Streak At Six

Physical gas for weekend and Monday delivery vaulted higher Friday, led by multi-dollar gains at a handful of New England points. Read More

EIA Says Crude Reserves Highest Since 1975, North Dakota Passes GOM

U.S. proved reserves of crude oil and lease condensate exceeded the 36 billion bbl threshold for the first time since 1975, while North Dakota surpassed the federal Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and is now second only to Texas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Read More

Futures and Cash Glide Lower; January Pummeled 16 Cents

Physical gas for Friday delivery managed to trade in similar fashion to futures Thursday in spite of the fact that most traders elected to get their deals done prior to the release of often market-jolting government inventory figures. Read More

Futures Probe New Lows Following Report of Lean Storage Pull

Natural gas futures plunged following the release of government storage figures showing a lower withdrawal than what the market was anticipating. Read More

Broad Losses Edge Super-Sized East Gains; Futures Continue to Grind Lower

Physical gas prices for Thursday delivery took on a two-sided look in Wednesday's trading with East and Northeast points registering gains of $1.00 to $2.00, but into the Midwest and Producing regions, prices slumped from about a dime to 20 cents. Read More

Widespread Opposition Surfaces to Starting the Gas Day in the Dark

Nearly 100 companies, practically everyone that matters in the U.S. businesses of natural gas production, pipeline transportation, gas distribution... Read More

Spending by Independents Drops in 2013 on Depressed NatGas Prices

Exploration and development (E&D) spending by independents worldwide dropped by 14% in 2013 from 2012 as depressed natural gas prices in North America took a toll on cash flows and spending ability, an annual survey by EY found. Read More

NatGas Physical, Futures Continue to Erode, Yet Technicians See an Opportunity; January Loses 13 Cents

Physical natural gas prices for Wednesday delivery could get no help whatsoever from weather forecasts, the screen or power markets. Both futures and physical prices got hit with a double-digit flogging in Tuesday's trading. Read More

Looking For Weather, Physical and Futures Prices Dance Lower

Next-day gas prices fell across a broad front in Monday's trading, with fluctuating weather forecasts, mixed power prices and a weak screen all doing their share to drive physical prices lower. Read More

Cash Markets Firm, But Futures Trade Like a Turkey; January Drops a Nickel

It was a tale of two markets in pre-Thanksgiving Day trading Wednesday. Physical prices staged extra-large gains in California... Read More