Arlington Man Keeps Breaking "World's Longest Golf Club" Record For Some Reason

Michael Furrh's shaft officially measures 19 feet, 5 inches, but he tells the ladies it's an even 20.
Everything you need to know about Michael Furrh you can learn from his outgoing voicemail message: Caddie Master at Caddie Club; golf ambassador for Rolling Hills Country Club; Guinness World Record holder.

Hopefully you didn't get bored and hang up, because that last part is key. At Arlington's Rolling Hills Country Club on Monday, Furrh used a 19-foot, 5-inch golf club to drive a ball 89 yards, thus penciling his name in the record book as the human who used the world's "longest usable golf club." We say penciled because records are made to be broken, this one in particular.

See also: Watch an Arlington Golf Pro Swing 14-Foot Golf Club, Break World Record

The previous record, held by Danish "Trick Golf Artist" Karsten Maas, lasted all of about two months. In September, Guinness crowned Maas as long-golf-club-champion for successfully using a 14-foot, 5-inch driver, or just long enough to edge out the 14-foot, 2.5-inch club swung by -- who else -- Furrh at the end of 2012. Furrh's 2012 attempt shattered the 13-foot, 5-inch record set in 2009 by -- you guessed it -- Maas.

With each iteration, the golf clubs themselves, and the men who are swinging them, look stupider and stupider. In Monday's effort, Furrh looks like he's swinging a limp, 20-foot spaghetti noodle and compensating for....something.

Maas, in his interview with Guinness, explained his motivation thusly: "Many years ago, I was thinking about what kind of world record I could do, and by coincidence I came to this there was someone in South Africa that had the longest usable golf club, and I thought that I could do better."

Furrh's motivation is similarly inspiring no doubt. Unfortunately for him, Monday's shot came too late to get him into the Guinness World Records 2015 book, which has already gone to print.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.


My Voice Nation Help

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen/read.


This is what you cobbled together after you had to toss your Wendy Davis win article in the recycling bin?


Well, at least I'm first to say that this is a man who will be nothing less than first, always.

Also, I predict that it will be the 7th comment that snarks, "DO publishes this funny story to avoid admitting TOTAL DEFEAT of the lib viewpoint!"

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Sure that's not Smiling Bob?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@buckbucky well we could have had some cop block post, about people being assholes to cops then wondering why the cops treat them like shit



I suppose a post about some gimmicky golf nut is more important than blogging about democrats losing the Senate, and deep blue Dallas County tossing DA Watkins out of office.


I was wrong -- only the 3rd comment. 


@ScottsMerkin @buckbucky obviously that chicken came before the egg..not having the highest incarceration rate in the world and a justice system that is distributed unequally among the poor and the rich.  But ya its just that people are shitty to cops. 


@James080 @buckbucky Lots of wound licking this morning.  To be fair, the DO was not on Watkins' side.  I think we're waiting on a more lengthy post about that. 

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@paulpsycho78 @ScottsMerkin @buckbucky When Ive seen people quietly stand by and record the cops, Ive never seen a video of the cops coming up to be dicks to them.  Its fuckheads like cop block who push the boundries, run their mouths and intentionally mock the cops who get shit from the cops,  


@doublecheese @James080 @buckbucky Oh, I'm sure they are wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth struggling to find a way to spin it all into a way of saying America is nothing but evil racist white men..

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