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Worst Holiday Gifts Ever

The 10 Worst Holiday Gifts Ever: Presents you most avoid giving at all costs

Siamese Slanket
This "Siamese Slanket" takes the concept of a wearable blanket to new and terrible heights.
meggings man leggings
Giving the gift of leggings for men, also called meggings, is not a way to show your love for anyone (ever). Meggings Man
Houston Texans ugly sweater
This self-proclaimed "ugly sweater" is definitely not on anyone's holiday wish list. Lids
wine sweaters Lillian Vernon
Giving the gift of wine has never been more unsettling than with the addition of these holiday sweaters and hats. Lillian Vernon
USB drive tampon
A tampon-shaped flash drive might fit neatly in a stocking, but please avoid giving this at all costs. Meninos
Christmas Story pajamas bunny
Just because a gift is funny, it doesn't mean it's necessarily good, and these Christmas Story pajamas really aren't good.
banana phone cover
A huge banana-shaped case for your phone is really not a good gift unless it's given to someone you want to make look very foolish.
Cube Guard
The CubeGuard is very effective at telling your loved one that you know they hate everyone. CubeGuard
teddy bear lamp SUCK UK
The fact that this lamp exists in the world (for $160) is truly astounding and should not be given to any loved ones. SUCK UK
Menu Baggy Winecoat wine bag
A wine bag for your wine bag is not a good concept for anyone, so stay away from this thing. Menu Designs
Siamese Slanket
meggings man leggings
Houston Texans ugly sweater
wine sweaters Lillian Vernon
USB drive tampon
Christmas Story pajamas bunny
banana phone cover
Cube Guard
teddy bear lamp SUCK UK
Menu Baggy Winecoat wine bag
Elizabeth Rhodes head shot column mug December 2013

With the holiday season in full sprint, it's time to start thinking about which gifts to give your loved ones this year. While there are so many incredible options out there, there might be just as many terrible ones.

To assist you in figuring out which gifts to avoid this year, we've rounded up 10 of the worst gifts we could possibly think of, so please don't give them under any circumstance.

The Siamese Slanket

The Slanket is essentially a giant middle-finger to the part of you that cares about how you look when you're cold (somehow more so than a sweatpants/sweatshirt combo). While the concept of keeping warm with your loved one could be cute in theory, maybe you should invest in a nice blanket to save your loved ones from the shame of owning one of these (or the added shame that comes with throwing one away).

Best part yet? It's only currently available in brown.

Tampon Flash Drive

As if brandishing a normal tampon isn't embarrassing enough, this flash drive incarnation takes personal humiliation to a whole new level. Need to bring work files home with you?

 As if brandishing a normal tampon isn't embarrassing enough, this flash drive incarnation takes personal humiliation to a whole new level. 

Just whip out your fancy, data-storing tampon so all your co-workers can feel just as uncomfortable as you do. The fact that this is something that exists in the world is endlessly confusing.

Knit Sweater and Hat Bottle Topper Sets

This "delightful" way of presenting wine bottles — "dressed in (their) holiday finest" — is strange to say the least. Clearly the manufacturer didn't think anyone would object to a tableful of little wine-people wearing holiday sweaters and hats.

The festiveness of these decorations is truly lost on the creepiness that comes with having 'arms' on your wine bottle.

Houston Texans Ugly Sweater

The description for this monstrosity literally includes the words "ugly sweater" so you know it's intentionally terrible, although I couldn't tell you why that's supposed to encourage someone to buy it. Yes, the past time of ugly sweaters can be a wonderful holiday tradition, but it's generally one that involves thrift-shopping (which is fun) and not shelling out $65 for some trademarked acrylic thing (which is definitely not).

Headless Teddy Bear Lamp

This inexplicably creepy lamp crafted from a decapitated teddy bear not only makes you wish you knew where the poor thing's head went, but also why the lamp even exists at all. Clearly someone was feeling a bit upset the day they designed this, so don't ruin anyone's day with this slightly horrific light fixture.

Baggy Wine Coat

Boxed wine can bring up a multitude of emotions for people (you know what I'm talking about), and apparently one of them is a hatred for the box it comes in. The "Baggy Wine Coat" allows you to carry your un-boxed wine bag with you as if it's your favorite purse.

This $63 product is more confusing than convenient, but it does thankfully come in two colors to help you accessorize your drinking.


Meggings — also known as leggings for men — are inherently very ugly and really not very flattering on any body type. Now add faux leather or an American flag print to them and you've got something truly objectionable.

 While leggings may be great for cold weather, they are not pants. 

While leggings may be great for cold weather, they are not pants. Please do not give these do anyone you care about unless someone asks for them specifically (which seems virtually impossible).

Bunny Suit Pajamas

Most people probably recognize these pajamas from A Christmas Story where they are truly the most disappointing and infuriating gift of all time. Well, it turns out that you, too, can entirely ruin someone's holiday by purchasing these pajamas for them.

While you might think it's funny to give someone $50 joke pajamas, just realize that no one is wearing this unless they need an easily recognizable last minute Halloween costume.  

Banana Phone Case

Apparently someone thought that people really need to look more annoying while on their phone and thus the banana phone case was created. Why someone would want to look like they are talking to an inanimate object is beyond me, although it will make you look like you're insane, if that's what you're aiming for.

If you're in the market for a $7 gift, this is not the one you need to be giving.

Cube Guard

Tired of dealing with coworkers coming into your cubicle? Apparently someone was really feeling that way since this is a product designed to act as a physical barrier with the words "please do not disturb" written on it.

Not only that, but to counteract the rather negative message, the guard is also emblazoned with smiley faces. Receiving this gift indicates that you know your loved one hates everyone, so don't give it.

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