Group of Black Lawyers and Judges Seeks Dallas Police Data to Root Out Brutality

Thumbnail image for DPD Police Chief Brown.jpg
The National Bar Association says it has filed an open-records request with the Dallas Police Department for information regarding police brutality.
A national organization of black lawyers and judges is still awaiting a response from the Dallas Police Department to the group's recent request for 10 years worth of public information "regarding the number of individuals who have been killed, racially profiled, wrongfully arrested and/or injured while pursued or in police custody."

National Bar Association President Pamela Meanes says the group is seeking data from 25 cities that have a history of police violence in minority communities. She expects the police departments to be cooperative, and the group has already heard back from Kansas City and Little Rock, Arkansas. The association will sue if necessary to get the data.

"The ultimate goal is to identify police departments that have a pattern of abuse so the the federal government can come in," she says.

At least some of information her group is seeking may soon be available online to everyone. Dallas Police Chief David Brown told a community meeting Thursday night that the department will soon publish, for the first time, information on officers' use of deadly force. "This will be detailed briefings of all our police shootings dating back to 2003 to current," he said.

A local group, Dallas Communities Organizing for Change, has already had some success requesting similar information from the department. Last year, the DCOC asked for data on all officer-involved shootings from January. 1, 1987, to August 11, 2013. They received enough information to create a report.

The organization analyzed the numbers between July 20, 2002, and July 18, 2013 and found that Dallas police officers shot 197 suspects, 58 fatally. Of those who died, 33 were black, or about 57 percent. Whites accounted for 15 of the 58, or about 26 percent, and Hispanics accounted for 10 of the 58, or about 17 percent. Of those suspects who were shot but not killed, 71 of 139 were black. (You can see the full report below.) According to the 2010 census, blacks make up 25 percent of Dallas' population.

When members of the organization look at the numbers, they see a pattern. "Upon analysis the data provides a clear picture of overwhelming bias in the application of deadly force against blacks and Hispanics," the introduction to their 2013 report reads, "and makes a striking argument that Dallas Police use race as a determining factor in using force against an individual."

DCOC Report on Dallas Officer Involved Shootings 2013

Send your story ideas to the author, Sky Chadde.


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noblefurrtexas topcommenter

I have no problem with lawyers getting involved in area policing, although I don't think there's much to do.  For the most part, Dallas area law enforcement has been free of the kinds of biases or prejudges that have caused racial issues elsewhere. Nobody   But, trying to persuade police departments to arrest fewer black people is a dead end as long as blacks represent the high percentage of criminals.

However, I think having judges involved in this is problematic in the extreme.  The WORST thing a judge can do (and especially criminal judges), other than taking bribes, is to prejudice cases by getting involved in a debate of racial fairness.  That is not their job, not their charge, and not on the inventory of their responsibilities.

I do think where these racial issues are a legitimate problem, and not cover for something else, society needs to make corrections that IMPROVE public safety as well as handling of suspects. 

It IS a problem that some police departments don't like "Cop Watcher" organizations, but that situation can be easily solved by city and county attorneys issuing memos on what is permitted and not permitted to both law enforcement and "Cop Watcher" groups. 




The dud e47- You are a damn hillbilly liar!


so in theory the cops should have shot more white suspects? that would be accurate if whites were committing crimes at the same level i guess. last i checked blacks were nearly 8x more likely to kill someone than whites were- and they make up less than 15% of the population. here's a good way to avoid getting shot/beaten by a cop- don't be a criminal! 

primi_timpano topcommenter

What about non deadly force. Getting your ass kicked to the hospital merits investigation, e.g., NYT and Rikers.

TheRuddSki topcommenter deals in counterfeit goods.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@molliegirl2 No.  In fact, it is you who is very much mistaken.  In the U.S., blacks commit most of the street crimes, gun crimes, violent crimes, and most of the other "street crimes" and lower level crimes.  White people commit most of the "white collar crimes", and some of the more sophisticated crimes.. 

However, we've had our share of black elected officials who have committed crimes around here, and a few white elected officials. 

If you look at what races populate American-based gangs, you'll find blacks by far lead the parade.  Next is Hispanics.  White people tend to own that distinction in "organized crime".

There's nothing either insulting or unfair about citing the statistical evidence of probabilities.  Statistics are what they are. 

The challenge is what to do about these crimes, and preventing them.  By the time the police are involved, it's too late. We need more jobs, and we need more crime resistant neighborhoods. But, we're swimming upstream until we can convince communities to fix themselves - including broken families, unmarried teenage pregnancies, domestic violence, community-wide ethical teaching and reinforcement. 

We can't buy or way out of these problems with more money.  We have to work out way out of them by fundamentally changing cultures.


In 2009 I was pulled over and put in handcuffs in Richardson. While arrested and in the back of an officers car laying down, he punched me in the face 3 times. I went to the hospital for a slight concussion and had several bruises. I have the tape of the incident, the hospital record and the pictures of the bruises. The reason they arrested me was dismissed. Who handles that type of case?


@bvckvs @the_dude47  Pulling the race card?!?!? Is that the best you can do?

Go call the leasing office at just about any apartment complex in Dallas and tell them you'd like to rent a unit and you have a Pit Bull as a pet.  Know what response you're going to get?


