How the Low T Industry Is Cashing in on Dubious, and Perhaps Dangerous, Science

Categories: Cover Story

Illustration by Jeff Drew
Sellers of testosterone therapy play -- some say prey -- on men's insecurities.
Alex Truman didn't think something was wrong until he returned to the gym. Before fathering his two kids, he worked out regularly and even made an early career of exercise. He had two degrees in health and fitness and ran gyms on the East Coast before he moved to Dallas and got into sales. Lean and square-jawed, he knew his body. But in his late 30s, it was betraying him. At 37, he was taking cholesterol medicine. "I didn't have an awful diet," he says, "but I liked beer, I liked pizza." He yearned to feel better.

He headed back to the weights and machines where he'd spent much of his 20s. He'd lift and lift, but something was different. Back in the day, all his effort would produce tangible results: bigger, defined muscles in his arms and legs, more strength and less fat. Now, results like that eluded him. "I'd go five to six days a week," Truman says, "and not see any progress." He'd go running and wear out easily. "It was really pissing me off because I had it before."

Beyond the workouts, he just felt so tired. At 39, he shared a bedtime with his kids, and waking up in the morning was difficult. But Truman says it wasn't normal fatigue, echoing the sentiments of many men in his position. He felt as though he had pushed through an all-nighter for a test in college -- only he felt that way all the time no matter how much he slept.

Many men (and their doctors) would call this aging, but Truman believed something was truly wrong. So did his wife at the time, and she told him so. "Why don't you go get checked for low testosterone?" she asked. "I hear the commercials all the time."

The commercials for the treatment of low testosterone, or "low T," are ubiquitous, even becoming a punch line on The Ticket, the Dallas sports radio station that profits from the low T industry's advertising. All the commercials ask men if they're feeling tired, depressed or just plain run-down, especially in the bedroom; these are the "symptoms" of "low T." Then the commercials offer a possible cure: testosterone therapy. It can be in the form of gels, pills or injections, but the upshot is the same -- taking the hormone can make a man feel younger, healthier or just plain better, almost like he's back in college.

There are many testosterone providers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area -- indeed, men can get it from their regular doctors. By 2017, national sales will reach more than $5 billion, predicts Global Industry Analysts.

No place in North Texas is more prepared to cash in on those sales than the Low T Center, Mike Sisk's metastasizing chain of testosterone replacement clinics. Low T Center has sponsored race days at Texas Motor Speedway and planned to sponsor a high school football stadium, but that deal fell through. (Testosterone supplements are banned from high school athletics.) Sisk aims to have 60 clinics open across the country, one-fourth of those in DFW, by year's end, and he says he'll open another 60 next year.

After Truman's wife mentioned the commercials about two years ago, he headed to the first Low T Center location, in Southlake. A pretty, petite receptionist in black scrubs welcomed him. Signed jerseys hung on the walls. In a waiting area that employees call the "man cave," a flat-screen TV was tuned to ESPN. In a small room, a physician's assistant drew Truman's blood to test how many nanograms of testosterone he had for every deciliter of his blood.

The Low T Center will treat any man age 25 or older with a level of 350 ng/dl or lower, a common practice at testosterone replacement clinics. At the center, the man also has to exhibit "symptoms" of low T, which are outlined in one of the clinics' commercials: being "tired," "run-down" or "irritable." Employees say they turn away anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of the men who come in because they don't meet these criteria.

Truman passed the symptoms test when he told the assistant about his early bedtime and his inability to gain strength no matter how much he lifted. Then he waited for his lab report in the man cave. About a half-hour later, he got the news. "I think my number was like 70, 75," he says, "which is the equivalent to about an 80-year-old man, which is like, 'Wow, that explains a lot.'"

Usually the clinics will perform only one test to verify a man's low testosterone level, but because Truman was so low, he came back the next morning for another test. He was still below 100, he says. He received his first injection of testosterone, which the Low T Center gets from pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., that day. It seemed simple.



My Voice Nation Help

Soon we'll be hearing the class action lawsuit commercials on TV.


Trying to wrap my head around the part of this story that is written to make Mr. Sisk look like a rags-to-riches story. Oh, really?  His dad owned 7-11s, Mr. Sisk has an MBA and used to work for Ernst and Young. Nice rags. 


Interesting that he divorced the woman who cared enough about him and his health to encourage seeking therapy and injections.  Is the upside of this fad worth the downside risks? 


Okay, so "testosterone exacerbates prostate cancer" and 90% of men will have some degree of prostate cancer when they die. Potential risk to our prostates and future bon3rs? 


Impotence became ED.

Low testosterone became Low T.

Brawndo has electrolytes.


What we need is a bunch of old guys with Alzheimer's rage combined with high testosterone levels. They can form a T-party. Oh, wait...


The other low T, Thyroid, causes the same symptoms and costs far less to treat. Also, what are the risks of cancer with the long term effects of Testosterone injections?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

The flood of obnoxious commercials for this dubious product has ceased.  If only the Cialis commercials would go away.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


I thought being able to drift off to sleep right after dinner was one of the features of getting old - not a bug.

