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Earnest Won't Deny Report U.S. Considering Sanctions Against Israel

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: There were reports that the administration is considering sanctioning Israel over the settlements issue. I wonder if you could say true or false. JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE: Well, uh, I've been informed of some of these reports. What I can tell you is that I'm not going to talk about any sort of internal deliberations inside the administration and certainly not inside the White House. But I will say something that I have......

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Michigan Police Seize Man's Property Over Medical Marijuana: "Face-Masked, Jack-Booted Thugs"

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy documents Michigan State Police using civil asset forfeiture to freeze the bank accounts and take the property of two men for months without even charging them with a crime. One man, Wally Kowalski, who grows medical marijuana to distribute to low-income people who use the substance, shares his story of police raiding his property and destroying his plants, which were in a secured garden enclosed by a...

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Jindal on Obama: "Most Dangerous Thing He's Doing Is Trying To Redefine The American Dream"

GOV. BOBBY JINDAL (R-LA): I'll tell you this. If I were to run, this is what I think is the biggest issue facing our country. The reality is this president has done many things to hurt our economy, our foreign policy, but the most dangerous thing he's doing is trying to redefine the American dream. When my parents came over 40 years ago, they came for freedom and opportunity. They taught my brother and me that if we would work hard, get a great...

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Obama Welcomes Greg Abbott, Newly-Elected Governors to White House

White House: On December 5, 2014, President Obama delivered remarks before a meeting with newly-elected governors.

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NYC's Chief Legal Official: How To Solve The Police "Use Of Force" Problem

Every single arrest requires at the very least handcuffing. That means a police officer is going to have to lay hands on someone, and sometimes people are just not in the mood. It doesn't mean that people should resist, and it doesn't mean that people shouldn't submit to the authority of the police when they're trying to do their job.

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CBS's Scott Pelley to Bill Bratton: "What Does A Black Man in NYC Have To Fear From The NYPD?"

BILL BRATTON, NYPD COMMISSIONER: Actually he doesn't have anything to fear from us.

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Charles Barkley: "We Need The Cops," They Are There To Protect Us

CHARLES BARKLEY: We, as black people, need the cops in our community. They're not there just to "kill black men." They're there to protect us, and we, as black people, we've got to develop a relationship with them -- and that was my point through the entire thing. And I actually touched on the Eric Garner thing. I think what happened to that man was awful. They shouldn't have gone in for murder, is what I have said. It should have been...

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O'Reilly: "Many Police Officers Here In The City Despise Mayor de Blasio"

BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS: What an amazing insult to the NYPD. Now, I can tell you with certainty that many police officers here in the city despise Mayor de Blasio. They believe he's intimidated by the likes of Al Sharpton and does not support them. So now we have a situation where the nation's largest city has a mayor who has lost the support of his 35,000-member police force. That's a recipe for disaster. So let's sum up. Many analysts here...

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Chris Matthews: "Economic Squeeze" Driving Anger In American Society

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: Moving on without dealing with their core concerns is no way to preserve a society, it's a way to weaken it. Worse yet, turn it against itself. It could just be that one of the factors, maybe the main one driving the anger on both sides of the political spectrum, is the economic squeeze now, running down hope in so much of American society. Can anyone seriously deny this?

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David Corn: McCain's "Head Will Explode" If Rand Paul Is Close To Getting 2016 GOP Nomination

DAVID CORN: Well, you know, he's not saying anything new taking this position. To me the big question, as he gets closer to running for president, which clearly he wants to do, will he get louder and more vocal on this non-interventionism or this intervention skepticism that he's been pushing because when he does that he is setting up a bloody civil war inside the Republican party... You know John McCain's head will explode, Bill Kristol, if he...

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Gowdy Warns Republicans: Do "Not To Take The Bait" on Obama's Immigration Executive Action

REP. TREY GOWDY (R-SC): I think it’s careful that we not take the bait. What the president wants us to do is to overrespond so our public approval ratings are as low as his. My personal preference in terms of strategies is for the Senate to use advice and consent. You just spoke about ambassadors who can’t find the country they'rre going to on a globe. That'd be a great place to start, where John McCain said, "You know what, Mr....

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Stand With Hillary Country Music Video: "And Through It All, She's A Loving Wife"

The Stand With Hillary Super PAC released a country music video that has received widespread criticism by news outlets.

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Hillary Clinton: "We Have Allowed Our Criminal Justice System To Get Out Of Balance"

HILLARY CLINTON: The United States has less than 5% of the world’s population, yet we have almost 25% of the world’s total prison population. It is because we have allowed our criminal justice system to get out of balance. And I personally hope that these tragedies give us the opportunity to come together as a nation to find our balance again.

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Rand Paul Blames Cigarette Taxes For Eric Garner's Death

SEN. RAND PAUL (R-Kentucky): Obviously, the individual circumstances are important, but I think it’s also important to know that some politician put a tax of $5.85 on a pack of cigarettes, so they've driven cigarettes underground by making them so expensive. But then some politician also had to direct the police to say, 'Hey, we want you arresting people for selling a loose cigarette.' And for someone to die over breaking that law, there...

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Sharpton: Federal Government Must Intervene, No Faith In State Justice Systems

AL SHARPTON: This is a national crisis, it is a national problem. A few of us in the civil rights leadership met with the president and the vice president on Monday. We cannot just go from episode to episode, city to city. There must be a national response. The federal government must come in and intervene on the issues of criminal justice and policing just as the federal government had to come in 45 and 50 years ago and deal with situations in...

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Rep. Meeks: If We're Afraid Of The Police And The Police Are Afraid Of Us, What Are We Supposed To Do?

MEEKS: It's a different method of policing in black communities. And I believe, it has to do with some who have fear.

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