Dallas County Leads Texas in Women Killed in Domestic Violence Cases

Ben Pollard
Twenty women in Dallas County were killed in domestic violence situations last year.

Life just got a little bit worse for women in Texas -- and particularly for women in Dallas County. The Texas Council on Family Violence released a study on Tuesday that shows Dallas County has the highest number of female domestic violence deaths in the state. More telling, Dallas has the highest per capita rate of domestic violence homicides in the state, with Beaumont taking second place for the deplorable ranking.

"In addition to Dallas County, Tarrant County homicide rates doubled, and Collin County tripled," says Angela Hale, a spokesperson for the TCFV. "If you look at the metroplex as a whole, you have 38 out of 119 total deaths in the state. So it is a significant number."

Generally speaking, Harris County has taken the top spot in past years, most recently with 30 deaths in 2012. Now, Harris deaths have dropped to 20 in 2013, and Dallas County deaths have risen from 9 in 2012 to tie with Harris County for 20 deaths in 2013. Population-wise, says Hale, that puts Dallas in the top percentage spot for domestic violence homicides.

It's a demoralizing figure that Dallasites are eager to counteract. Judge Roberto Cañas is spearheading the local gun surrender initiative for domestic violence offenders. Under current federal law, those found guilty of domestic violence offenses must permanently surrender their guns. If offenders accept a plea bargain, state law says they are restricted from gun possession for five years.

The TCFV reports that 58 percent of domestic violence homicide victims are killed by guns, and most of abusers had faced previous domestic violence indictments in which they would have been forced to surrender their guns. In the murder of Karen Cox Smith in 2013, Smith was shot by her husband despite the prohibition against his possessing a gun.

Gun surrender for domestic violence offenders has been a seldom and hard-to-enforce law that has since gained momentum in local courts. "Domestic violence crimes can escalate so quickly, especially if guns are in the house, says Cañas. "If we take guns out of the picture, you cut down on that in the future."

Dallas passed a gun surrender financing ordinance in August. For now, it's not clear why Dallas County has seen the rise in deaths recently.

"It's hard to predict why this is, but we do know that there are tools that help," Hale says . "The number of deaths are historically between 100 and 150 in Texas, and three women are killed every day in America. So the numbers are pretty consistent."


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Racial breakdown can be sussed out with some FBI/BJS Stats.



Sometimes the FBI/BJS mixes hispanic & white stats, sometimes they separate them out.  Given black make up 13% of the population, as do hispanics.  Whites something less than 74%.  FTR, FBI/BJS has not disclosed this sort of data for the last few years by the order of BHO's administration. 

For 2002.

For instance, murders have hispanic & whites smooshed together:

Table fvs0302.csv

Race   All Murder %        Domest Murder %
White    52.7        65.3
Black    44.3        30.7
Other    3.1        3.9
Amerind    1.2        1
API    1.9        3

Race of domest vilence offenders in state prisons

Table fvs0805.csv

Race/Hispanic origin    All Violent %        Domest Violent %
White    33.5    %    58.3
Black    47.1        25.6
Hispanic    15.7        12.9
Other    3.7        3.3
Amerind    2.3        2.4
API    1.2        0.6



How many of them were "Honor Killings"?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

And, what is the racial breakdown, age breakdown, and education breakdown?

Domestic violence against women is a somewhat cultural thing.

There is NEVER an excuse to assault a woman unless she is threatening you with deadly force.  Then, all bets are off. 

"Gun surrender" is useless.  It's window dressing on a home for the blind.  And, clearly, it has done nothing to improve things.  All it does it rob someone of the second amendment rights.  Frankly, for a first offense, the male or female responsible for the assault should be sent to boot camp to learn why NOT to assault people. If they do it again, we sent them to prisonl

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

What is the RELIGIOUS breakdown?



"The TCFV reports that 58 percent of domestic violence homicide victims are killed by guns, and most of abusers had faced previous domestic violence indictments in which they would have been forced to surrender their guns."

So....who is not doing their job here? 


what is the ethnic/racial breakdown?

mavdog topcommenter


Domestic violence against women is a somewhat cultural thing

yeah, only found in white, black, and asian races. only found in low, middle and upper incomes. only found in every ethnicity known. only found on every continent except possibly Antartica, but it may exist there too.

come to think of it, I can't come up with a single culture it doesn't happen within.

so I guess you're right, it is a "cultural thing". the World's culture.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The majority of the country is Christians, so that makes sense.

OTOH, Christians commit about none of the rapes in Mecca.


