Dallas Service Workers Can't Wait for the Notoriously Bad Tippers of Mary Kay to Leave

Categories: Biz, Crime

This is your waiter, not your eyeshadow guinea pig.
The Mary Kay convention has been gracing Dallas for the last 40 years, and by now the lipsticked ladies have become a staple of the Dallas summer, known for pumping millions into the local economy.

The money just doesn't spill into servers' wallets. Over the decades, the Mary Kay attendees have acquired a reputation for getting severe alligator arms when the tabs are settled at downtown restaurants and, less frequently, bars. Reports of abysmally low tips, no tips at all and cloying non-tip tips leave local servers frustrated and broker than usual.

A bartender at City Tavern, who asked not to give her name, spoke to Unfair Park about the Convention ladies' reputation. Initially hesitant to talk, when hearing the word "Mary Kay," a slow, conspiratorial smile spread across her face and she leaned forward. "So what do you want to know?"

At City Tavern, downtown waiters will often convene for a post-work drink and gripe about the low-tipping Mary Kay customers. "Some of the Mary Kay people are here and really can't afford it, so a lot of them just don't tip," she said. "They leave a lot of makeup samples as tips, which doesn't really work out."

Mary Kay spokesman Crayton Webb sympathized with the tight budgeted attendees. "Some have just started their businesses," he told CultureMap. "They are coming on their own dime and their own time. They're trying to figure out how to do the seminar and still be economical."

But with their own financial worries, downtown servers are less sympathetic to the cash-strapped attendees. "If you say 'Mary Kay' to anyone that is a server downtown, they'll get so upset," the City Tavern bartender said. "All the servers at the other places come here to hang out, and I hear horror stories every day, all week long."

And it's no small loss for downtown waiters. Some 30,000 people attend the convention, and it lasts from July 16 to August 2. Expected revenue generated by the convention is down, too: Just $32 million is projected for this year, from $49 million last year.

"They leave makeup for everyone, it's not just because I'm a girl. I can't pay rent with makeup," the City Tavern bartender said. "Or sometimes they'll leave little cards that say, 'You made my day!' I also can't pay rent with that. It's not something we look forward to."


My Voice Nation Help

I think it depends where the restaurant location. If they go to eat in downtown D well, of course it's like other major cities in the nation, expensive. Attendees which are mostly newbies & just started in the busn. They are trying to budget their allowance when it comes to self enhancement for training and education. Good or bad tipper attendees, convention help our economy. Big D still wins and we citizens benefit most from it. Very important we should remind & tell our people to be polite, courteous, & hospitable to our guests and so convention would choose our beautiful DFW cities.


I worked in F&B 15 years before becoming a MK Director. I was in Dallas July 18-23

Amazing servers, taxi drivers, hotel staff.

I tipped 20% +. Its the right thing to do...

As for MK being crap for haggard old ladies... Tell that to Heidi Klum. Project Runway official cosmetic sponsor??? Mary Kay


I worked in F&B for 15 years before joining Mary Kay. Make up samples would be silly! I was in Dallas July 18-23. Stayed at the Hyatt tipped our server 20-25%

Bellman $5 per service

Housekeeping $5 per day

I drove so no taxi.

If this is true it stinks. Prepare fore seminar...Bring cash for your host cities hardest workers.


Love all the MK ladies in here getting super-angry over hearing the truth...remember ladies, the truth will set you free but first it will really p--- you off...LOLOLOL


What is all this?  You people should THANK Mary Kay Co. for providing a huge lift to our local economy!  I think restaurant owners/proprietors are ecstatic that they get this boost, when things in summer can, atleast, be very fickle. People that "expect tips"  are at the whim and mercy of everything from wind, rain and random thriftiness; they know what they are up against.  You people quit complaining, or get a new job-or better yet, fix an antiquated pay system? 


Yes -- many years ago I helped provide valet service at one of their events in Addison. Not one -- I mean NOT ONE of them tipped me. Just out of college and trying to get on my feet so working for 4 hours with no money was not good.


I am a consultant with Mary Kay and I find this very rude... Bartenders and Wait Staff depend on those tips to pay their bills. I was a bartender once upon a time and I know how it feels. And samples being left don't pay the bills.  You can always expect 20+% on my tip!  So don't count all of us out....


