Drilling California:

A Reality Check on the Monterey Shale

The Report

In December 2013, Post Carbon Institute and Physicians, Scientists & Engineers for Healthy Energy published “Drilling California: A Reality Check on the Monterey Shale.” Written by geoscientist J. David Hughes, the report provides the first publicly available empirical analysis of actual oil production data from the Monterey Formation, including from wells that have undergone hydraulic fracturing and acidization. It lays out some of the play’s fundamental characteristics compared to other tight oil plays, including geological properties, current production, production potential, and associated environmental issues.

Unlike previous studies looking at potential production and economic impacts, this report is based on analysis of real production data (compiled in the most comprehensive oil and gas production database publicly available) and should therefore help ensure that public policy decisions on the development of the Monterey are grounded in data, not assumptions.

Download the report (9 MB)
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Read the Executive Summary