Armed Huey P. Newton Gun Activists and Black Panthers Marched Through Dallas Yesterday

Categories: Guns

Kathy Tran

The woman in the passing car shouted, "Black power!" And the gun-rights advocates lined up on the sidewalk outside Forest Avenue Baptist Church on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard returned the call. In the heat of a Wednesday afternoon, about 30 black men and a few women, dressed head-to-toe in black, stood with long guns slung around their shoulders. They marched to protest police brutality in general and to encourage gun ownership.

A few groups were represented in the ranks of the marchers, said Charles Goodson, an organizer of the march and head of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, which wants people to know they have the right to own guns. Many marchers had Black Panther patches on their black fatigues. Marcher Priest DeBrazier said the Panthers were there in response to the slaying of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Missouri, but Goodson said the march had been planned before Brown's death August 9.

Either way, several people in the neighborhood joined the march, whether it was to protest police brutality, the situation in Ferguson or just poor race relations in general.

(In the video above, the marchers are in the parking lot of Elaine's Kitchen, a brief stop before they headed down Malcolm X to their final destination, a car wash several blocks away.)

"I'm proud to say I've seen Black Panthers in person," said Ricky Pinkard, who works at a barbershop on MLK. Although he didn't march, he said he considered their presence a positive thing. To bring about a change in how police treat black people, "we got to come together for something that's right," he said.

"They're demonstrating their free rights as citizens," Glenn Bragg said of the marchers. He wanted to know why there were several squad cars and at least one unmarked black SUV with blinking blue-and-red lights at a peaceful protest.

Kathy Tran

One onlooker, who wished to go unnamed, said he's glad to see people marching for a right he believes many blacks don't realize they have. Many people carry guns illegally, he said, when they could do it legally.

"We want people to know that we have the right to bear arms," said DeBrazier, who described himself as a member of the original Black Panther Party who has lived in Dallas for many years. "We want them to know that they have the right to bear arms because a lot of them don't know.

"This is a teaching moment," DeBrazier said. "I believe that every black person should have a pistol under their pillow and a shotgun behind the door because the way things are going today, you just don't know. You got wrongful death by the police. People kicking in the wrong doors. It's really open season on minorities, black people in particular. Dead men tell no tales. If I'm a police officer and I stop you, it's my word against yours, but if I kill you, it's just my word."

Kathy Tran

Anthony Zulu, who said he was a member of the original Black Panthers but has lived in Dallas awhile as well, said he thinks what's happening in Ferguson could potentially happen here. DeBrazier disagreed.

"I don't think it will get that far," he said. "This city would blow up. I don't want anybody to get hurt behind this (movement), but I am glad they are tearing (Ferguson) up. This is not going to be swept under the carpet, and we need to keep this momentum going. Not just in Missouri, but across the United States.This is a problem everywhere."

"The point is," Zulu concluded. "People are fed up, man. People are tired of police brutality."

Bragg, who's lived in Dallas his entire 63 years, seemed tired, too.

"Dallas is supposed to be an international city," he said, "but it's still backwards in race relations."

Send your story tips to the author, Sky Chadde.


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They need to hold an open carry black power rally in Quinlan then follow it up with a no justice no peace march to West Tawakoni.

Homeboy wearing the red & white plaid Yasser Arafat scarf is too cheap to even buy a real black rifle (no that's not a racial slur homie, google it). The fool is toting a dinky 22 rimfire AR replica rifle and the goofy bastard is too fucking dumb to realize that folks who actually own and know how to operate a real AR platform rifle notice that shit right away and grin.


Now is that a squared away looking crew or what?  Anyone care to bet how long they'll last if they ever get the nerve to launch the kill whitey insurgency off their own turf in a target rich suburb like Rockwall or Forney?


I wonder how the Black Panthers would hold up in, say, Somalia, if they stomped about with pop guns and attitudes and black sags and belts demanding that the govt and others RESPECT them and their attitudes.  A panther with a cut off paw, or merely beheaded seems probable.  These fools scare NO ONE...they are playing soldier with a 1970 script...where are the bell bottoms and fro hairdos?


Why so many cops watching them? Is it because they're black perhaps? White people walk into Chipotle with an AR15 and nothing happens.


Call me crazy, but I like it.  These guys have pride in their community and are showing some initiative.  Personally, I think they could turn their energy to something more productive and relevant to their immediate community, but maybe they'll find something useful to do now that they've gotten together.  It's a whole lot better than apathy.


All this brotha' sista' shit has got me thinking CHICKEN, Churches, here I come .....


Are you serious with the 200+ lb black orca whale with a weapon.  I mean shit if ya'll are gonna look like elementary school children at a fucking play with your stupid teachers telling you " ok kids, lets spread our arms out and touch are neighbor next to you " " line up children, lets get it together " Really ? ;)

mavdog topcommenter

Another sign of the unfortunate divisions within our nation, and the fracturing of citizen's belief and faith in its institutions.

The Open Carry members and the Black Panthers share a trait: deep paranoia about the government, and what the state was capable of doing to them.

They both have lost the linkage with the people who comprise the state, who are people just like they are, with the same wants and hopes. Yet even though they share citizenship and the same basic desires, there is a chasm between the protesters and the rest of society.

