Hockey player does 'Meow Game' from 'Super Troopers' in interview

Updated: December 4, 2014, 5:36 PM ET
By Patrick Dorsey |

Meow listen: If you haven't seen the cult 2001 comedy "Super Troopers," you might not know about the "Meow Game" (update: official title is actually "Cat Game"), in which a person tries to sneak the word "meow" into a conversation as many times as possible (see it in action here).

Point is, once upon a time, it was big. And meow it's back.

During a recent ECHL game, Ray Kaunisto of the Kalamazoo Wings sneaked in seven meows during a 40-second intermission interview -- a better rate than even the original Super Trooper! (Ten in 80 seconds.)

Meow that's impressive! As was the performance of reporter Ben Garrod, who clearly got the joke but held his laughter until the end of the interview.

Of course, Kaunisto isn't the first athlete to pull it off: In 2012, then-Atlanta Falcons safety Thomas DeCoud did it on ESPN's very airwaves, sprinkling 14 cat sounds into an interview with our own Bram Weinstein.

Weinstein handled it like a pro. And appreciated the joke, too.

Old reference or not, this is almost always funny.



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Patrick Dorsey is a Los Angeles-based writer and editor for He has worked for the Web and newspapers. He also played in one Division-III golf tournament (he shot 105).


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