Monsanto | Food & Water Watch
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Wenonah Hauter--One of Seven Women Working to Change the Food System

Food Tank: The Food Think Tank


Once a saccharin and plastics manufacturer, Monsanto is a chemical company that brought the world Agent Orange during the Vietnam War as well as recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH. A global biotechnology powerhouse, Monsanto today specializes in genetically modified (GM) seeds and herbicides like Roundup.

Monsanto’s reach throughout the food system is formidable. Almost all of the corn (80 percent) and soybeans (93 percent) in the United States are grown from Monsanto-patented seeds—which form the basis of most processed food products lining grocery store shelves.

GM seeds have been altered with inserted genetic material to exhibit traits that repel pests or withstand the application of herbicides. Monsanto’s extensive patents on GM seeds and traits ensure the company’s legal rights to sue farmers for any assumed patent violations. Farmers are not allowed to save any leftover seeds for commercial use, and the corporation reserves the right to visit farmers’ land at any time.

Monsanto’s control over seeds harms farmers, the environment and the global economy.

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