FalloutDigital Edition

November 10, 2014

Timberland herbicide spraying sickens a community in Oregon, a look at why the current drilling boom is more sensitive to price fluctuations than its predecessors, California's sweeping new groundwater regulations, a desert-friendly cow and more.


Timberland herbicide spraying sickens a community
Timberland herbicide spraying sickens a community
Companies deposit thousands of pounds of herbicides each year on Oregon forests.


USGS launches a billion-dollar initiative to map the West in 3D
USGS launches a billion-dollar initiative to map the West in 3D
LIDAR is about to become more widespread -- helping agriculture, pilots and homeowners.
Will falling oil prices kill the shale revolution?
Will falling oil prices kill the shale revolution?
The current drilling boom is more sensitive to price fluctuations than its predecessors.
California’s sweeping new groundwater regulations
California’s sweeping new groundwater regulations
Will the law finally mean better aquifer management for the drought-stricken state?
A young mule stringer helps keep a dying profession alive
A young mule stringer helps keep a dying profession alive
Mules are still needed to carry supplies in wild, roadless mountains.
The desert-friendly cow
The desert-friendly cow
A rancher and a researcher search for a better bovine — and think they’ve found one.
Rocky Mountain sawmills rebound
Rocky Mountain sawmills rebound
But the industry says it needs more timber.
Latest: Montana judge rules groups of wells illegal
Latest: Montana judge rules groups of wells illegal
“Exempt well” laws in most Western states allow domestic wells to be drilled without water rights.

Editor's Note


‘Poverty with a view,’ in the rearview
‘Poverty with a view,’ in the rearview
I spent my 20s in some of the most beautiful towns in the West.

Writers on the Range

Dear Forest Service: Today’s John Muir shoots video
Dear Forest Service: Today’s John Muir shoots video
Let people take all the images they want in wilderness areas.

Dear Friends

New HCN board members, Part II
New HCN board members, Part II
Welcome three new members, and farewell to naturalist Ann Zwinger.

Book Reviews

Review of "The Memory of Stone: Meditations on the Canyons of the West"
Review of "The Memory of Stone: Meditations on the Canyons of the West"
Photographs from Utah’s Monument Valley to the Petrified Forest.
Hope and futility on the Great Plains
Hope and futility on the Great Plains
Review of ‘Wild Idea: Buffalo and Family in a Difficult Land’ by Dan O’Brien.
Speaking art to power
Speaking art to power
Review of ‘Undermining: A Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics, and And Art in the Changing West’ by Lucy R. Lippard

Heard Around the West

Sage grouse found walking through Wyoming underpass
Sage grouse found walking through Wyoming underpass
Mishaps and mayhem from around the region.


Photographs of the Gold Beach community
Photographs of the Gold Beach community
The people affected by this timberland herbicide cocktail.
