You're Fired: Second VA Official Gets the Sack You're Fired: Second VA Official Gets the Sack

Meet the GOP Leadership of the 114thMeet the GOP Leadership of the 114th

CBS News on Obamacare: "Higher Costs, Higher Penalties"CBS News on Obamacare: "Higher Costs, Higher Penalties"

Jackie Gingrich Cushman Jackie Gingrich Cushman: The Audacity of Arrogance

In the week following the shellacking of his party in the midterm elections, one might think that President Barack Obama would be conciliatory and humble. Instead, he has continued to be audacious -- but with arrogance rather than hope.

Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson: Voting 'No' on Obama's Immigration Policies

Everyone finds a lesson in the Republican midterm tsunami.

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Republicans

Barack Obamas presidency has been an unmitigated disaster. The slowest economic recovery since World War II, an unemployment rate dropping more from people giving up hope than finding work, the rest of the world looking at American leadership on the world stage the way Michael Moore looks at a salad. You name it; its worse.

Larry Elder Larry Elder: Obama Is No Clinton

"I don't want to try to read the tea leaves on election results," said President Barack Obama following last Tuesday's historic defeat.

Judge Andrew Napolitano Judge Andrew Napolitano: Questions for the Nominee

Within hours of realizing that his party lost control of the U.S. Senate last week, President Obama nominated Loretta Lynch, the chief federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, N.Y., and an outstanding and apolitical professional, to be the next attorney general. The current attorney general, Eric Holder, resigned last month.

John Ransom John Ransom: Ebola Widow Gets Social Security

After months of delay, federal officials have approved Social Security benefits for the Twin Cities widow of one of the first Americans to die of Ebola.

John Ransom John Ransom: Too Many to Kill—Even for Us

As the now-head of Putins personal security forces, General Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov explained after making up a list of potential assassination targets to dispose of politically There are just too many. Its too many to killeven for us.

Michael Reagan Michael Reagan: The American Public Gets Smart

So Jonathan Gruber thinks the American people are stupid, does he?

Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Who Are You Calling Stupid?

"Stupid is as stupid does" -- Forrest Gump Unless you regularly follow conservative media, you may not have heard what one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) thinks about you.

Hank  Adler Hank Adler: Democratic Leadership - A Gerontocracy

Let's be clear here, if there is an age, gender or diversity gap, this should be a problem for the Democrats, not Republicans.

Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Elections Have Consequences 2.0

The words "deportation relief" jumped out at me from Greg Sargent's Washington Post blog posting titled "Get ready for a titanic battle over immigration."

Matt Towery Matt Towery: It Takes a 'Savage' Manning a 'Post' to Fight for a Hero's Dog

Michael Savage stands out in the world of talk radio because of his willingness to call out anyone or anything.

Harry R. Jackson, Jr. Harry R. Jackson, Jr.: Is Castro’s Cuba Still a Threat?

I remember seeing pictures of Fidel Castro for nearly 50 years. His image has changed from a black haired, Liam Neeson like figure dressed in combat fatigues to a wizened old man. Todays 88 year-old Castro does not look as dangerous or iron -willed as he did in the past, but very little about the essence of the man has changed.

Rich Galen Rich Galen: The Hits Just Keep on Coming

Here we are, over a week beyond the election that swept Republican candidates for the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, Governor and state house and state senate seats into office.

Emmett Tyrrell Emmett Tyrrell: The President of No!

WASHINGTON -- In the gloom of the day after last week's election I think even his allies in the media expected something more from the Prophet Barack Obama. After all, he had just suffered through a wave election and he was left soaking wet. He did not merely lose this wave election. He was swamped.

Rebecca Hagelin Rebecca Hagelin: The Challenge: Homesickness

Weve all felt that bittersweet longing for familiar places and people. Our experience of homesickness increases with age.

Bob Goldman Bob Goldman: Tofu Takes Wall Street

If you enjoyed the financial meltdown of 2007, I've got good news. The Wall Street denizens, who we admired for their ability to take enormous risks with our money, as long as they were insured enormous profits on their money, have turned a new leaf.

Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Did the Wave Election Put Tax Reform on the Agenda?

So did the Republican wave in the mid-term elections make reform more likely? Interestingly, the normally left-leaning Washington Post editorial page seems to have the right attitude about the issue.

Night Watch Night Watch: As America Moves Out, the Taliban Moves In

The Taliban apparently have mounted an offensive against the most visible evidence of government authority.

Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Historic Hype Over Global Warming Agreement With China

Did China commit to anything it would not have done in the first place, without an agreement? If the answer is no (and it is), then what did Obama's "historic" deal accomplish other than put another useless "I did it" feather in Obama's cap?

Michael Schaus Michael Schaus: Professor Hopes to Repeal "Outdated" 2nd Amendment

Mary Margaret Penrose, a full time professor of Law with Texas A&M University, has called for the full repeal of the Second Amendment.

