Checkout Policies and Fees
Checkout Policies
Books, music cds, books on cd or MP3, and Multi-media kits checkout for 21 days and can be renewed one time if the item is not requested by another patron. Dvds check out for 7 days and cannot be renewed.  Book Club kits checkout for 42 days and cannot be renewed. Storytime kits checkout for 21 days to Adult patrons only and cannot be renewed. The library does not charge late fees, but cardholders will be expected to pay a fee for lost or damaged items. Additional items may not be checked out until overdue items are returned and all fees are  resolved

Damaged Items
Any damaged item must be disposed of in accordance with the Town of Flower Mound damaged material policy.

Failure to Return Items
Failure to return items or to pay assessed fees may result in suspension of borrowing privileges or use of library services including computers.

Lost Items
A replacement fee is charged for lost items. If the item is found and returned to the Checkout Desk by the patron within 60 days of payment a refund will be given. The receipt is required for a refund to be processed.

Replacement of Library Cards
Replacements for lost cards may be obtained upon verification of identification and upon payment of the current replacement fee.

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