I'm afraid it is going to get worse before it gets better. The rhetoric is getting more and more shrill, and more and more confrontational. These could be some very difficult times ahead of us.


FUCK Huey P Fig Newton AND Booby Seale, and FUCK the black panties too.

henk.tobias0 topcommenter

@roycew59 Apparently you miss the point. Its not the caliber of the weapon, its the caliber of the argument and the argument is that EVERYONE has a right to bear arms, not just us white folks. I can guarantee your silly ass that the white conceal cowboys are not looking at the gun, they're looking at the color of that man's skin and they sure as hell aren't grinning about it.


I realize the NBPP is mathematically challenged, but they really ought to take a crash course in percentages. These equations might come in handy:

72.41% > 12.61%

.01% of 12.61% = not very fucking long

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@rufuslevin I think you've come up with an excellent idea for a new export from America.  :)

And the answer to your question is, "Wind your stop watch and start placing bets."

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Why so many cops watching them? Is it because they're black perhaps? White people walk into Chipotle with an AR15 and nothing happens.

1. There are nearby riots in which there has been gunfire, with related demos around the country.

2. The NBP have a record of hostility towards law enforcement, to put it mildly.

3. Huey Newton, namesake of the Gun Club was a criminal and quite possibly a cop killer.

4. White OC types get plenty of police attention in Texas and elsewhere, up to and including arrest.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@doublecheese Yep.  They're the pride of Dallas, alright!  What better representatives could you have than a bunch of high school dropouts dressed in Army-Navy Surplus fatigues with belts, boots, and rank indicators that don't match, and cheap French berets?

I personally witnessed their armed assault on Latino parents trying to speak to the DISD Board, and how they shouted people down and tried to intimidate them. 

These people are creepy, and I frankly agree with a good friend who says they are a waste of skin when it comes to anything positive.  (And, Eric Holder perpetuated their lawlessness, thanks to Obama.)

Let's send them out on our next trade mission as an excellent example of our schools, local colleges, and business community.  


@doublecheese Yep like the pride they are showing in Ferguson while stores and people are being robbed left and right. Yup, your on the right track for sure dude. Keep dreaming ;(


henk it's you who misses the point.  You have to be pretty damn gullible to believe those losers were marching for the cause of 2nd amendment awareness and the asinine suggestion that there is a compelling need to make Texans aware of their right to keep and bear arms is absolutely hilarious. 

The real world threat of blacks becoming murder victims at the hands of other blacks with firearms (which by the way is how Huey P Newton met his maker), is a damned good reason for this class of victims to keep and bear arms (assuming they're not prohibited by law from possessing firearms), but while a 22 rimfire AR replica rifle might seem cool and bad assed to folks with zero knowledge of firearms, it's really a piss poor choice for defensive purposes (or waging war against whitey).   

The lame attempt by a couple dozen of broke ass members of the Huey P Newton Gun Club and the New Black Panther Party to appear menacing and threatening was laughable as was the display of a cheap ballistically inferior weapon, hence the grin.


henk it's you who misses the point.  You have to be pretty damn gullible to believe those losers were marching for the cause of 2nd amendment awareness and the asinine suggestion that there is a compelling need to make Texans aware of their right to keep and bear arms is absolutely hilarious. 

The real world threat of blacks becoming murder victims at the hands of other blacks with firearms (which by the way is how Huey P Newton met his maker), is a damned good reason for this class of victims to keep and bear arms (assuming they're not prohibited by law from possessing firearms), but while a 22 rimfire AR replica rifle might seem cool and bad assed to folks with zero knowledge of firearms, it's really a piss poor choice for defensive purposes (or waging war against whitey).   

The lame attempt by a couple dozen of broke ass members of the Huey P Newton Gun Club and the New Black Panther Party to appear menacing and threatening was laughable as was the display of a cheap ballistically inferior weapon, hence the grin.  


Until yor mother stops giving BJ's to local truckers, you should concentrate on reading and writing comprehensible English . Pendejo!


@rubbbrduky @doublecheese you seems to not realize the difference in the protesters and rioters.  Ferguson dont want the rioters there.  They are outing the people looting.  2 nights ago 90% of the arrested were not even from Ferguson.  And you got white dude throwing bottles at the police trying to get them to attack the blacks.  That was probably you


@ScottsMerkin @rubbbrduky No white sheet, but steel toe Doc's, baseball bat, Glock 17 and lot's of friends, because people seemed to think that Dallas has no aryan resistance players in town. Silly goose ;) 88


@Chattering_Monkey @rubbbrduky I invited myself. Funny though how us white people have turned around to support shit like the black panties. So I guess it's ok to loot and steal and kill over someone most have never met ( Micheal Brown ). Where is the sense of humanity in involving yourself in others affairs, just to have an excuse to get some free shit from some poor guys store who has worked hard to have a business, just to have a NIGGER walk in and decide " Hmmm, I think I will rob this guy today " Really ? When have white people ever marched because one of our white trash people commits a crime. NEVER. Did we march and loot when Manson got this dumb ass in trouble, did we march and loot when McVey blew up a federal building ? NOPE, NOPE, NOPE. Shit happens. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter

I missed the deleted comment, dammit.

henk.tobias0 topcommenter

@roycew59 Sorry Roy, your failure to grasp this simple concept shines through very clearly. Apparently many blacks DON'T know that they can legally purchase and carry firearms. THAT IS THE POINT of the march. I'll take the word of these black dudes over the word of some anonymous joker on the internets. 

