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Historic Meeting Gives Hope to Mexican Exiles Living in the U.S.

El Paso immigration attorney Carlos Spector represents more than 100 families who have fled violence in Mexico. Many were forced to flee while investigating […]

Observer Radio Episode 60: Texas Lurches Even Further to the Right

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Robert Zaretsky: Putting Houston’s Anti-Discrimination Ordinance in Perspective

After the passage of a new anti-discrimination ordinance, Robert Zaretsky finds signs of anxiety and tolerance in Houston’s freeway landscape.

Rick Perry Fails to Get Many Governors to Defy Prison Rape Law

Just four other governors answered Rick Perry’s call to defy a federal law designed to reduce prison rape.

Meet Bob Hall, the Tea Party True Believer Headed to the Senate

On Tuesday night, a political unknown named Bob Hall upset three-term state Sen. Bob Deuell, a conservative Republican from Greenville, in a GOP runoff. It was one of the least-followed, but most triumphant, victories for the tea party grassroots. But who is Bob Hall and what does he believe?

One State Board of Education Member’s Crusade Against Fat-Cat Charter Schools

State Board of Education member Thomas Ratliff is trying to call attention to a handful of charter school leaders earning far more than leaders in larger traditional schools.

Go Ask Alice—Observer Contributor Jennifer Mathieu Debuts New Novel

We don’t cover an awful lot of Young Adult literature here at the Observer, premature fogeys that (some of us) are, but when we […]

Fostering Neglect

Texas’ foster care reforms were supposed to fix a deadly system. Instead, they might make it worse.

The Compassionate Imagination of Sarah Bird

Imperial power’s refusal to clean up its messes is really what Bird’s latest book, Above the East China Sea, is all about.

Texas Runoff Round Up: A Good Night for the Tea Party

With the Texas primary runoffs behind us, several big Republican feuds have concluded and we’ve learned a little about the 2015 Legislature.