"In our flattened and increasingly connected world, understanding a wide variety of cultures and societies is more important than ever. The ability to speak and understand multiple languages provides us a window to such understanding."
— Morton Schapiro, President, Northwestern University

Quotes from Employers:

“The lack of language skills among U.S. businesspeople is an enormous barrier to increasing US participation in overseas markets”
— Elizabeth Lord Stuart, Operations Director, U.S.-Algeria business council

"Language, regional, and cultural skills are enduring ...competencies that are critical to mission readiness in today’s dynamic global environment."
— U.S. Department of Defense

"Advanced language skills provide the foundation to trusted relationships with customers, communities, and partners."
— Herman Uscategui, director of global strategic initiatives and international business development, Starbucks coffee company

Beyond Northwestern


Use your language skills beyond Northwestern and open doors for a globally-oriented career. Below you will find some international career opportunities, fellowships that will shape your future, and more resources for international experiences.


Bocconi School of Economics (located in Milan, Italy) students visit NU, credit IPD
Bocconi students visit the Chicago Board of Trade, credit IPD
NU students attend a mosque in Berlin, credit IPD
This NU student seems very popular in Uganda, credit IPD
Two NU students visit a local doctor in China credit IPD
NU in Rajasthan India, credit IPD
NU students at the EU parliament, credit IPD
A Medill student interviews local people for Medill's journalism residency, credit IPD
Students smile in Bolivia, credit GESI
NU students in South Africa, credit IPD
Two men talking in Egypt, credit Patrick Scharfe


Northwestern Career Services:

Northwestern University Career Services (UCS) can help you explore international career options, define strategies for finding and securing international jobs and internships as well as coach you to have success in your first internship or job. To make an appointment- call 847-491-3700 Monday – Friday.

UCS Work Abroad Resources- http://www.northwestern.edu/careers/resources/work-abroad.html

Also, take advantage of the “Intern/Work Abroad” workshop on November 6, 2012, 5:00-6:00 pm at Norris, the Northwestern Room

Hear advice, options, and ideas on searching and preparing for work experience outside of the United States. For more information please contact Tracie Thomas at t-thomas8@northwestern.edu.

Career databases

Center for Global Engagement Career Support



For full list of undergraduate and graduate fellowship resources, click the NU fellowships page.

Several Post-Graduation Fellowship Opportunities:

Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Funds a year’s research or English teaching program in more than 150 eligible countries. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree by the beginning date of the grant.

American India Foundation Clinton Fellowship for Service
Provides for ten months of work in NGOs and social enterprises in India.  The fellowship pairs young professionals with selected organizations in India in order to accelerate impact and create effective projects.

The Frank Huntington Beebe Fund for Musicians offers fellowships to gifted young musicians, generally performers and composers in classical disciplines, who wish to pursue advanced music study and performance abroad, usually in Europe.

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships for Advanced Asian Language Study are awarded to individuals pursuing professional, academic, or business careers that involve the regular use of an East or Southeast Asian language.  The grants fund a year of advanced language study at major language study programs in the various countries of East and Southeast Asia.

Past winners of fellowships from Northwestern



AIESECthe world’s largest youth-run organization, provides a platform for youth leadership development and offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment.

Going Global – Expand Your Horizons…Your Career…Your Future with this Global Career Guide

IAESTE – International Association of Students for Technical Experience

Explorations in Travel - Volunteer Placements, Service Work & Internships

Council on International Education Exchangeinternational education experiences for students, faculty, and administrators



Wondering what former Northwestern students have done with their Global Skills? Take a look at our Alumni Page to see how students have applied language skills beyond Northwestern.