Florida woman hanging Christmas decorations falls 12 stories and dies

Beachgoers watched Debra Smith, 60, lose her balance and fall 12 stories while hanging a Christmas wreath from her condo balcony in Daytona Beach Shores on Sunday night.

Friday, December 5, 2014, 5:10 PM
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Debra Smith, a resident of both Florida and Tennessee, fell from the 12th floor of this Daytona Beach Shores condo building on Sunday while hanging decorations. Google Debra Smith, a resident of both Florida and Tennessee, fell from the 12th floor of this Daytona Beach Shores condo building on Sunday while hanging decorations.

A Florida woman fell 12 stories to her death Sunday night while hanging a Christmas wreath on her condo balcony.

Debra Smith, 60, reportedly lost her balance while hanging the holiday decoration at the Daytona Beach Shores Sherwin Condominiums, WESH-TV reported.

Beachgoers witnessed Smith tumble over the railing from the 19-story building along South Atlantic Drive and called 911, but she did not survive, according to Daytona Beach Shores Police.

Smith and her husband, attorney Bernard Smith, split their time between McMinnville, Tenn., and Florida, the Southern Standard added.


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