@James080 They are obtaining them from any number of sources. Well considering the fact that about 40% of criminals obtain firearms from family and friends, I'm thinking the families and friends of the perpetrators are largely to blame. 

Another 40% of criminals obtain them from illegal sources (people on the street and theft). And, since indictment and conviction of domestic violence also makes it where you will not pass the FBI background check when purchasing a firearm from a dealer, it is doubtful they were obtained from licensed dealers. This means that most likely, it is also the police and courts who are not doing their jobs.

(Numbers come from a 1997 Justice Department study of 18,000 state and federal convicts).

mavdog topcommenter


So....who is not doing their job here?

our society?

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@pak152 <== the hyper-hysterical hyena who claimed the world would come to an end if Dallas enacted 5 cent fees for plastic grocery bags.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@pak152 The state figures from DPS 2012 are the most current I can find.


This, by the way, is the source (DPS reports) for the information that was the source(TCFV) for the article.  have no idea why, amid the 3 or 4 links in the article, none of them seemed to go to the source material on which the article is based.


@pak152  What difference would that make?  Does one racial/ethnic group suffer from pain more than the other?  How would it effect finding a solution?

Why are the rates in Texas higher?  What about verbal abuse?  What about female abuse of men? Your question looks as if your are making a statement about race. 

mavdog topcommenter


what is the ethnic/racial breakdown?

why do you ask?

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@pak152 Can't look at that, we might come to uncomfortable conclusions and actually solve the problem.

The money isn't in solving the problem, its in fretting about it online.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog I know you're some kind of genius, but have a look at the "incidence rate" in various cultures.  Also look at repetitive incidents.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs @DonkeyHotay They are NOT "cruel".  You're thinking of the Muslims who stone them, rape them, behead them, cut off digits and limbs, shame them, crucify them, and treat them like dirt. 

You'll find most Christians respect women, and many Christian and Jewish institutions revere women and swear an oath to protect them (such as the Masons and the Knights of Columbus) just to name two of many.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


?..because Christian attitudes toward women are cruel.

They really should allow their women to drive.

mavdog topcommenter


It could be that domestic violence offenders follow those same numbers you outline exist for criminals, or it could be they don't. really don't know and not sure we can find out.

Many people get firearms from private sellers who are not Dealers. Those private sellers are not required to do background checks.

the police and courts can't prevent the individual from selling the firearm. don't agree it is the police and courts who have failed.


@Tim.Covington @James080 

I agree. Balance that reality against the endless calls from the left to ban gun ownership, or for more gun control laws,when the simple fact is the police and courts refuse to enforce the gun laws already on the books.

Maybe it's time some of those "friends and family" who provide guns to felons and others legally prohibited from possessing firearms to be prosecuted, vigorously.


@mavdog @James080 

Really? Is it your job to determine which of your neighbors have protective orders against their spouses or cohabitant, whether they are legally prohibited from possessing guns, and whether they in fact possess any guns? Isn't it a matter of selective enforcement of laws?



repair doesn't provide economic status which would also be helpful. also in the case of Dallas where do they occur


@RTGolden1 what! go to the source material? what a novel idea. ;-)

mavdog topcommenter


unfortunately the DPS data doesn't break out homicides separately.

the major problem with the DPS data, or any group who gathers data on domestic violence in general, is the issue of how much is not reported.

we know about homicides as there's a death and that's hard to hide...

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Would it be racist to develop a program directed exclusively at young black men because of the high crime rate in that "community"?


@BlancheDavidian oops i forgot we aren't supposed to talk about race or ethnicity. from the actual report some key facts

38% were Hispanic

69% were White, 30 % black, 1% American Indian, Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander

74% of white offenders were male, 76% of black offenders were male

the two age groups with the highest number of offenders were the 20-24 and 25-29 groups

Assaults count for 96% of the offenses and of that group 76% are simple assaults.

most common weapon involved? hands, feet and fists account for 80%

now percentages are funny I prefer real numbers


@mavdog @pak152 People with guns kill people, but people with cars kill far more people, which is why we should make Dallas strictly pedestrian as soon as possible. To stop domestic violence.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


They're just trying to find a way to absolve the NRA of responsibility.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Can't look at that, we might come to uncomfortable conclusions and actually solve the problem.

The president is instituting programs specifically for young men of color, but if you were to suggest that efforts towards eliminating domestic violence in the NFL be directed exclusively at men of color (seemingly the most prominent recently), you'd be labeled vile by the usual suspects.


