Posts Tagged ‘music’

CovFort Worth

Musicians from originals-only bands getting together to pound out entire sets of often-obscure cover songs or to honor underground heroes onstage has really picked up over the past few months. Don’t laugh. For Modern ’til M...

Daniel Slatton (left) and Jake Murphy have put the past behind them — in more ways than one.

Silky Thread

Natural Anthem’s debut record is a psychedelic progression.
In a loft space in an unassuming Kennedale neighborhood, guitarist/singer Jake Murphy and drummer Daniel Slatton tune up for a rehearsal. As Slatton bangs out a few patterns on his six-piece kit, Murphy wires a pedal between hi...

Abi Oxley and AJ Azer create a familiar tableau in a new venue in Artisan Center Theater’s Disney’s Sleeping Beauty.

Night & Day

WED ▪ 5 Artisan Center Theater’s current production of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty might appeal to the crowd that bought tickets to Maleficent this summer, but it’s worth seeing just as much for the troupe’s new 150-seat...

Lance Sanders leads The Mammal Virus down some DayGlo rabbit holes.

Short, Strange Trip

Based on stories in this exquisite newspaper and perhaps elsewhere, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the Near Southside, specifically the historic Fairmount district, has the monopoly on loud psychedelic rock. In addition ...

Bludded Head’s Reign in Bludd

Killer or Filler?

Bludded Head, Lou Charles, and Not Half Bad run the gamut.
Nevada Hill’s doom project Bludded Head continues to churn out new material even while he’s undergoing cancer treatments. And from two diverse ends of the pop music spectrum, punks Not Half Bad and rapper Lou Charles keep t...

(From left to right) co-owner Robert Holt, booking agent/bartender Elizabeth Honea, head bartender Roy Cordova, and co-owner Don Stephan are ready for River Run Roadhouse to become a destination for all sorts of music, including indie-rock.

Open Roadhouse Doors

Much of the place looks the same. The relatively roomy stage, the gritty industrial interior, the neon signs, the black bar counter, the four-tops, the dim lighting. But what separates River Run Roadhouse from its previous occu...

Come make an ofrenda for Día de los Muertos at Arts Fifth Avenue, Sat.

Night & Day

WED ▪ 29 There will be a Spanish flavor when UNT Concert Orchestra gathers for its performance this evening. Clay Couturiaux will conduct Manuel de Falla’s Suite No. 2 from his ballet The Three-Cornered Hat and Chabrier’s...


Just Peachy

On its new EP, Son of Stan nails perfect pop.
Jordan Richardson appears to be in complete control of his muse. Last year, his songwriting vehicle, Son of Stan (named after his father), released its debut album, the stellar and slightly experimental Divorce Pop. Earlier thi...

At The Live Oak, Anderson & Roe chatted with concertgoers and mixed in some Michael Jackson among the Stravinsky and Mozart.

Cliburn, Now in Session

Fort Worth’s venerable piano foundation gets a chic makeover
Last March, Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Roe, also known as the classical duo Anderson & Roe, sat facing each other at pristine Steinway grand pianos and unleashed a pyrotechnic display of bravado and virtuosity to dozens of...

George Takei talks about his colorful life and career at UNT, Monday.

Night & Day

WED ▪ 22 If you go into National Theatre Live’s broadcast of Medea expecting a play about a large black man in drag as an old woman, you’re in for quite a nasty shock. Helen McCrory stars in the production of Euripides’...