It Really Sucks to Be a Woman in Texas

Texas State Archives
"Ma" Ferguson became Texas' first female governor after her husband was impeached.

Since the 2013 controversial passage of House Bill 2, which placed restrictions on abortion clinics and prompted the closing of more than half the clinics in the state, Texas has gained a reputation outside the state as one of the worst providers of women's health care the country.

See also:
It Really Sucks to Be a Kid in Texas
It Really Sucks to Be Mentally Ill in Texas
It Really Sucks to Be Old in Texas

It turns out, that's not the only area where Texas fails its women. A new study released by WalletHub measured gender equality across every state. The information compiled surveys in factors such as workplace environment, education, healthcare and political representation, then averaged the rankings in each area to determine each state's overall ranking.

Texas was nearly ranked last in the country for gender equality. We rolled in at number 47 overall, beating only Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. The study compared the variance between men and women in several subcategories to determine the average ranking of each state for each category.

The study took into account such factors as pay, average work hours and number of executives for the workplace environment category. It considered the number of residents with a degree, and life expectancy for the health and education category and the number of lawmakers in the political representation category.

In Texas, we rank close to the bottom in just about every category and subcategory, except maybe political representation. We're just barely in the bottom half, sitting at No. 27 for that ranking. We rank 39th in the country for education and health care.

In what may be surprising to many -- or not, unfortunately -- workplace environment was our lowest ranking in the individual categories. We placed 43rd in that area. Part of it has to do with ranking in executive positions, which measured the percentage of men in leadership positions versus women. In that category, we rank 47th.

The best states overall for gender equality? Hawaii, New York, Maryland, Maine and Nevada. In the category of workplace environment, where we come embarrassingly short, Nevada is the best place to be a working woman. Wyoming is the worst.


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well...maybe we just need to inact Sharia law and import some muslims to teach women how to be treated by men.


Dear Emily, just take your pussy pain pills and you'll get through this month just fine. :)

mavdog topcommenter

If you want to continue along the same path of women being discriminated against in the workplace, vote for Greg Abbott...from promising to veto an Equal Pay Act, like his buddy Rick Perry, to being proven to have paid his male employees higher salaries than comparable women employees, Greg Abbott will preserve the inequalities women have dealt with.

For the breakdown on the Abbott staff gender discrmination:


I just read that women here are still free to eat their placentas. That's gotta count for something.


Mississippi is ranked #1 in the study in health and education equality so there's that.


ah great another rewritten press release

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Nevada is the best place to be a working woman.

We see what you did there.

TheRuddSki topcommenter has been identified as one of the chief means of spreading Ebola, and finances Hamas.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


As in zero of each?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I immediately thought of that, but I thought Dallas was the strip club capital so our woman worker numbers should be better

mavdog topcommenter


LMAO! Clary Florina saying the primary roadblock to pay equity in America is a seniority system that rewards tenure rather than performance.


@rufuslevin @Catbird Many women (and their husbands) want a slice of the fresh placenta right there in the delivery room, as soon as the placenta emerges.  From that point, they often do what many other women do:  hand it off to a midwife who specializes in placental preparations who will steam it, dry it, pulverize it, and grind it into a powder.  The powder then gets placed inside gel caps so the woman can use it as a dietary supplement that speeds recovery from childbirth, wards off postpartum depression, encourages milk production, and restores the mother's energy and iron supply.

One British celebrity TV chef recently braised and puréed a placenta to make a paté that the baby's family and friends enjoyed as part of a feast to celebrate the baby's arrival.

Here are step-by-step instructions (with photos) that will show you how to make placenta pizza (that's ethnic, right?)   ---

Anything else you'd like to know about placentophagy?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


All those strippers are on the Cowboys payroll anyway.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Note to self, don't get sick in Mississippi.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not without a pith helmet.

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