@everlastingphelps @pak152  "Can't look at that, we might come to uncomfortable conclusions and actually solve the problem."

Don't be ridiculous, Phelps.  If that were true then we would be selecting young Arab males for additional airport screening, instead of pushing them out of the way to grab Granny out of her wheelchair and conduct invasive body searches.

observist topcommenter

@everlastingphelps @pak152  Exactly. If we know the exact ethnic breakdown we can come up with a properly targeted campaign that will solve the problem:

Brown People: Stop killing your wives, you uncivilized barbarians!  

White People:  It was probably just an accident. Try not to get so angry, OK?  As you were.


@everlastingphelps D'oh! also forgot that the DO doesn't like to provide all the information, would rather rewrite a press release

mavdog topcommenter


Also look for examples of how my points were in error. Can't help but notice that you don't offer any rebuttal...


@noblefurrtexas You have got to be the biggest fucking idiot that ever shit mouthed on this blog. Jewish women are treated like 4th rate humans in a synagogue having to sit at the back and if you ever read the bible (the excuse for your hate) you would know why Christian women are considered second to men.  

Again, how old are you?   I suspect 95. 

mavdog topcommenter


but isn't allowing women to drive cruel to us male drivers?

(when you read this, just kidding honey...)


@mavdog @Tim.Covington 

So you're saying that domestic violence offenders are not criminals? Thanks for clearing that up. Needed the info...

mavdog topcommenter


Really? Is it your job to determine which of your neighbors have protective orders against their spouses or cohabitant, whether they are legally prohibited from possessing guns, and whether they in fact possess any guns?

it seems you are confusing the individual with what I mentioned, society.

I believe it is society's job to make sure those who shouldn't have guns don't get them.

Better laws, better enforcement of those laws. People not turning a blind eye to those who circumvent the laws.

Isn't it a matter of selective enforcement of laws?

not in my view, which is the laws aren't sufficient.

mavdog topcommenter


those are stats on all domestic violence, not stats on what the TCFY study (and the article) is about, homicides.

but now that you see the stats on all domestic violence broken out by race, did you get the answer you were seeking? or did it not conform to your goal?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


They'll just kill with public transportation, which is one of the big downsides of high-speed rail.

mavdog topcommenter


can't help but notice you didn't answer my question.

why do you ask?

mavdog topcommenter


remember, guns don't kill people,

but people with guns kill people.


@TheRuddSki If we could a better grip on things like the notorious Finnish culture of "machismo" we could probably design better reeducation campaigns.

mavdog topcommenter


So you're saying that domestic violence offenders are not criminals? Thanks for clearing that up. Needed the info...

interesting conclusion. I say interesting trying to be nice..

many domestic violence offenders aren't criminals prior to being domestic violence offenders.


@mavdog @James080 

Yada, yada....better laws, improve efficiency and cut waste.... you sound like you're running for office, you answer every question with sound bite talking points.


@mavdog I don't stoop to answer questions like that. fairly obvious. which is why i asked if your brain was engaged. apparently not.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


... because the NRA doesn't allow minorities?

Sure they do, stationary targets are a bore.

observist topcommenter

@mavdog @TheRuddSki  Guns don't kill people, they just greatly facilitate the conversion of momentary murderous impulses into actual deaths.


@mavdog @TheRuddSki 

Guns don't kill people.  Bullets kill people...unless you're using your gun as a club Davy Crockett style, then guns kill people.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Depends on where you live. In some places people with machetes kill people.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Finland has the third-highest gun-ownership rate, behind the US and Yemen - it's not surprising they'd bring their cultural baggage with them to Dallas' notorious Little Helsinki neighborhood.


@mavdog @James080 

"It could be that domestic violence offenders follow those same numbers you outline exist for criminals..."

"So you're saying that domestic violence offenders are not criminals?"

"[M]any domestic violence offenders aren't criminals prior to being domestic violence offenders."

Can you identify which logical fallacy your statement represents? Bet you can't.

BTW, since when have you ever tried to be nice on this blog?

mavdog topcommenter


Yada, yada....better laws, improve efficiency and cut waste.... you sound like you're running for office,

odd, don't remember saying anything about "efficiency" or "waste".

the laws on the books are inadequate. if they were adequate we wouldn't have criminals and those with mental issues so easily obtaining the number of guns and amount of ammo they have been able to.

you answer every question with sound bite talking points.

you mean "talking points" such as "Balance that reality against the endless calls from the left to ban gun ownership, or for more gun control laws,when the simple fact is the police and courts refuse to enforce the gun laws already on the books"?

