Dallas Teen Shot By "Reckless" Dallas Police Officer Now Seeking More Than $10 Million

Categories: Public Safety

Dallas PD, via WFAA
Senior corporal Amy Wilbur
Kelvion Walker, the 20-year-old Dallas man shot by police officer Amy Wilburn as he sat in a car with his hands up in December 2013, has amended his federal lawsuit to claim higher damages against Wilburn after Dallas Police Department brass criticized Wilburn in depositions last week.

As Sky Chadde reported for Unfair Park, both police chief David Brown and assistant police chief Tom Lawrence called Wilburn's actions reckless and said that she did not follow proper procedure when she rushed the car Walker was sitting in, despite believing incorrectly that he was armed.

See also: Dallas Police Department Brass Calls a Police Shooting "Reckless"

Walker now looks to get at least $10 million from Wilburn.

Walker was shot in the gut, underwent multiple surgeries and continues to suffer pain and permanent dysfunction, he says. According to doctors, he has suffered or continues to suffer from depression, nervousness, personality change, post-traumatic stress, impotence, numbness and tingling, sleeplessness and problems with his vision. That's in addition to his having had to be resuscitated after the shooting.

Walker's injuries were made worse, he says, because Wilburn failed to promptly call an ambulance and handcuffed him after he was shot.

For the medical and psychological issues, Walker asks for more than $8 million. Because of the statements made by Brown and Lawrence and other information from the Dallas Police Department, Walker seeks at least $2 million and as much as $17 million in exemplary damages to punish Wilburn for "engaging in unlawful viscious attacks and to deter such actions and/or omissions in the future," says the suit.

Kelvion Walker Amended Complaint


My Voice Nation Help

To everyone who is about to complain that this guy cost you taxpayers money, preemptively stuff it.  The ONLY person who cost taxpayers money in this situation is Ofc. Wilburn.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

More Cowardly Trigger-happy Homicidal Cops costing the taxpayers $$ !


Question: Is it a "teen" when it's a 20-year-old man? 

wcvemail topcommenter

First! and first to say that a lawyer needn't be first in his/her class to spot the jump-up opportunity after the "reckless" quote from the brass.


I'm really sick of white people who don't understand satire (or Chris Rock for that matter) posting this. Please stop. It's officially cliche now.


@casiepierce Question: does it matter if someone murders a 19 or 20 year old in terms of awfulness?  What the fuck kind of question is that?  Should it make the actions of this rogue officer somehow less awful because of that extra year?

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