Posts Tagged ‘features’
Though Skeleton Coast is no more, former frontman Bobby McCubbins continues pumping out Goldd, now in the Pacific Northwest.

Go for the Goldd

Though the headliner for Thursday night’s show at The Where House (2510 Hemphill St.) is Skeleton Coast, don’t expect to hear a lot of Skeleton Coast tunes. For one thing, the bombastically dreamy Fort Worth group disbanded...


Sidetracked with Sides

Are there any bars around here housed in an old Taco Bell? The reason I ask is because a.) that would be funny and b.) there’s a bar east of Hwy. 360 on Division Street that looks like it might have once been a Wendy’s. I g...


Tempest in a Soup Tureen

The recent bizarre drama centering on Dallas Morning News food critic Leslie Brenner got Chow, Baby to thinking about the relationship among restaurants, their customers, and news outlets. The rise of social media, celebrity ch...


Ebola’s Grim Math

Here are two good things about the Ebola virus. It is unlikely to mutate into a version that can spread through the air, as some other viruses have done. And people who have been infected by Ebola cannot pass it on to others du...

Charles Carroll (left), with R.J. Logan, holds his notice to vacate, to which he has added his own comments. Brian Hutson

Get Out

In Riverside, a “gateway to downtown” is being opened by poor-people removal.
Susan Bethke, a seven-year resident of the Scenic Bluff area, chose her house northeast of downtown for its location near her son’s school and their church. From the get-go, she knew the area — consisting mainly of small, m...

Belly up to East Hampton’s Fried Chicken + Jack, a Southern-fried cutlet with pepper jack cheese, bacon, avocado mash, and greens. Lee Chastain

Fancy Sammies

The fare isn’t cheap at East Hampton Sandwich Co. but sure is tasty.
The meet-cute story about East Hampton Sandwich Co. is that Dallas native Hunter Pond apparently conceived of his business while daydreaming in law school. Pond subsequently dropped out and now owns three East Hampton stores (t...


Eat Here … You Know the Rest

Chow, Baby doesn’t know what it was thinking. Sometimes an idea for a dining column ends up more like material for a horror story. Such was the case when I decided to eat exclusively at gas stations for a week — I lasted on...


Jamming at Gator’s

I’m just going to throw this out there: All the neon trim lining the eaves of the buildings on Race Street is kind of deceptive. It makes it look like the neighborhood between Sylvania Avenue and Belknap Street is lined with ...


Idolizing Ted

The Willis-Burton race for the Texas Senate has deep implications for Fort Worth.
There is an old axiom that says all politics are local. Well, that may have been true years ago, but the political landscape has changed dramatically with the birth of the Tea Party. Take the District 10 race for the Texas Sena...

Forget Willie and Waylon. The most talked-about Outlaw album is Willis Alan Ramsey.

Rocky Mountain Way

There are several good reasons why Willis Alan Ramsey’s sophomore album has taken 40 years to come out.
Willis Alan Ramsey was barely out of his teens when he released a remarkable debut album that sounded like a greatest-hits project from a veteran artist. Now, 40 years later, Ramsey is more famous for having never released a se...