@cnntech 5 ways to make your Wi-Fi faster http://t.co/WSiMKbkGah via @DavidGoldmanCNN http://t.co/OKZn2VxOtI

13 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Conan O'Brien & Sly's personal information exposed in Sony hack http://t.co/mWYUrplc5J via @Jose_Pagliery http://t.co/2m0XHGmBn6

13 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Yo B*tch! Breaking Bad's @aaronpaul_8 has a new app http://t.co/TnMcnxoHEo via @saraashleyo http://t.co/bw2hXz3ODV

16 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Polaroid's new $299 Instagram camera goes on pre-sale http://t.co/EycYRa3qSX via @DavidGoldmanCNN http://t.co/5MdLzwoTwC

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech 'Sonypocalypse': Why the Sony hack is one of the worst hacks ever http://t.co/LG3L1TOTDe via @Jose_Pagliery http://t.co/OIZMbbvuVY

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Verizon is killing off 3G http://t.co/im0YEZ0dIo via @DavidGoldmanCNN http://t.co/DD3mS5bkFv

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Meet the $7 smartwatch http://t.co/NIq1aM1Pmg via @doug_gross http://t.co/gGdc2Sgu5J

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech 'Gangnam Style' breaks YouTube view counter http://t.co/Hc0uW5koJ7 via @GriggsBrandon http://t.co/UJOe3ML4sM

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Happy 20th birthday, PlayStation! http://t.co/EWMwmtaH0N via @doug_gross http://t.co/Aq0ygmqqyy

3 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Google gives those annoying CAPTCHAs a major makeover http://t.co/FHs03k8THV via @ben_rooney http://t.co/cy8bsL2CNz

3 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET


'Nearly flawless': Orion passes 2-orbit test flight

With one 4½-hour flight Friday, the new spacecraft series that NASA hopes will take astronauts to Mars passed its first test above Earth. FULL STORY

By Jason Hanna and Amanda Barnett, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

'Sony-pocalypse': Why the Sony hack is one of the worst hacks ever CNNMoney.com

In a single week, hackers have brought a major Hollywood studio to its knees. FULL STORY

Jose Pagliery

Filed under: Tech Biz

Apple Watches for everybody at Buzzfeed

Apparently, all those clicks over at Buzzfeed are paying off in more ways than one. FULL STORY

Doug Gross
By Doug Gross, CNN

Filed under: Web

5 ways to make your Wi-Fi faster CNNMoney.com

Tired of slow Wi-Fi? Fear not: Faster Wi-Fi speeds are possible, if you're willing to work (and pay) for them. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Conan O'Brien & Sylvester Stallone's personal information exposed in Sony hack CNNMoney.com

Hackers have exposed the Social Security numbers of Conan O'Brien, Sylvester Stallone, Rebel Wilson and 47,423 other people as part of the massive Sony Pictures breach. FULL STORY

Jose Pagliery

Filed under: Tech Biz

Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul has a new app: Yo B*tch CNNMoney.com

AMC's "Breaking Bad" might be over -- but actor Aaron Paul hasn't gotten over his character. Or his Breaking Bad alter-ego Jesse Pinkman's famous catch words: "Yo" and "B*tch." FULL STORY

Sara Ashley O'Brien

Filed under: Tech Biz

Y Combinator makes push for diversity CNNMoney.com

There's a diversity problem in Silicon Valley. And Y Combinator -- an early-stage accelerator -- is making strides to change that. FULL STORY

Sara Ashley O'Brien

Filed under: Tech Biz

Apple deleted songs from customers' iPods CNNMoney.com

Between 2007 and 2009, Apple routinely deleted music off of some customers' iPods without telling them. FULL STORY

Dan Simon

Filed under: Tech Biz

Will Alabama pass the Tim Cook bill? CNNMoney.com

Apple CEO Tim Cook's name is on a new bill against gay discrimination in his native Alabama. FULL STORY

Ben Rooney

Filed under: Tech Biz

Microsoft loses $238 million on Nook CNNMoney.com

Microsoft has sold its stake in the Nook e-reader business back to Barnes & Noble, taking a $238 million loss on its investment. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Verizon is killing off 3G CNNMoney.com

Verizon has begun cutting off 3G. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

President Obama, now in 3D thanks to printer

Tourists flocking to Washington, D.C., hoping to get a glimpse of President Barack Obama might not get the chance to see him in person -- but they can now get pretty close thanks to the Smithsonian Institution. FULL STORY

By Jeremy Diamond, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Google for kids coming soon CNNMoney.com

A Google search for "train" brings up a link to the closest Amtrak station, but chances are that's not what an eight-year-old is searching for. Kids are probably more interested in Thomas the Tank Engine than the most up-to-date commuting schedule. FULL STORY

Katie Lobosco

Filed under: Tech Biz

Zillow sued for sexual harassment CNNMoney.com

A former sales consultant is suing real estate platform Zillow for sexual harassment. FULL STORY

Laurie Segall

Filed under: Tech Biz

NASA spaceship ready for test flight

It looks like a throwback to the Apollo era, but NASA's new spaceship is roomier and designed to go far beyond the moon -- to an asteroid and eventually Mars. FULL STORY

By Amanda Barnett, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Is the idea of humans colonizing Mars, crazy? Not if you ask Elon Musk. FULL STORY

How comfortable would you be with a pilot flying your airliner with just his or her voice? FULL STORY

Technology is advancing so quickly that it seems to provide an ingenious solution for every challenge. CNN innovation correspondent Rachel Crane takes a look at eight big ideas making life better every day. FULL STORY

Doug Gross

Who is Slenderman?
He's the Internet's own monster, a ghoul who lurks in its darkest corners and, like the Web itself, has mutated time and again to suit the dreams and desires of his devotees. FULL STORY

Heather Kelly

Sensors let Alzheimer's patients stay at home, safely
Caregivers are turning to smart-home and wearable technology to monitor family members with Alzheimer's and dementia, helping them live independently longer. FULL STORY

Jarrett Bellini

Apparently This Matters: Weed Fairy leaves free pot
I never actually caught a glimpse of the Tooth Fairy when I was young, but she was definitely real and in cahoots with my mom. This, due to the fact that I never woke up to find a Nintendo. FULL STORY

Brandon Griggs

The next frontier in 3-D printing: Human organs
The emerging process of 3-D printing can reproduce the vascular systems required to make organs viable. Scientists already use the machines to print tiny strips of organ tissue. And while printing whole human organs for transplants is still years away, the technology is rapidly developing. FULL STORY

Larry Frum

Can 'Mario Kart 8' save the Wii U?
It's the gaming industry's gold standard, once named by Guinness World Records as the most influential video game in history. Now, Nintendo is turning to "Super Mario Kart" once again. FULL STORY

10 ideas to change the world

10 ideas to change the world What if the U.S. had only two time zones? Should all public transportation be automated for safety? And maybe it IS time to reinvent the wheel. Meet 10 bold ideas that could shape our future. FULL STORY

Wired | Mar 20, 2014

The Germans have figured how to 3-D print cars

The assembly line isn't going away, but 3-D printing is going to reshape how we make cars. One German automaker points the way with an beautifully crafted frame inspired by a turtle's skeleton. FULL STORY

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