Hermosa Mine proposal: water impacts fact sheet

Hermosa Mine proposal: water impacts fact sheet

PUBLICATION DATE: October 28, 2014

AUTHOR: Earthworks

SUMMARY: Accompanies the full report

The Hermosa Mine Proposal: Potential impacts to Patagonia’s water supply

The Hermosa Mine Proposal: Potential impacts to Patagonia’s water supply

PUBLICATION DATE: October 28, 2014

AUTHOR: Pete Dronkers

SUMMARY: The 4,000-foot wide and 1,500-foot deep open-pit silver and manganese mine proposed by Wildcat Silver in southeastern Arizona threatens both the quantity & quality of area water supplies.

Public Risk, Private Reward: An analysis of the Ortiz Gold Mine proposal

Public Risk, Private Reward: An analysis of the Ortiz Gold Mine proposal

PUBLICATION DATE: January 16, 2014

AUTHOR: Pete Dronkers

Photos of water polluted by mining

PUBLICATION DATE: October 2, 2013

AUTHOR: Various

Polluting the Future

Polluting the Future


AUTHOR: Bonnie Gestring, Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: How mining companies are polluting our nation’s waters in perpetuity

Troubled Waters

Troubled Waters

PUBLICATION DATE: February 28, 2012

AUTHOR: EARTHWORKS and MiningWatch Canada

SUMMARY: "Troubled Waters" summarizes the problems of submarine tailings disposal (STD) around the world, focusing on some of the areas most affected by this damaging practice.

Comments to the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding Montanore’s 404 permit application

Comments to the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding Montanore’s 404 permit application

PUBLICATION DATE: February 14, 2012

AUTHOR: Earthworks, Idaho Conservation League

SUMMARY: Earthworks and Idaho Conservation League request the Army Corps to deny the permit to fill wetlands and streams in Montana's Cabinet Mountains hundreds of feet deep with mine waste from the proposed Montanore mine.

Protecting Alaska’s Bristol Bay Key to Sustainable Salmon Programs

Protecting Alaska’s Bristol Bay Key to Sustainable Salmon Programs

PUBLICATION DATE: November 21, 2011

AUTHOR: Bonnie Gestring

SUMMARY: Alaska’s Bristol Bay is the largest wild sockeye salmon fishery remaining in the world and the most valuable single salmon fishery in Alaska. Protecting the Bristol Bay fishery is an essential element to the future of any sustainable salmon program:

The Pebble Mine: An Unacceptable Risk to the Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Fishery

The Pebble Mine: An Unacceptable Risk to the Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Fishery

PUBLICATION DATE: November 21, 2011

AUTHOR: Bonnie Gestring

SUMMARY: The Bristol Bay wild salmon fishery is at risk from plans to develop a massive open pit copper and gold mine at its headwaters. The proposed Pebble mine straddles the headwaters of the Kvichak and Nushagak Rivers – the world’s two most productive wild sockeye salmon rivers.

Problems with the Bingham Canyon mine

Problems with the Bingham Canyon mine

PUBLICATION DATE: January 5, 2011

AUTHOR: Bonnie Gestring

Mining Waste Sign On Letter

Mining Waste Sign On Letter


Montanore Project Draft Environmental Statement: Comments on Water Quality Issues

Montanore Project Draft Environmental Statement: Comments on Water Quality Issues


AUTHOR: Matthew Clifford

SUMMARY: These comments focus on the project's predicted impacts to water quality and its consistency with the federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and the Montana Water Quality Act (Mont. Code Ann. 75-5-101 et seq.).

RCRA Violations at Mining Operations In Nevada

RCRA Violations at Mining Operations In Nevada

PUBLICATION DATE: December 17, 2008

AUTHOR: Dan Randolph Bonnie Gestring

Modern Mining

Modern Mining

PUBLICATION DATE: August 30, 2007

The 1872 Mining Law: Paying the Price

The 1872 Mining Law: Paying the Price


AUTHOR: Bonnie Gestring

Predicting Water Quality Problems at Hardrock Mines—an EARTHWORKS white paper

Predicting Water Quality Problems at Hardrock Mines—an EARTHWORKS white paper

PUBLICATION DATE: December 8, 2006

AUTHOR: Alan Septoff

Predicting Water Quality at Hardrock Mines

Predicting Water Quality at Hardrock Mines

PUBLICATION DATE: December 8, 2006

AUTHOR: Jim Kuipers, P.E., Ann Maest, PhD

Comparison of Predicted and Actual Water Quality at Hardrock Mines

Comparison of Predicted and Actual Water Quality at Hardrock Mines

PUBLICATION DATE: December 7, 2006

AUTHOR: Jim Kuipers, P.E., Ann Maest, PhD

Myths about the Rock Creek Project

Myths about the Rock Creek Project

PUBLICATION DATE: September 14, 2006

AUTHOR: Ann Maest, PhD

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