Now, are they animal haters or do they simply look at the statistics that say that a handful of dog breeds are responsible for 90% of dog bites?

Now tell me why the logic is any different?  The numbers don't like.  Pathetic people like you that refuse to acknowledge the problem in the black community are the problem. 

This comes from a black man who decided not to be some loser race card pulling porch monkey who blames the world for their pathetic life.


@bvckvs @the_dude47 last i checked this story is about BLACK judges & lawyers trying to justify something - like cherry picking some stats will make their community look a little better and maybe they'll get some money for something?! maybe they could find a way to get their community back to work or something, that usually cuts down on the crime rate and maybe we wouldn't need to import illegals to do these tasks?! 

and it's always obvious when you're dealing with liberals, they need to resort to name calling vs. sticking with those pesky little things known as "facts".

btw- my gf's are all black. so keep the racist bs for a real one. there's a difference between racists and realists and the race card is way overplayed, tired and petty. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@corpvet You're looking for a reputable criminal attorney who will take your case for a portion of what he can keep if he is successful at suing the police department and the city.

Good luck!

primi_timpano topcommenter

If you have witnesses or video check with the attorneys bringing these cases. A google search should be fruitful.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@MickeyFree @noblefurrtexas @molliegirl2 Go to any Texas prison and compare the races of the inmates.  You'll get much the same ratio in the punishment sections of most jails (except those counties with far fewer minorities than whites and educated Asians and Latinos. 

Or have a look at Chicago, St. Louis, L.A., Detroit, or even Lansing, Michigan.  Even largely black juries are sending serious criminals to prison. 

TDC (Texas Department of Corrections) has long lamented the large number of minorities (and particularly blacks) in their system.  It's not because of prejudicial juries.  Local crime statistics indicate it is blacks committing most of the serious crimes, and Hispanics are second on the racial list. 

These are confirmed by arrest lists as well as District Attorneys. 

And, the reasons for this aren't a mystery.  But, these folks have to fix their own communities, get rid of the gangs, get the Hip Hop out of the schools, and do something about males abandoning their family responsibilities.


@bvckvs @rubbbrduky @the_dude47 You aint about shit BITCH. Even YOU have a screen name. No shame here you fucking sell out. It is still a free speech world and I make no bones about it.

mavdog topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas @MickeyFree 

IOW MickeyFree, do not confuse noblefurrtexas with the statistics, he has his opinion derived from countless hours watching the news that trump the data and statistics which may be proving him wrong!

and let's not even get into why the prisons have so many minorities vs anglos, it just couldn't possibly be the inequality in sentencing....

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@rubbbrduky @bvckvs @the_dude47 WOW!  Your parents must be very proud of you for your vocabulary skills as well as your personal ethics. 

One generally has to go to an Alabama trailer park to find this kind of class.  :)


@bvckvs @the_dude47 is now "undocumented immigrants"...which is actually leading the way to "undocumented persons"...if you want to stay ahead.


@bvckvs @the_dude47 um, you're straying from the context and still throwing the race card? fyi- my son in law is mexican, legally- as are many of my friends/colleagues. the one's that aren't call themselves "illegals or mojados" - get a grip. your inability to deal with diversity and the realities of it are blinding you to the truth. 

by chance are you one of those guys who watches foxnews and yells at the tv? i don't watch tv so i'll just have to profile you. 

but seriously, anyone who visit's this country and extends their stay longer than their visa allows is "illegal", doesn't matter where they came from. 

how will you explain to those who take the legal channels to attain residency status on their way to citizenship why we should just open the gates and let everyone in? last i checked, unemployment isn't all that great in the other states. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It's funny how in one sentence you refer to undocumented immigrants as "illegals", and then in the next complain that liberals "resort to name calling".

How about you provide us with a list of words that offend you and lead to these tantrums? Think of the extra time you'd have.


@noblefurrtexas @rubbbrduky @bvckvs @the_dude47 Nope, educated right here in Texas, because this is a thinking mans game. Very easy to manipulate the stupid by using law in the way it was meant. Oh and I can guarantee the officer that shot that Brown shit stain ( hehe ) in Ferguson will NOT be found guilty of murder. 


@TheCredibleHulk you would be mad too if the MONKEYS in your neighborhood were pulling the ol' race card. Funny the article doesn't mention that WHITE and Black police and judges are seeking a uniformed positive resolution, but yet it's is clear according to the post that this is ALL black. So what the fuck is the issue I believe the exact same way as the MONKEYS on the single survival of the white race and all it is. The directive AND the outcome of both races is the same. So fuck you and your sell out ass, and I know I am not the only commenter on this site who feels the same way. Look at the slew of postings. BITCH  :)

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Anyone who even TRIES to suggest illegal aliens aren't responsible for a great deal of crime, isn't paying attention. 

By definition, they have already violated our laws.  But, most break the law at least one or two times more before they reach their destinations. 

Build the fence, seal the border, warn Mexico about con$equence$, and deport illegals is the fastest way to stop and cleanup the problem, and to protect Americans.

mavdog topcommenter


you might be right, but my guess is he is a semi-delirious elderly person.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Control of immigration most benefits Latino immigrants, loss of that control exacerbates the wealth gap as well.

It's a great policy for Central America and Mexico though.

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