Buying the Bricks for Your Online Storefront

Jordan Roschwalb runs Pintrill — an accessories company that features an assortment of pins — from his apartment in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.Credit Kirsten Luce for The New York Times

These days, I do nearly all my shopping online. Amazon whisks household supplies like dish soap and paper towels to my doorstep in a day or two, and grocery services like FreshDirect and Good Eggs can quickly restock my fridge and pantry.

But when it comes to personal items, like beauty products, new clothes or knickknacks for my home, I prefer the Internet’s version of mom-and-pop shops to the larger, generic online retailers. For example, I recently bought some natural hair care products from a company called Whipped. I’ve also had my eye on a new rug from a shop called Domestic Construction — and on an inexpensive loom, made by a company called Simplicity, for weaving small tapestries.

I’ve noticed that all these companies — as well as several others I’ve come across — have something interesting in common. While their online shops often have very different appearances, they were all built on the backs of e-commerce start-ups like Bigcommerce, Shopify, Tictail, Storenvy and Big Cartel — each of which specializes in helping people build virtual storefronts for their businesses, generally in exchange for a percentage of their transactions. And business is booming.

Tictail, with offices in Sweden and New York, says 35,000 shops use its software, up from 5,000 in 2012. Big Cartel, another such service, based in Salt Lake City, says it has more than 600,000 stores and has helped process more than $315 million in sales this year. Shopify, which is based in Ottawa and has more than $120 million in venture capital invested in it, says it has 125,000 shops running on its platform.

Harley Finkelstein, chief platform officer at Shopify, said that small, do-it-yourself businesses have flourished online as social media platforms have exploded in popularity. While web shoppers may rely on behemoths like Amazon and FreshDirect for household staples and groceries, when they want a “pair of sneakers or cool T-shirt, they want to buy it from a smaller source, or someone who made it,” he said. Often, the ideas come from social media outlets like Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, which have made it much easier for people to find images of products they like or want to share with their friends.

Mr. Finkelstein said that social media dynamic, along with an overall increase in online shopping, has helped Shopify reach more than $4 billion in transactions since it started operations in 2006.

Big online marketplaces like eBay and Etsy have helped entrepreneurial, work-from-home types sell their goods online for years. But this newer generation of web services helps create the appearance of independent, professional, polished retail establishments, even if they are sometimes just a single person operating a web shop out of a bedroom.

These services typically charge users a fee, beginning around $10 a month and rising as a shop sells more varieties of products. Some services may also charge transaction fees that often range from 1 to 2 percent per purchase. Generally, once shop owners have signed up and selected a store name, they choose among a number of preset designs and themes, upload images of their products and then open for business. The services also tend to offer owners a dashboard that gives insights into order numbers, sales analytics and the like, though access to advanced features often requires a higher monthly fee.

Shawn Theodore is chief technology officer of Oyin Handmade, a natural beauty products company in Baltimore.Credit Matt Roth for The New York Times

Earlier this year, when Jordan Roschwalb decided to create Pintrill, an accessories line, he decided to use Shopify as the backbone for his online retail shop. He said he thought it would lend an aura of professionalism to his operation, which he runs out of his apartment in Brooklyn. Setup was surprisingly simple, he said, estimating that it took two weeks to build his online store.

“I wanted to be taken seriously as a brand from the beginning,” he said. “And if we want to be in Barneys one day, it’s not going to happen because we’re on Instagram or Etsy.” He said his company had received hundreds of orders for its wearable pins, which are shaped like popular emoji characters or pop-culture icons.

While these D.I.Y. web services can be instrumental in getting fledgling businesses off the ground, some shop owners say they need to use more sophisticated platforms after their businesses grow.

Lauren Wiley built Whipped, the line of natural hair care products, using Big Cartel back in 2012. But she said that as business took off, particularly around the holiday season, she realized that the service couldn’t handle the volume of orders coming in. Customers were not receiving confirmation notices and occasionally, she said, the service lost an order altogether.

Ms. Wiley eventually decided to drop Big Cartel and build her own site from scratch, which meant learning to write code. It “felt like learning Korean, from Mars,” she said, and took over a year to complete. But by the 2013 holiday season, her efforts had paid off. “Our business doubled from the prior year, which was crazy unexpected, but at least this time we were able to manage it,” she said.

In an email, Dan Christofferson, community and marketing manager at Big Cartel, said that while he didn’t know exactly what happened in this case, losing a shop because its owner believes it’s grown too big is “a bittersweet day, like when the kids go off to college.” Ms. Wiley says she still credits the Big Cartel platform with helping get her fledgling business off the ground.

Shawn Theodore, the chief technology officer of Oyin Handmade, a company that makes natural beauty products, said the company owed its initial success to a D.I.Y. e-commerce service called Zen Cart, which helped the founder go from selling oils and lotions to friends and family to creating a sustainable enterprise. The company has since moved on to Magento, a platform owned by eBay that offered him more granular control over the business.

Mr. Theodore said of Magento’s help: “It was a leap forward. It took Oyin from being a mom-and-pop and it became a bona fide business.”

Correction: November 23, 2014
The Bits column last Sunday, about e-commerce services that help businesses build an Internet presence, misstated the given name and job title of an executive at Shopify, one such service. He is Harley Finkelstein, not Harvey, and he is its chief platform officer, not chief product officer.
Correction: November 23, 2014
The column also misidentified the e-commerce service that Shawn Theodore of Oyin Handmade, a natural beauty products concern, said had helped Oyin make “a leap forward” to becoming more than a mom-and-pop business. It is Magento — not Zen Cart, the service to which he said Oyin owed its initial success.