Oh, I love the way you keep writing out 22 rim fire as if you're repeating word for word what someone else has told you. Those of us who grew up with guns know it as a .22. No need to spell out the rim fire part, its a given. In fact the only .22 center fire that I've ever owned was a .22 Hornet. Hint, you always spell out the Hornet part. People who are new to the world of guns always reveal thier immaturity by being very precise in their terminology. Like 22 rim fire rather than .22 or explicitly spelling out Fully automatic and Semi automatic. When everyone knows (everyone who has a more natural as opposed to classroom learned anyway) when someone calls a gun an automatic they are referring to a semi-automatic. There just aren't that many full autos floating around to make anyone think any different. 

Nice try though Roy. Beyond your beginners knowledge of firearms and failure to understand simple concepts one other thing that shines through in this comment is your winning personality. Have a nice day.


@salvoguy01 He spelled correctly, using proper punctuation, with no run on sentences and conveyed a proper thought. I will buy your BEANER ASS Ingles sin barreras if your a good boy por christmas. Puto Raza


@Chattering_Monkey @rubbbrduky @doublecheese These NIGGERS have NO sense of pride in any community. 90% of the rioters and looters in Ferguson are NIGGERS, and the whites that follow along are WIGGERS. Tell me when has ANY white folks ever marched, protested, or rioted or looted when a NIGGER cop kills and white suspect. NEVER. I've been around since 72. So fuck you.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You write like a Federal agent.


Huey P Newton had a PHD and wS known around the world. You are a racist post whose moma still works the truck stops! Huey used to eat Whitebread like you for lunch you pinche puto!


@rubbbrduky @Chattering_Monkey white people used to march, they marched in unison to the lynchings.  It really is a shame racist fucks like you exist.  That's ok, you've done us all a favor by not hiding your racism

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Watch American History X, it almost read like it was lifted word for word from the skinhead screeching in that movie.


@henk.tobias0  Hey dumbass, you're obviously gun illiterate and embarrassingly oblivious to the difference between rimfire and centerfire ammunition (google it).

22 Hornet, TOO FUNNY, that round is only one of dozens of 22 centerfire cartridges (google it).

Most AR-15 platform rifles are 22 caliber CENTERFIRE cartridges chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO which can also safely fire the popular .223 Remington centerfire cartridge as well. 

22 rimfire cartridges include 22 short, 22 long, 22 long rifle, and 22 Winchester Magnum (WMR). 

Ballistically, the average .223 Remington centerfire cartridge delivers a 55 grain projectile at a blistering 3200 fps with 1500 ft lbs of energy, while a 22 long rifle rimfire is only 1060 fps with a measly 100 ft lbs of energy. 

Real AR-15 platform rifles chambered in 5.56 x45 mm can utilize a conversion kit that enables firing 22 Long Rifle (rimfire) ammunition to provide a less expensive option for target practice.

There are AR platform rifles that utilize a standard AR-15 lower receiver with a propriety 22 rimfire upper receiver, but  Homeboy wearing the Yasser Arafat scarf didn't even have one of those, he had a cheap 22 rimfire rifle manufactured with decorative components to mimic the appearance of an AR-15 rifle.

Your gun illiteracy is even more evident with that bullshit you tried to float about auto and semi. To those who know what they're talking about, automatic means a firearm with the capability of firing more than one round with a single pull of the trigger which makes the firearm a machine gun.  A semi-automatic weapon fires only one round with a single pull of the trigger.  

The sale of newly manufactured automatic weapons to civilians has been banned since 1986 and only legally registered automatic weapons manufactured prior to date can be purchased by and transferred to civilians who purchase a tax stamp.  Because of limited supply, the price for automatic weapons starts at about $10K.    

henk.tobias0 topcommenter

@rubbbrduky @Chattering_Monkey @doublecheese My, you sound like a lovely person. Can you find the last time an unarmed young white man was gunned down in the middle of the day by a black police officer. Please, oh wise one, point us to that story. And just what the fuck do you mean, you've been around since 72? You've lived 42 years of dumbassery?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


We got a live one here.

Part of the national conversation on race we're supposed to be having, but this blog commentariat doesn't seem to reflect the racial demographic of Dallas. I'm the blackest guy here, and my name is Sven.

TheRuddSki topcommenter



I don't care about racists of any color as long as they aren't in any position of power. Let people hate who they hate, they'll die sooner.

henk.tobias0 topcommenter

@roycew59 @henk.tobias0 Nice cut a paste work Roy. All you did was prove my point. Rather that practical knowledge you and people like you use magazines, books and the internet, people like me who actually grew up USING firearms gain our knowledge through personal experience of what works for us. Your politically correct adherence to strict terminology and statistics only bolsters my point. Good day.

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