Now THAT'S a good example of "talking points"!

mavdog topcommenter


embarrased too much to answer eh?

odd that you would ask the question but then not have the balls to answer why .

apparently my brain is more "engaged" than your's is.

mavdog topcommenter


oh, so it's the bullets...

technically, then it's the gunpowder that propels the bullet, for the bullet itself without the gunpowder is not capable.

or maybe it's the trigger and pin that strikes the bullet and starts the propulsion, if they did not engage the bullet wouldn't be capable of hitting anything.


mavdog topcommenter


might be good to get a report that is not 13 years old...

a good question is how many of the "friends" were straw purchases.

mavdog topcommenter


Can you identify which logical fallacy your statement represents? Bet you can't.

that you would be able to follow the discussion?

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog Congratulations, in two counter-points, you have not only minimized the main topic of the discussion: violence against women; You've managed to replace it entirely with a call to enact stricter gun control laws.

On the other hand, I completely agree with your initial counterpoint, that it is the ambivalence of our society that is to blame for the continuing violence against women and children.  Probably, as others have said here, it is uncomfortable just how closely these abusers appear to the person we see in the mirror every morning.  Easier to just disregard it altogether.


@mavdog oooooh shaking in my boots. doesn't it make sense to find out which ethnic/racial group is doing the most domestic violence? then we couldn't focus our attention on why that group is doing it.
do much problem solving? or do you just shoot from the hip.


@mavdog @Tim.Covington 

Another logical fallacy. Can you spot this one?

No worries though, you can (and usually do) again revert to an ad hominem attack instead of facing the fact that you don't make much sense.


@mavdog @James080 

I was certain you couldn't. Good point about the discussion though, following your nonsense can be a challenge.

mavdog topcommenter


Congratulations, in two counter-points, you have not only minimized the main topic of the discussion: violence against women; You've managed to replace it entirely with a call to enact stricter gun control laws

it isn't minimizing the topic RT, there is a linkage between the two.

IMHO stronger gun laws will reduce the incidence of homicide against family members.

mavdog topcommenter


oooooh shaking in my boots.

then you should turn up the thermostat

doesn't it make sense to find out which ethnic/racial group is doing the most domestic violence?

only if one views the issue through a racial prism. do you?

then we couldn't focus our attention on why that group is doing it.

that would only be relevant if there were a disportionate number of one group vs the average. why do you assume there is? 
do much problem solving? or do you just shoot from the hip.

yes, do a ton of problem solving, its taught me to not prejudge....like some others do.

mavdog topcommenter


yes, that you continue to not have the capability to follow the discussion, or that you felt you could answer a question posed to someone else?

your pick...

mavdog topcommenter


how would you propose that law enforcement achieve better results in stopping sales of firearms to criminals from private sellers, friends and families under current laws? how do they stop this "failure" you speak about? 

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@mavdog @RTGolden1 It might reduce the percentage of familiar homicides committed with firearms, with a rise in the use of other items to commit such acts.  I'm sure that rise in the use of other weapons, like hammers, kitchen knives, butchering one's kids in the bathtub, etc, will be totally unrelated.

Enforce the laws as they are currently written for firearms.  Increase the punishments and level of the crimes.  Drastically increase the minimum sentences for domestic crimes and widen the circle of culpability.  If there is a parent, say a mother, who is crazy as a loon, and the other responsible parent doesn't do enough to either keep her on her meds or arrange for other responsible guardianship, punish that other parent for murder 1 when the loon hacks up her kids.

I keep my firearms locked up with almost paranoid zeal.  Do I have to? No.  Can they pass a law that would force me to? No.  Not and abide by the Constitution.  I would venture to guess that the majority of legal gun owners exceed reasonable measures of securing their firearms.

Breathalyzers as mandatory equipment on all factory automobiles would certainly cut down on the chances of someone getting drunk and driving (which kills more per year than all firearms crimes combined), but I don't see anyone calling for such an extreme measure to punish law abiding drivers for the actions of dead beat drunks and idiot frat boys.


@mavdog @James080 

Ah...you just really amuse me.....is it also true that most criminals weren't criminals before they became criminals?

mavdog topcommenter


LMAO! you did fail to follow the discussion!

Samuel Clements is credited (others too) with saying "better they think me a fool then my opening my mouth and removing all doubts" please follow his advice...


@mavdog @James080 

He also said, and I will now take to heart, "never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

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