Sunday at 9AM & NOON ET

November 9th, 2014
11:26 AM ET

Senators: 'We can do big things' with divided government

Sen. John Thune and Sen. Chris Murphy on whether the Senate can find compromise with a new GOP majority.

Filed under: 2014 • Chris Murphy • Congress • John Thune • Newsmakers • Senate • State of the Union
November 9th, 2014
11:07 AM ET

Congress' New Guard confronts the Old Guard

Members of the new Congressional Class of 2015 talk to Senate and House veterans on the leadership in Congress.

November 9th, 2014
10:43 AM ET

Obama doubling U.S. troops in Iraq

Sen. John Thune and Sen. Chris Murphy discuss President Obama's decision to double U.S. troops in Iraq

Filed under: State of the Union
November 9th, 2014
10:42 AM ET

Can the New Guard end the Gridlock?

Congressman-elect Carlos Curbelo, Ruben Gallego, Lee Zeldin & Brendan Boyle on how they can end gridlock in Congress.

Filed under: State of the Union
November 9th, 2014
09:36 AM ET

What does North Korea want?

Former Under Secretary of State Nick Burns on the release of two American detainees in North Korea.

Filed under: Newsmakers • Nicholas Burns • North Korea • State of the Union
This Sunday...
November 7th, 2014
07:24 PM ET

This Sunday...

A State of the Union post-election special – the newest members of Congress meet the veterans, face to face.

What can they learn from Senator Chris Coons, Congressman Steve Israel and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, and can they work together to end government gridlock? Freshman Congressmen-elect Brendan Boyle, Carlos Curbelo, Ruben Gallego and Lee Zeldin come to our studios before they hit the ground running.

Senator John Thune and Senator Chris Murphy will also join us with the latest on the uptick in U.S. boots in Iraq, Obama’s post-midterm appointments and what a Republican majority and Democratic minority can accomplish in the next few months.

Watch State of the Union with Candy Crowley, Sunday at 9am and Noon ET on CNN.

Filed under: State of the Union • This Sunday...
November 2nd, 2014
12:49 PM ET

Rand Paul calls out the Grand Ole Party

Senator Rand Paul on his comments that the GOP brand 'sucks' and how to revamp their brand.

Filed under: Newsmakers • Rand Paul • Republicans • State of the Union
November 2nd, 2014
12:36 PM ET

2014 Senate races to watch

Favorite 2014 races & whether Sen. Landrieu is right about the South being unfriendly for  African-Americans

Filed under: 2014 • Ed Rendell • Haley Barbour • Mo Elleithee • Sean Spicer • State of the Union
November 2nd, 2014
12:29 PM ET

'This election isn't over'

Will the Republican brand affect midterms and who has upper hand in 2014 races?

Filed under: Ed Rendell • Haley Barbour • Mo Elleithee • Sean Spicer • State of the Union
November 2nd, 2014
12:19 PM ET

Jim Baker: The GOP brand doesn't suck

Former Secretary of State James Baker responds to Senator Rand Paul's claim that the "GOP branding sucks."

Filed under: State of the Union
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