I also worked at the Fairmont Hotel from 1970-1975 in the catering office.  Once MacDonalds executives met there and I used my lunch hour to type a document for one of the gentlemen.  We could not charge for this and depended on their generosity,  I got a $5.00 coupon to MacDonalds.  Better than nothing, I guess, but I didn't do that again.   I remember the Mary Kay convention as well. I saw pink for a month!


I was a bellman at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas in 1970, and I will never forget the Mary Kay convention -- or the two (2) parties who gave me tips for carrying their bags.  One was a nice lady who remarked, "I know that none of these b----es tip," as she gave me a five, a large tip for the time.  

The other was a pair of women who had me hauling large racks of hanging clothes bags and suitcases for their booth from their van in the garage; I made several trips to the basement, and it took me the better part of an hour.  Afterward -- I swear before God that this is true -- they actually CONFERRED, and then tipped me -- wait for it -- TEN CENTS.  

That's right; a Roosevelt dime.  I flicked it back under the door, which was the standard practice for such outrages.  The meaning was "You must need this more than I do."  It's been 44 years, and I've never forgotten that.  Would you? 

Oh; for the record, my pay rate from the hotel was 78 cents per hour.  


cheap make up products for cheap as people... nothing new about mary kay women

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

So how much $$ do you spendthrifts tip those poor underpaid FastFood workers?? 


The blame for the lack of tipping can squarely be placed on the back of President Obama and his failure to provide an authentic birth certificate.


If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to go to a restaurant. If you don't agree with tipping then don't go to a restaurant. My grandfather doesn't agree with tipping, so he doesn't go to restaurants. Go get a salad at Chick-fil-a, you don't have to tip there.


If you can't afford to tip then you can't afford to go to a restaurant with servers. Go get a salad at Chick-fil-a.


I work in the beauty industry and I don't expect to be tipped if I do it's great. In other countries they don't even tip. They just pay their staff a higher hourly pay and the staff doesn't rely on tips. We went to Ireland last year and when we left a tip the waiter asked what it was for. I think our society has gotten to the point where they expect everything to be handed to them. If you don't like that you aren't getting tipped while the "pink ladies" are in town work somewhere else. Be grateful you have a job you ungrateful Democrats.


Mary Kay is a big MLM scam, so most of the ladies involved in it have credit cards maxed out, and go to seminar because theyre pressured into it!  No wonder the don't tip. to learn more about the horror that is Mary Kay go to www.pinktruth.com


When I worked in the Hotel business we dreaded the 'Pink Flood'. It was nice to have a full house but the demands and stinginess were a pain for the staff.  


@kergo1spaceship Here's a better suggestion, if you can't afford to tip, take yourself to McDonald's!  Who are you to suggest servers get a better job?  Servers are feeding your greedy self while all you do is sell crap cosmetic products to tired and haggard old farts who can't deal with the natural process of aging because they're plastic and superficial!  Oh, but if you sell the most crap product to the most tired old housewhores then you get to show off that shiny pink Cadillac as if you actually accomplished something!  Servers LIVE on their tips!  You wouldn't know that because you don't actually work for a living, you just pimp out weak products for tacky and catty old farts!  We should thank you!  I think you've got the wrong verb, lady!  You should appreciate people who actually work for a living instead of pampering the society whores of Dallas!


@kergo1spaceship why don't you try being a server b!? we get paid 2 dollars an hour. you can't say go find another job, how about you stop eating out!


@DonkeyHotay About the same that I tip (percentage-wise) at a sit-down restaurant. But round up since the total $$$ are lower.

I also tip when I get take-out.

Strong believer in tip Karma here.

How about you?


@bippyizod Oh there's an intelligent response!  He did produce a birth certificate.  Twice, as a matter of fact.  The only people still making an issue of it are retarded Tea Party twats and Donald Trump.  Keep wondering why your party is dying when this is your most intelligent argument.  Don't look now, but I think Sarah Palin is drunk again!

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@cboden556 ... if you can't afford to Tip at Chick-fil-Hate, then eat at home.


@shay.jordan  What person in the beauty industry does not expect a tip except the owner of the shop?  Even male barbers expect tips.  That is where I learned to tip, getting haircuts in a small town as a teenager.  My father trained me because everybody knew everybody and he did not want a cheapskate reputation, because his son did not know the routine.

