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Myanmar official acknowledges Muslim minority Rohingya 'are people'

November 13th, 2014
04:45 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

Myanmar’s Ambassador to the UK acknowledged the long-persecuted Muslim minority Rohingya “are people” on Thursday in an exclusive interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

“Yes, they are people. But we [do] not accept the title… the ‘Rohingya’,” Ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn said.

Myanmar’s government refuses to recognize the term Rohingya, calling them instead Bengali and saying they are illegal immigrants, despite the fact that many have been in the country for generations. It has also denied them the right to citizenship.

Amanpour highlighted that even the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon urged Myanmar to let the ethnic group be called whatever they want.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • Myanmar

Singer Bryan Adams captures the legacy of war

November 13th, 2014
04:35 PM ET

Imagine a world where the courage of wounded veterans is celebrated rather than shunned.

As the world remembers those who died in conflict since World War I, CNN's Christiane Amanpour met singer turned photographer Bryan Adams, whose new exhibition at London's Somerset House honours injured soldiers.

British Treasury Minister calls forex rigging scandal “disgusting” and hopes for prison for financial corruption

November 13th, 2014
12:11 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

Britain’s Treasury Minister said on Wednesday that she hopes those investigating financial corruption cases such as the foreign exchange rate-rigging scandal find a way to send those responsible to prison and called their actions "disgusting."

“I sincerely hope that they [the Serious Fraud Office] do find the ability to literally send people to prison over this. I think that certainly taxpayers in Britain would feel a lot better if they felt those responsible went to prison,” Andrea Leadsom told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

Following a year-long investigation, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) hit six of the world’s biggest banks in the UK, the U.S. and Switzerland with a record fine of $4.3 billion.

Over a period of six years, the banks attempted to rig the foreign exchange market by allowing traders to share confidential information regarding client orders, and to scheme with colleagues to fix rates and profits.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Economy • Latest Episode

Mexico facing 'big political crisis' in aftermath of student disappearances, says ambassador to U.S.

November 12th, 2014
04:20 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

Mexico is facing a “big political crisis,” the country’s Ambassador to the United States told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Wednesday, nearly two months after 43 students were forcibly abducted by the police and are now feared murdered.

“It is a big political crisis for Mexico. We are all outraged by these brutal events and the only feeling that we can have is to share this sorrow and pain from the parents of these students who are still missing,” Ambassador Eduardo Medina Mora said.

In what was the first interview a Mexican government official has given to the international media since the students’ disappearance on September 26, Medina Mora maintained that the government is facing this crisis “with every single tool at our reach in order to impede this to happen again.”

“We have 10,000 people deployed on the terrain as we speak, searching for these students actively. We have a very clear path of investigation. We have hypothesis that actually shows that it might be the case that they are dead, they have been killed.”

“But we are not stopping the search here. The investigation is an open one.”


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • Mexico

Robert Capa’s ‘lost’ D-Day photos may never have been shot at all, says his former editor

November 12th, 2014
01:01 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

Legendary war photographer Robert Capa may have never shot the supposedly lost photos of the D-Day landings in Normandy, his former editor, John G Morris, told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an interview that aired Tuesday.

Until now, it was widely accepted that Capa had taken 106 pictures on that day but only 11 iconic ones survived, thanks to a mistake in the darkroom.

But Morris, who was Capa’s editor at Life Magazine at the time and responsible for getting the pictures onto the frontage, told Amanpour this may not have been the case after all.

“It now seems that maybe there was nothing on the other three rolls to begin with. Experts recently have said you can't melt the emulsion off films like that and he just never shot them,” Morris said.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode

After tensions, Japan-China relations normalizing, says former Australian PM Kevin Rudd

November 11th, 2014
04:42 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

There are several reasons to believe that long-time rivals China and Japan have entered a period of “renormalization” of relations, Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe broke the ice with a somewhat anxious handshake Monday at the APEC summit in Beijing.

“I think it's six months of diplomacy, which lie behind that handshake,” Kevin told Amanpour, and that “the meeting between the two, however difficult that was, was the formalization of the beginnings of a renormalization.”

Rudd, now incoming President of the Asia Society Policy Institute, went on to explain why he believes the Japan-China relationship is now in a better place.


Filed under:  China • Christiane Amanpour • Japan • Latest Episode

Not all foreign fighters in Syria are the same, pleads father whose sons are waging jihad

November 11th, 2014
10:16 AM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

The British government should differentiate between the different types of Western men and women who decide to take up arms and join extremist groups, the father of two British jihadists killed fighting in Syria and terror expert Peter Neumann told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Monday.

Abubaker Deghayes, whose two teenage sons were killed while fighting for the Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, wants “to try to talk to our government and tell them that don't put everybody in one basket” as “there are different types of people who go there.”

A third son of his is still fighting in Syria.

Peter Neumann, Director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King’s College London, agreed with Deghayes.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Iraq • Latest Episode • Syria

Syrian opposition head laments not being Obama Administration’s priority as conflict rages on

November 10th, 2014
04:47 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

The President of the Syrian National Coalition expressed his disappointment on Monday that the Obama Administration is not including the country’s opposition in its priorities.

While the current “Administration believes that [Syrian President] Assad will not play any role in the future of Syria,” Hadi al Bahra told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, it is putting far more effort into achieving a nuclear deal with Iran, a close ally of Damascus for decades.

“This Administration, I think, puts much more priority on finalizing its deals on the nuclear program with Iran, and this has number one importance to it, while [the] Syrian people has paid two hundred thousand victims until now, and they see no action from the international community in response to these crimes committed by Assad himself,” al Bahra said.

Amanpour asked the leader of Syria’s moderate opposition when the program to vet, arm and train the country’s moderate rebels, approved by the U.S. Congress in September, was expected to finally get off the ground.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • Sri Lanka

Don’t expect to see breakthroughs in Myanmar in the short term, says U.S. assistant secretary of state for human rights

November 7th, 2014
10:47 AM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

As President Barack Obama prepares to visit Myanmar next week for the East Asia and ASEAN Summits, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for human rights and labor said the Administration is not expecting a major leap forward any time soon.

“I don't think we're going to see breakthroughs in the short term. Burma was an opening to a breakthrough and it's one that we always knew would take years to move from its starting point to its finishing point. And we knew the success was not guaranteed and it is still not guaranteed,” Tom Malinowski told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Thursday.

Myanmar showed some signs of openness and reform in recent years, most notably with the release of the iconic opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in late 2010.

Yet fears that reform has stalled and the country’s disgraceful human rights record have put pressure on the international community to intervene.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • Myanmar

Journalist facing jail for protecting source assails Obama Administration as ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation’

November 6th, 2014
03:19 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

New York Times reporter James Risen, who is facing jail time for refusing to reveal his source for a story, has denounced the Obama Administration as “the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation” in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that aired Thursday.

The current administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers under The Espionage Act than all previous presidents combined.

Risen, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and author who was the first – alongside colleague Eric Lichtblau - to uncover the NSA’s warrantless surveillance program on Americans, told Amanpour that he is “trying to uphold the traditions of journalism. And that's what I'm going to continue to do.”

The U.S. government is not happy about a chapter in Risen’s 2006 book “State of War” that looks into a CIA operation that aimed to undermine Iran’s nuclear program.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Latest Episode • U.S. Politics
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