Charles Payne Charles Payne: A Bridge Too Far

Well, big deals are happening in China, including a fresh agreement on saving the climate between the world's two largest carbon emitters. The thing about this deal is it doesn't feel like the United States got much out of it... Other than more regulations.

Thomas Miller Thomas Miller: Creator of the Weather Channel Debunks Global Warming with a Little Common Sense

Environmentalism is a $30 billion a year industry. Rather than do an about-face and admit theyre wrong, those advocating the environmental boogieman dont want to risk their cushy lifestyles that many have come to enjoy by promoting bad science.

Robert Knight Robert Knight: The Story Beneath the Story of the 2014 Election

Last Tuesdays Republican wave election was not just about the economy, or repealing Obamacare, or illegal immigration, or failed foreign policy or the nations nearly $18 trillion debt.

Nick Sorrentino Nick Sorrentino: Have the young simply figured out that houses aren't that good an investment?

Houses, at least most houses, really arent that good an investment. Dont get me wrong, I own a house. Im rooting for a housing recovery. But alas, in many cases, perhaps most, this is true.

D.W. Wilber D.W. Wilber: Hezbollah in the Western Hemisphere

The Obama foreign policy, such as it is, appears to be turning to long time adversary Iran as a means of fighting the ISIS threat spreading across the Arabian Peninsula.

Political  Calculations Political Calculations: China in Trade Recession and What Lurks Below the iPhone Economy

As measured by the year-over-year growth rate of the total value of the goods it imports from the U.S., in September 2014, China's economy sank into recessionary territory.

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: Voters Are Giving You One More Chance, GOP

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, America, but Andrew Cotto is done defending you to his European friends at dinner parties.

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Big Truthy Is Watching (Some of) You

This week, President Obama launched a prominent social media campaign on behalf of "net neutrality" and urged the FCC to "keep the Internet free and open." The man has gall.

Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Educational Fraud

It would be unreasonable to expect a student with the reading, writing and computing abilities of an eighth-grader to do well in college. If such a student were admitted, his retention would require that the college create dumbed-downed or phantom courses. The University of North Carolina made this accommodation; many athletes were enrolled in phantom courses in the department of African and African-American studies. The discovery and resulting scandal are simply the tip of the iceberg and a symptom of a much larger problem.

Poll: 60 Percent Say Guns Make Homes Safer
Baghdadi: The Caliphate Has Expanded
Memos From A Clown Show: The Wendy Davis Campaign
Qatari Official: Gays Should Avoid the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar   (34)  
BUSTED: Pelosi Claims "I Don't Know Who He [Gruber] Is"--2009 Vid Proves She's Lying   (91)  
Dem Pollster: Obama Will 'Poison The Well' With Executive Move On Immigration   (28)  
As Senate Race Looms, House to Vote on Keystone Pipeline Friday   (41)  
Awkward: Landrieu is Fighting to Get Her Republican Opponent's Bill Passed   (38)  
Gunfighter School
Sessions: Obama's Executive Action is a Threat to Constitutional Order   (135)  
How Big Corporate Money Pushes Net Neutrality
Let's Face It: McCain's Probably Not Retiring in 2016   (56)  
Why Is Hal Rogers Caving To Obama On Executive Amnesty?   (53)  
Report: Obama to Issue Executive Amnesty to Five Million Illegal Immigrants Next Week   (264)  
Schlafly: Don’t Let Republican Elitists Nominate Someone Like Jeb Bush   (104)  
Second Amendment Victory: Eased Concealed Carry Rules Upheld in California, Striking Down Requirements for "Need"   (37)  
10 Things to Know for Today
Immigration, Keystone Top First Day of Lame Duck
Democratic Road Back To The Majority Is Uncertain   (46)  
Krauthammer: Gruber Comments Prove Progressives "Lied About Everything"   (126)  
Will Manchin Lead Dems?
Candidate Who Upset Cantor Takes Office Early
New Federal Program to Double SNAP Value When Used to Buy Fresh Fruit and Vegetables   (23)  
Join Conservatives on FB!
Should there be Ebola quarantine protocols for anyone returning from countries impacted by the recent Ebola outbreak?
The UN Is Not Happy With US States' Marijuana Legalization   (52)  
Liberal Civil War Continues: Howard Dean Calls Obamacare Architects Elitist   (82)  
Amnesty Activists Ask Obama To Amnesty (Almost) All The Illegal Immigrants   (35)  
Dude, Really: Code Pink Crashes Veterans Concert   (29)  
Obamacare Architect Likes Exploiting Voters, Called Americans "Too Stupid"...Twice   (119)  
S.E. Cupp: A Tent Too Big   (105)  
WarGames: Obama's Own FCC Chair Resists POTUS Call For Net Neutrality
VIDEO: US Sailors Jeered at, Physically Assaulted in Turkey   (27)  
Poll: For First Time in 3 Years, Republicans Have Higher Favorables Than Democrats   (27)