EARTHblog » Aaron Mintzes

Muddying the Waters: House Committee Guts Clean Water Act Protections

Aaron Mintzes's avatar
By Aaron Mintzes

July 17, 2014

Today, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a mark up on the Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act (HR 5078) and the Regulatory Certainty Act (HR4854). Key to understanding the intent of these bills is knowing the language of Washington DC pretext. “Overreach” is the favored buzzword used by some to describe anything the Administration wants to do to protect public health and the environment. “Certainty” means allowing the polluters to do anything they want while absolving them from regulation.

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Tagged with: bristol bay, clean water act, 404c, transportation and infrastructure, wotus

Reform 142 Years in the Making

Aaron Mintzes's avatar
By Aaron Mintzes

July 11, 2014

Yesterday, House Natural Resources Committee Members Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Raul Grijalva (D-AR) introduced the Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2014. The purpose of this bill is to reform the 1872 Mining Law, which after 142 years still governs mining of precious metals on public lands. And “governs” is meant loosely.

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Tagged with: 1872 mining law, 1872, abandoned mine lands

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