Emergency Management
Emergency management is a means of responding to large-scale emergencies or disasters. The lead federal agency for such activities is the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The lead agency at the state level is the Division of Emergency Management (DEM), in the Department of Public Safety. Flower Mound's Emergency Management division responds to issues on the local level.

Functions of Emergency Management include:
  • Capability assessment
  • Emergency Operation Center (EOC)
  • Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) development
  • Functional Annex development
  • Hazard analysis
  • Public education
  • State and federal reporting
  • Training

Emergency Management Model
There are four phases to the emergency management model
  • Mitigation
  • Preparedness
  • Response
  • Recovery

Increasing the Town's Response Capability
The purpose of the division of Emergency Management is to coordinate the activities of various Town departments responsible for continued operations during disasters, coordinate inter-local agreements for resource utilization, communicate with state and federal agencies, and provide education and training.
Ultimately, the purpose of Emergency Management is to increase the Town's capabilities to respond to the hazard that threaten the Town, all the while, preventing or reducing the impact of the hazards on the community.

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