I also do not buy the idea of foreigners not understanding.  2015 is not 1965.  Yes, even in Paris I tipped.  It was not the 15-20% in USA, more like a few %.  I never saw any French waiters pass on the offer of a few Euros left in the tray (it is always on a tray in Europe and you tip AFTER you get change or your receipt).


@shay.jordan Do you only make about $2/hour in the beauty industry? Servers have to pay taxes on tips that they are expected to receive, whether or not they actually were tipped. On top of that, most servers also have to pay a percentage of their sales to the kitchen and host/hostesses. If you don't tip your servers, or tip them terribly, you're taking money from their pocket because they're going to have to pay out a percentage of that sell.
If you go to a restaurant, just add an additional 20% to the prices you see on the menu. If you don't plan on tipping then go eat at a restaurant which lets you pick your food up from a counter and refill your own drinks.


Oh for Gods sake. Because grown women can't think for themselves. All businesses have good and bad. I've never used a single credit card or badgered anyone to do anything they don't want. Because I'm not a crazy person. The crazy people that do it the way pink truth describe have severe mental illness or belong in prison. However. I make a living selling an innocent product despite these asshats doing it the banked up way.

So it isn't all pink koolaide....unless your an idiot lookingvto get rich quick.



They don't tip because they're cheap and stupid. They learned everything they need to know about dining at Luby's.


Strange I asked my server if they dreaded us coming to town. She said no.... That everyone she had served was cool and tipped well. MK ladies are not big drinkers.

Exception being me. I'll turn it around. Give it time. Lol


I live in NC. I've never pampered a society whore. Most of my clients are 24-50. Pharmacists, Teachers, Business owners and servers. 45% of my business is reorders so these ladies must find MK slightly above your "crap" label.

I pay my mortgage, taxes, groceries and expenses with my business.

Natural process of aging? Did you know that anger releases cortisol....cortisol causes wrinkles...



I think you may have some anger issues.........next year take the week of Mary Kay off, and then see how much money you make. 

As a proprietor of an establishment that served many a Mary Kay folk in the 90's, I would give the staff a little extra something if they felt like they were cheated; cause lord knows the money is walking in the front door. Have you tried talking to a manager or the owner?  I've been in those shoes; find a solution sir, madam, person. Bitching (as evidence in these comments) does nothing but make you mad!



Ohhhhh hi buddy!  Actually, I have been, AND had the pleasure of serving the Mary Kay folks; it is what it is.  After the Great Recession (2007) I made a conscious effort to quit eating out so much, We (the family) were spending too much money eating out 3 to 4 times a week, it's wasteful, lazy and it'll make you fat as a house.  I eat out once a month now, but luckily I can cook like no one's tomorrow. 

primi_timpano topcommenter

Watch what you say about Luby's. They serve some good food there.


@kergo1spaceship Well, I'm not a waiter, so I don't see why I should take the week off.  Unlike Mary Kay associates, I have a real job as a paralegal.  That being said, I have many friends who work the service industry, so I know how it is when they go hungry after the customers they kept fed screw them when it comes to leaving a tip.  I think maybe you have some bitch issues.  Maybe you should not make assumptions, as they only prove you to be ignorant.  Also, maybe you should go back to grade school, as your grammar is atrocious!  


@DonkeyHotay @Anony-Mouse @shay.jordan

Yes and No. 

The IRS assumes a server is making a minimum of 15% of their sales in tips. Most Point of Sale systems in restaurants won't let you declare tips of less that 15% for the day without a manager override. This helps make a dent in the massive amounts of fraudulent under reporting from cash based employees. 


@primi_timpano  Every day can be Thanksgiving at Luby's. Its the only place a stoner, I mean a customer, can get turkey, dressing, and cranberry sauce 365 days of the year. Aint no shame in the occasional Luanne platter.


@joel_colquitt @kergo1spaceship I don't understand how Mary Kay is less of a job than your paralegal profession, please enlighten me.   MK consultants have to do all the same tasks as a real estate agent, insurance agent or car salesman the only difference is they sell lipstick..when did you get the final say on what is considered a job?  Was it during your two year stint at an online college where you front loaded the student loans to play gopher for some attorney that pays you peanuts?  



Oh, look guys it's the grammar Nazi!  BTW, when posting and multitasking, I generally don't check for spelling and grammar.....but thank you asshat.  Oh, and you are worried about people in other industries? How sweet!  You should apply for sainthood. 

primi_timpano topcommenter

I always have a hard time choosing. Usually get the liver and onions.

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