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Published on December 1st, 2014 | by Zachary Shahan


Best Fuel-Efficient Motorcycles In 2015 (Top 11)

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December 1st, 2014 by Zachary Shahan 

team-icon-brammo-empulse-rr-eric-bostrom-07Motorcycles probably don’t get enough attention here on CleanTechnica. They have the potentially to be extremely fuel-efficient, especially if they are electric!

It’s fairly easy to share a list of the most fuel-efficient motorcycles out there, but where’s the quality evaluation there? What about the best fuel-efficient motorcycles? That said, one of the key reasons we don’t write a lot about motorcycles is that we don’t really have any experience with them.

But our buddies over at GAS2 do….

Jo Borras is an honest-to-goodness motorcycle (and scooter) expert. Friend him on Facebook if you are one, too. You can have a lot of fun chats. He’s also insanely hilarious, so beware.

In the meantime, I’m sure you’ll enjoy his take on the 11 best fuel-efficient motorcycles you can buy in 2015. I don’t want to steal his thunder, so click through on that link to check out his list.

And check out our previous stories on efficient motorcycles and scooters for a look at cool efficient-motorcycle stories we do catch on this topic!

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About the Author

spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as the director/chief editor. Otherwise, he's probably enthusiastically fulfilling his duties as the director/editor of Solar Love, EV Obsession, Planetsave, or Bikocity. Zach is recognized globally as a solar energy, electric car, and wind energy expert. If you would like him to speak at a related conference or event, connect with him via social media. You can connect with Zach on any popular social networking site you like. Links to all of his main social media profiles are on

  • David in Bushwick

    Death trap on two wheels…

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