Montemalone topcommenter

Unlike Dr. Crusher's office, there are no instant cures.

In a few short months I'll be a half century on this Earth.

I know I'm not as spry as I once was, but that is the unfortunate part of the birth-life-death trifecta.

I am in a lot better shape than most guys my age or 10 years younger even. That is purely genetic. I go to sleep when I'm tired, I eat when I'm hungry, I exercise daily. I drink daily. I cuss daily. Don't smoke anymore, but breathing the air is a close second to that.

I'm sure there's people with real conditions requiring treatment, but most people just need to organize their lives, get the right amount of sleep, eat right, and breath deeply.

I do miss those Bob commercials for the blue pills, though. I guess he died.

wcvemail topcommenter

(holds up hand) I recommend keeping an open mind; at least, it worked for me. Even without that, though, this well-researched article doesn't quite make the point that the academicians were writing so carefully to make, that T-therapy is bad. Three hundred heart attacks (if I read that right) in this population of older guys, who were probably changing their lifestyles to more active stuff, doesn't scream alarm to me. Add warnings not to sky-dive nude with young girls after it kicks in? Yeah, I'll support that.

Also, Sky the writer, you gotta admit, the first four paragraphs read as if you're setting up to sell it yourself. From a reader's POV, why should I care about Truman's life? You can sharpen the pointy end a bit quicker, I say.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Low T? Drink more vodka!

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Nice write up man.  There is always a dark side to these medical fads.  I think Ill wait a few more years to get the longer term health risks before I decide if I ever want to use these places....if I ever need to


This is a direct attack on the feminist matriarchy and must be stopped.


People had better be careful. I too had low T and I am in my 50's. I was prescribed Testorone Injections and took them for like 6 weeks or more. And then I went BLIND in 1 eye. Thought I had a Detached Retina or some other problem associated with Diabetes. Went to a Surgical Opthamologist who ran a whole bunch of tests and told me my eyes were fine with very little if any diabetes damage. Said the whole problem was Neurological. Then was sent to a Neuro-Opthamologist who determined I had swelling pressing down on the Optic Nerve. Most likely from the testorone injections. Stopped them & what do you know, eyesight came back in just a few weeks. Not as good as it was before, but I can see now. 

Still have Low to No T count. But am working on alternative solutions to the effects of it. Everyone can have different effects to this. And it is up to you & the Dr to figure out if it will help or not. I know the consuqences for me were worse than the cure. So I had to decide & work toward other solutions. 



More like a riches to filthy rich story...

wcvemail topcommenter


Why would cancer be a possible outcome of injections? I didn't come across that link in my own extensive research into method of delivery.

wcvemail topcommenter


That one Cialis commercial with the guy taking dance lessons and then dancing at the wedding with his suddenly delighted wife -- I learned that footwork by watching the commercial, without paying for a lesson. 

wcvemail topcommenter


Strange-but-true trivia: if there's a particular couch on which you drift off best, it may be because you're compressing the flow of blood to your brain through your carotids by leaning your head on the couch arm at a certain angle. You're gently blacking yourself out, and your body is tired enough to welcome that and get used to it. Then you're in a sleep pattern, which has its own call.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


This seems to track with my experiences growing up in a cold, snowy climate.

Each year after the first significant snowfall is the predictable news-blurb about the sudden uptick in cardiac incidents being reported by local hospitals. Fat, puffy old dudes who haven't done a damn thing all year grab their shovels and head out to give that ticker a workout like it hasn't seen in ages, and . . . THUMP-THUMP! *aaaaarrrrgggghhhh*

wcvemail topcommenter


That's too funny to be the troll entity bucky-Saunders-whatever, so I'll give it a like. You should change your name. 

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


Wow, you dodged a bullet.

It does go to show that men do go through an endocrine change at some point in life.


I see from the picture leading the article that "Smilin' Bob"'s cousin found a job.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @wcvemail

Can someone explain to me what is sexy about sitting in SEPARATE outdoor bathtubs?  What am I missing?  Wouldn't one big bathtub be better? 

wcvemail topcommenter

@TheCredibleHulk @wcvemail 

Anecdotally, I've heard of a few heart attacks down in the Hill Country outside Austin every year around March. On the first sunny weekend, winter-pale guys (some not so old) jump from the cliffs into the relatively cold, limestone-bottom lakes. Predictably for a few every year, the heart-thumping exertion of the climb along with the "take your breath away" shock of hitting cold water kills 'em. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Puts a whole new light on that driving while drinking thing. Legal, but the tires might be a little flat, so to speak.

wcvemail topcommenter

@observist @wcvemail @TheCredibleHulk @ScottsMerkin

Nah, seriously, no multiple halves, before or after. 

From what I understand from other guys, the injection guys get the most sex, and a lot of them get it just for the sex. We topical cream users get it for other benefits ahead of the sex thing. It's certainly improved my overall health and therefore my life.

And I ain't skydiving nude with young girls or anything, no. At least, not more than I always have.

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