Parks and Recreation Construction Updates
Twin Coves Park Master Plan
The Twin Coves Master Plan is a rendering of the feasibility study that was recently completed and adopted by Council.  It is the vision of and input from the community, staff and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Design approved.

Start date:
May 2015

Estimated completion date:
May 2016

Project Budget:

Work Completed:
Kick off design meeting.

What to expect in the next month:
Continue design.

Contact Information:
David Bauer - 972.874.6308

This information was updated on November 24, 2014.
Braden Bakersfield Park Phase II
Scope and fee going to Council for approval.

Start date:
February 2015

Estimated completion date:
June 2015

Project Budget:

Work Completed:

What to expect in the next month:
Start design upon Council approval.

Contact Information:
David Bauer - 972.874.6308

This information was updated on October 27, 2014.
Heritage Park Dog Park

The Heritage Park East location has more than adequate land to meet the Town’s needs for a Dog Park. This site is connected to the Town’s Trails System, utilities are conveniently located to the site, and it can accommodate a facility that offers 3 acres for large breed dogs and 2 acres for small breed dogs. Additionally, the site has existing natural shade that can be incorporated into the design.

The design for the Dog Park was approved by Council on June 2nd. The consultant is Schrickel Rollins Inc. presented 3 different types of Parks to Council as requested on September 15. The selection was Standard Option (Full Size) - This option includes developing the entire acreage for both the large and small dogs. Project elements include: full parking, black vinyl chain link fence with concrete mow strips, Hybrid Bermuda, irrigation, standard information signage, minimal landscaping, conduit for future lighting in parking lot and Dog Park.

The Project:
The Parks and Trails Master Plan (PTMP) identified 13 Outdoor Priorities most requested by the citizens of Flower Mound during the 2009 Citizens Survey. The Off-Leash Dog Park was the 4th most requested specific outdoor priority. See page 156 of the PTMP.

Staff and the PALS Board recommended that Town Council consider Heritage Park East as the most viable location for the dog park for the following reasons:
a) This site was recommended by the Parks and Trails Master Plan, the PALS Board and the Dog Park Subcommittee
b) Funding is available to construct the Dog Park in this location
c) The location is convenient to most of Flower Mound’s residents
d) There are no adjacent neighborhoods at this time.
e) Both PALS Board and staff have reviewed with Town Council 11 park sites and none have been acceptable to the adjoining neighborhoods.

A 30% plan review is scheduled for mid-October and we anticipate the construction documents will be produced and returned to Town Council for consideration and approval early next year. The project will be advertised for competitive bid. 

Contact Information:
David Bauer - 972.874.6308

This information was updated on September 30, 2014.

Cortadera Pond Project

Planning and Project Description:

The design of the Cortadera Pond project was completed by the Town in October. This project includes the hydraulic dredging of the pond in Cortadera Park, the addition of a fountain and aeration system and an auto fill mechanism to maintain a healthy water level in the pond.

Project Status
(October 2014):

The construction documents and specifications are 100% complete and the project will go out to bid on November 5, 2014.

Public Input:

Resident feedback is always encouraged regarding projects that impact our community. 

Contact Information:
Kari Biddix - 972.874.6278 or email

This information was updated on October 22, 2014.

Park Improvements for Cortadera, Culwell and Leonard Johns Parks

Planning and Project Description:

The design contract for the Park Improvements for Cortadera, Culwell and Leonard Johns Parks, with Freese and Nichols, Inc., was approved on June 16, 2014. The project includes the addition of a picnic pavilion, combination picnic/shade structures, barbecue grill, trash receptacles, trail connections and concrete flatwork at all three parks.

Project Status
(October 2014):

The construction documents and specifications are 90% complete and are currently in review by the Town.

Public Input:

Resident feedback is always encouraged regarding projects that impact our community. 
Contact Information:
Kari Biddix - 972.874.6278 or email  
This information was updated on October 22, 2014.

Rheudasil Park Master Plan, Pond Dredging and Bank Stabilization Project

Rheudasil Park Master Plan and Pond Analysis Public Review, Planning and Project Description:

The design contract for the Rheudasil Park Master Plan and Pond Dredging & Bank Stabilization Recommendations , with Freese and Nichols, Inc., was approved on July 21, 2014. The project includes the master plan of the entire park and pond analysis.

Project Status
(October 2014):

The preliminary Master Plan and Pond & Bank Stabilization Recommendations are 90% complete.

Public Hearing PALS Board Meeting, November 6, 2014 (Preliminary Master Plan and Pond Dredging and Bank Stabilization Recommendations).

Town Council Meeting, December 1, 2014 (Final Master Plan and Pond Dredging and Bank Stabilization Recommendations).

The Project:

The project will include the master plan of Rheudasil Park determining appropriate locations of a new restroom, picnic pavilion, playground, basketball court, trail, landscape and irrigation. The consultant will also provide recommendations for pond dredging and bank stabilization.

Public Input:

Resident feedback is always encouraged regarding projects that impact our community. 

Contact Information:
Kari Biddix - 972.874.6278 or email

This information was updated on October 22, 2014.

Individual Parks Improvement Project

Work Completed:
Dixon, Gaston, Grand and Oak Parks all received shade structures over existing benches.
• Rustic Timbers Park received picnic shade structures over concrete pads adjacent the playground.
• Possum Park received a concrete pad with a picnic table, bench and trash receptacle adjacent the playground.

New basketball goals were installed at the following parks: 
Westchester – 3901 Churchill Dr
Northshore – 3100 Woodpark Dr
Gaston – 2651 College Pkwy
Cortadera – 2000 Cortadera St
Oak – 1015 Wood Creek Dr

information was updated on September 30, 2013.

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