Items Tagged with 'shale'


Ohio's 3Q Unconventional NatGas Production Tops 2013 Total

Unconventional oil and natural gas production in Ohio last quarter continued to significantly increase, with operators reporting more natural gas... Read More

EIA Says Crude Reserves Highest Since 1975, North Dakota Passes GOM

U.S. proved reserves of crude oil and lease condensate exceeded the 36 billion bbl threshold for the first time since 1975, while North Dakota surpassed the federal Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and is now second only to Texas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Read More

EIA Says NatGas Reserves Up 10%; North Dakota Passes GOM in Crude

U.S. natural gas proved reserves increased nearly 10% and reached a record 354 Tcf in 2013, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Meanwhile, North Dakota's crude oil and lease condensate proved reserves surpassed those of the federal Gulf of Mexico (GOM), ranking it second only to Texas among U.S. states. Read More

Big Four Shale Gas Plays Show Decline -- Not Plateau -- After 2020, Say University of Texas Researchers

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and a bevy of independent analysts have predicted domestic natural gas production will climb rapidly over the long-term because of booming unconventional gas growth. However, the University of Texas at Austin (UT) is predicting production from the biggest shale gas plays -- Marcellus, Barnett, Fayetteville and Haynesville -- will peak by 2020 and decline thereafter. Read More

Utica's Long-Term Potential Still Hard to Gauge, Analyst Says

Although the Utica Shale land-grab is largely over and most Ohio acreage has been delineated, there remains a flurry of activity on the play's fringes... Read More

UGI Flows Utica Gas to Customers in North-Central Pennsylvania

For the first time, Utica Shale gas is flowing to utility customers in north-central Pennsylvania, hundreds of miles away from the play's sweet spot in eastern Ohio. Read More

Rex Ops Still On Hold After Pennsylvania Township Delays Zoning Decision

After a four-hour public hearing on Tuesday, a township zoning board in western Pennsylvania delayed making a decision about a contentious ordinance passed by supervisors earlier this year that allowed Rex Energy Corp. to develop five Marcellus Shale wells near a school in the area. Read More

Shell Will Purchase Pennsylvania Land for Multi-Billion Dollar Cracker

More than two years after it signed an option to buy a 300-acre plot of land in western Pennsylvania for its proposed multi-billion dollar ethane cracker, Royal Dutch Shell plc affiliate Shell Chemical LP is moving forward with its purchase and will soon begin preliminary site development. Read More

Illinois Panel Approves Fracking Rules

Two days after voters in Illinois elected a new governor, a panel of state lawmakers has unanimously approved a series of regulations governing hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the state. Read More

Antero Midstream IPO Fetches $1 Billion in Debut

Antero Resources Corp. saw its fortunes rise on Wednesday when it completed the initial public offering (IPO) of its midstream master limited partnership (MLP), raising $1 billion in one of the largest such debuts to date. Read More