TIME Crime

Fraternity Rebuts Claims from Rolling Stone Rape Story

"We have no knowledge of these alleged acts being committed at our house or by our members"

A University of Virginia fraternity issued a broad denial Friday of a Rolling Stone story that depicted a gang rape occurring at its house, just as the magazine itself cast doubt on the story’s credibility.

Phi Kappa Psi, the fraternity where a woman called “Jackie” said she was raped, pointed to what it called a number of factual errors with the story. It said it didn’t host a party the night of the alleged rape and that none of its members at the time were employed at the campus pool, where Jackie said her fraternity date that night worked.

MORE: The sexual assault crisis on American campuses

“We have no knowledge of these alleged acts being committed at our house or by our members,” the fraternity said in a statement. “Anyone who commits any form of sexual assault, where or whenever, should be identified and brought to justice.”

Rolling Stone said Friday in a note to readers that “discrepancies in Jackie’s account” cast a doubt on the story. The gruesome nature of the article and UVA’s alleged mishandling of the case had prompted national headlines and debate about campus sexual assault.

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